I'm going to suicide, but before that let me tell u abit about my useless life.

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Guest said:
Hi, don't know if you are gonna read this, but you can correct whatever you want with plastic surgery these days, wich is great, because you can make an inner change with an outside change, there are even especial programmes if you don't have enough money. After that, everything will be better i can tell you that...
Just go after whatever it is that you want... i am not against suicide, but i think you have a shot!! :)

....Topic Gravedigger

Never let your contempt before the Lord project onto other people. I'm ANYTHING but Knee-Jerk.

I have lost my faith, wandered in the desert of the World, seeking and thirsting for knowledge and righteousness.

Vanity, vanity, all is vanity. A chasing the wind.

King Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed as lovely as a Lily.

I was recently reminded that all our intellect, all our best to God is but a vapor. And our righteousness before God is like filthy rags.
whom is bored, about what? life is ANYTHING but boring! Life is great! exciting, sometimes horrible, but always exciting! lol
Not at all. Life has NEVER been boring for me. It's always been a roller coaster with a few brief highs and many very LOOOOW lows.

God willing it will be a more peaceful roller coaster with longer prolonged happy moments!
Guest said:
AaronAgassi said:
Given the gravity of his situation, I couldn't begin to advise alexp without interviewing him at some length and only then a great deal of thought. That's my point!

You don't need to interview him in length to know that the way he might look is affecting him... that was my point.
I have no idea about his life or exact feelings, so i canot give any further advice, but i do believe that's the beginning right there...
And i'm not bitching at you (just in case).

Then you are not telling alexp anything that he does not already know. You are not helping. And that is no beginning but a dead end. Just more group validation!

Even just for sheer sympathy and attention, what people want is to be heard and understood, not consoled or encouraged, much less admonished.

In particular, admonition to morality and piety has never helped suicidal depression.

Socratic wisdom is in gauging the scope of the limits and gaps in one's own knowledge. And compassion lives and dies first of all, with nothing more or less than ordinary curiosity.

So stop talking, and start listening. Stop asserting, and start questioning.

You might even find yourself feeling closer to others and hence, truly at all less lonely.

Now that, my friend, is the beginning.
You have no idea how good i felt after MY plastic surgery... the world was brand new. I gave him what i would have loved people to give me: a concrete solution, for SOME of his problems. Self steem makes things better in case you haven't heard.
Buy a clue! Indeed, you know from your own experience, guest. But it will be ever reaching beyond your myopic introversion that is your challenge. For stators, try rereading alexp's description of his own condition. Somehow is may seem that his health problems may exceed the merely cosmetic. Be that as it may, nor are we clear what level of treatment is or ever can be within his reach or not. Why don't you ask him?
Aaron, Stop Judging Others.

Message from the Universe here!
Must you guys keep bickering amongst yourselves!

Isn't anyone actually concerned with what may have happened to the original poster????

Or are we all just happy to read proclamations about their intentions to commit suicide without actually being concerned?

Granted, i can do about as much as any of you can in regards to alexp's plans, but at least i can refrain from straying off track to the extent of calling other people names.

Please, if you guys which to debate about philosophies about life, or the socratic method, or any other pretentiouos ********, please do it somewhere else. But as for this thread, all we should be doing (or pretty much can do) is hope that alexp has found another alternative.

For those of you religious folk, all you can do is pray.
AaronAgassi said:
Guest said:
AaronAgassi said:
Given the gravity of his situation, I couldn't begin to advise alexp without interviewing him at some length and only then a great deal of thought. That's my point!

You don't need to interview him in length to know that the way he might look is affecting him... that was my point.
I have no idea about his life or exact feelings, so i canot give any further advice, but i do believe that's the beginning right there...
And i'm not bitching at you (just in case).

Then you are not telling alexp anything that he does not already know. You are not helping. And that is no beginning but a dead end. Just more group validation!

Even just for sheer sympathy and attention, what people want is to be heard and understood, not consoled or encouraged, much less admonished.

In particular, admonition to morality and piety has never helped suicidal depression.

In case no one has ever told you, then I am:
You are a blockheaded cocksure blowhard, talking to hear yourself talk!

Socratic wisdom is in gauging the scope of the limits and gaps in one's own knowledge. And compassion lives and dies first of all, with nothing more or less than ordinary curiosity.

So stop talking, and start listening. Stop asserting, and start questioning.

You might even find yourself feeling closer to others and hence, truly at all less lonely.

Now that, my friend, is the beginning.

Hmm till now I have just been following this thread more passively but must make a comment or I'll go insane.

Nearly all the posts I have seen thus far, including your comments in this thread have been negative, demeaning, and counterproductive to say the least. You argue for nothing more than the sake of argument. You seek not to help others but only to validate your own cynicisms toward society and people that struggle with a social or psychological trials that they must overcome. You cannot mask your distaste for others with your manner of speech or by stating that you don't advise on the basis of having too little insight into a persons situation. You see everyone here as your lesser. You want to live in some strange idealistic world where people discuss every possible avenue of their life and environment in one shot. The way you treat people you would never earn a persons trust to the degree where they would be willing to share such information with you. You only criticize others when they seek to whole heartedly aid another human in distress.

You are a disgrace to humanity.


You should ban this impostor, AaronAgassi from this site as his words seek only to bring harm.

You are the loneliest of us all.
I pity you, honestly I do, but I must remain firm in my belief that you do not belong here, and could hinder the development of others.

If my statement does not chastise you, but brings only anger, then you are a hopeless cause and I pray that your life will pass swiftly, so that you need not suffer long.
Guest said:
Must you guys keep bickering amongst yourselves!

It is AaronAgassi that seems to cause these negative comments that make others stray from the original post.

Guest said:
Isn't anyone actually concerned with what may have happened to the original poster????

I believe there are many people here that are concerned, but they're worried AaronAgassi will just criticize and demean them if they post.

Guest said:
Or are we all just happy to read proclamations about their intentions to commit suicide without actually being concerned?

I believe that AaronAgassi is happy to see others suffering. Perhaps he even takes some pleasure in causing pain to those that try to ease the suffering of another.

Guest said:
Granted, i can do about as much as any of you can in regards to alexp's plans, but at least i can refrain from straying off track to the extent of calling other people names.

AaronAgassi is so self-absorbed that he has no trouble naming others as he sees everyone else as lesser than he is, and therefor deserving of his ridicule.

Guest said:
Please, if you guys which to debate about philosophies about life, or the socratic method, or any other pretentiouos ********, please do it somewhere else. But as for this thread, all we should be doing (or pretty much can do) is hope that alexp has found another alternative.

On this no twist. Your words are too true to alter here and I agree with each statement.

Guest said:
For those of you religious folk, all you can do is pray.

That AaronAgassi may be removed from this site and in doing so make it a better place for all.
Wow, nice! I was trying to think of something to say to Aaron, but I think you have covered most (if not all or even more) of my point(s), Concerned Guest. It's not necessary to argue about who is right or wrong with regards to what advice we give or how we approach the situation. At the end of the day Alex is a person - maybe all of these posts help, maybe none of them do, or maybe some got him thinking - I am sure we can all attest to sometimes finding some advice motivating & refreshing on certain days, & claustrophobic & overwhelming on others. But all we can do is listen, & maybe offer some solutions we know of, in case these things have not been covered. By not knowing his situation this may seem a silly thing to do, but in a sense it's also silly not to. When we are down sometimes it's easy not to see what's right in front of us.

Alex is the one who decides if he lives or dies. Certainly I hope he has chosen the former (ALEX, PLEASE CONTACT US), so arguing about it amongst ourselves won't help his specific situation. The last thing that any of us needs is more grief. And Alex is also the only one who knows the extent of his medical need. Regardless, it's not necessarily an issue for argument within this site - by arguing amongst ourselves we detract from the real issue & present a disjointed & superficial approach to supporting someone with his needs. Alex needs help & has reached out. Again, it's up to him as to whether he responds or how he reacts in general, but we just need to make ourselves available for people who need this kind of support at any point. Anywhere, anytime, people need support, & all we can do is offer our ears, our time. Surely each & every one of us is worthy of time. It's so easy to lose sight of the original reasoning for this post, & Aaron, you seem to have lost it most of all by drawing more attention away from Alex than the people who were actually trying to offer him some support, whether you agree with that support or not. I am sure I leave myself open to further attack from you who may disagree with me, but I'm willing to put this forward as I relaly believe that we have lost sight of Alex himself.

Really, don't we just need to hear from Alex? Alex, please message any of us if you are reading this. Many of us have felt pain in our lives - the reasons might be different, but so many of us have been there. I hope that you gained some of what you needed by posting on the site - maybe it helped you by being able to write it all down (I hope so), but you have made a start by reaching out. I'm not sure I can say anything that will make you feel better, but please reach out again if you feel like you can.
True, ConcernedGuest, I cannot conceal my distaste. Can you fathom my reasons?

Scorpio, do you suppose we ought to personal message or email alexp?
AaronAgassi said:
Why must you be so judgmental against judgmental people?!

Because you're being boring and tedious, that's why!

You arrogant twit. You are NOTHING better than me NOR any of us here! NOT ONE. NOT ONE of us, the lowest of us, the stupidest of us, the most immoral. You are just another human being. You think you are so smart but you are dull and repetitive, argue for argument's sake as stated above, are contrary just for the sake of being spiteful, and are generally a Spamming jerk. I'm finished with you.

It's like talking to a wall. A dull, self-absorbed, pretentious WALL.
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