cumulus.james said:
TheRealCallie said:
cumulus.james said:
They don't. I often feel no one on here knows what true loneliness and isolation is. I have no one to talk to, all day, every day and it was thus since 2008, when I joined this forum.
I know people mean well with positivity but I am not getting anywhere because I can't find out how to cope in the knowledge that I am now and forever alone and forgotten to the human race.
I wonder what is it like to feel worth? Imagine feeling loved? What is that like?
What's it like to have a reason to be?
If you have no one to talk to, it's because you don't give anyone a chance. You don't go out and find something to give you a reason to be. That's on you and the alcohol will do nothing but reinforce those thoughts.
The choice is yours, but don't sit there and say that others don't know isolation and "true" loneliness.
Bit harsh. I got some bad **** mental illness you know. You should see my eyes right now. They are bloodshot and dead. I feel dead.
I always felt that thing where you just cant get out of bed, and you have to have rows with yourself for literally hours just to get up, and your bladder is hurting because you need a wee and just cant get up. And you know in your logical head it would be better if you just got up. But you just cant get up.
I seem to be yet to meet the person that gets that.
I DO get it. I've seen it on a very personal basis. I do understand what you are talking about, which is why you could say I'm being a little "harsh." Although, I could be a lot me on that.
The alcohol contributes to a lot of that. Hell, alcohol IS a mental illness. You just can't see it because you don't want to, maybe because you're afraid of doing it without the numbness alcohol brings, but you CAN get better and you can do it without the alcohol. You just have to want to. Not just say you want to, but to actually deep down honestly want to more than anything. Until that day comes, no one can help you because no one will be able to reach you. So, when I say it's all on you, it is, because only you can decide to change your circumstances.