Is anyone a vegetarian?

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TheRealCallie said:
As I said, that is YOUR opinion and you shouldn't be forcing it on others. Each person is entitled to eat what they want, to do what they want, believe what they want. It's not your job to tell others what they should and should not see things as.

Personally, I don't feel you need to kill to survive, but that is MY opinion and I will never force it on anyone else, the same as I won't force my religion or whatever else on anyone else. It's not my right to tell others what they should be doing. So, I will continue to cook dead/slaughtered animals for my children, my family and my friends, because MY choice is not the same as THEIR choices and my children are too young to make the decision for myself and this is someone their father and I agree on.

As for your video, I have no intention of watching it. Everything I do that could possibly harm my health or my children's health, I research thoroughly, so I don't need to watch it.

TheRealCallie said:
mgill said:
TheRealCallie said:
VanillaCreme said:
I think that if I were to ever become a vegetarian, it would be because I wanted to do it. Not because someone who talked about all the theories on it for an hour about how it's wrong and whatever else they wanted to babble on about. It should be up to the person. Not beaten into our minds. There probably is some good information in there somewhere for those more interested, but learning a wider view on it is better.

Exactly and that's the way it should be. I don't push my veganism on anyone and never did when I was a vegetarian either. I don't even push it on my kids and I cook meat for them and friends and family (even if I don't like to do it). It's not MY choice to make for them. When my kids are older, they can decide on their own what they want to do.

aside from the ad hominem "babble" comment, this kind of thinking is at the root of the disconnect for most people. what is being left out of the equation are the victims-the cows, pigs, chickens and fishes-who have NO choice in the suffering and death which is forced upon them. we teach our children that harming animals is wrong yet at the same time teach them that it is also OK to do so. supporting violence, torture and murder is always a choice, but it is NEVER a moral or ethical one.

it is very telling that most people agree that torturing and killing a puppy or a kitten for pleasure is a horrendous act, yet when people support the same being done to farmed animals all of a sudden it becomes a personal choice which is not right for everyone. the only difference is the perception of the perpetrators-to the one's being harmed and killed it is exactly the same.

TheRealCallie and VanillaCreme: i ask again that you please take an hour to watch the amazing lecture in my signature.

As I said, that is YOUR opinion and you shouldn't be forcing it on others. Each person is entitled to eat what they want, to do what they want, believe what they want. It's not your job to tell others what they should and should not see things as.

Personally, I don't feel you need to kill to survive, but that is MY opinion and I will never force it on anyone else, the same as I won't force my religion or whatever else on anyone else. It's not my right to tell others what they should be doing. So, I will continue to cook dead/slaughtered animals for my children, my family and my friends, because MY choice is not the same as THEIR choices and my children are too young to make the decision for myself and this is someone their father and I agree on.

As for your video, I have no intention of watching it. Everything I do that could possibly harm my health or my children's health, I research thoroughly, so I don't need to watch it.

are not the people who are eating the flesh, milk and eggs of farmed animals the ones who are truly forcing their opinions on others? just as it used to be a persons "choice" to own, beat or even kill human slaves in this country, it is currently considered a "choice" to pay others to cut the throat of a cow, pig or chicken and hang them upside down to bleed to death so someone can consume their corpse.

how is getting more information about such a critical subject going to harm you or your children? it is telling when people refuse to confront the truth for fear they may have to change.

btw, speaking of health, this story just came out today:

"The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), the cancer agency of the World Health Organization, has evaluated the carcinogenicity of the consumption of red meat and processed meat

After thoroughly reviewing the accumulated scientific literature, a Working Group of 22 experts from 10 countries convened by the IARC Monographs Programme classified the consumption of red meat as probably carcinogenic to humans (Group 2A), based on limited evidence that the consumption of red meat causes cancer in humans and strong mechanistic evidence supporting a carcinogenic effect. This association was observed mainly for colorectal cancer , but associations were also seen for pancreatic cancer and prostate cancer."
Perhaps you missed the part where I said I've done MY OWN RESEARCH? I don't need your information or your "truth," I've used my own reliable resources and my information is sound. As is the research I've done for the organic local meat I purchase for my family and friends.

Yes, the animals are still dead, blah blah blah. It's not MY choice to make for them, so I, along with everyone else, will make their OWN decisions and you forcing yours down everyone's throat is only going to piss them off.

Now, why don't you be a little more graphic in your next post, I'm sure many people will appreciate it, especially the vegans and vegetarians in this thread. :rolleyes:

Now, as for recipes, which is the point of this thread. My favorite vegetarian meal was always pasta primavera.
Fettuccine, peas, cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, alfredo sauce. Very good.
cumulus.james said:
I only wanted a few recipes and tips!

please check out the video James-i guarantee it will greatly expand your horizons.

TheRealCallie said:
Perhaps you missed the part where I said I've done MY OWN RESEARCH? I don't need your information or your "truth," I've used my own reliable resources and my information is sound. As is the research I've done for the organic local meat I purchase for my family and friends.

Yes, the animals are still dead, blah blah blah. It's not MY choice to make for them, so I, along with everyone else, will make their OWN decisions and you forcing yours down everyone's throat is only going to piss them off.

Now, why don't you be a little more graphic in your next post, I'm sure many people will appreciate it, especially the vegans and vegetarians in this thread. :rolleyes:

Now, as for recipes, which is the point of this thread. My favorite vegetarian meal was always pasta primavera.
Fettuccine, peas, cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, alfredo sauce. Very good.

"Yes, the animals are still dead, blah blah blah."

this is very telling-humans are SO obsessed with their own personal suffering and death and SO apathetic to the suffering and death they so willingly cause.

if people do not like even reading a few words about the violence they so willingly support on a daily basis (let alone watching or hearing it) is not that an indication that there is something deeply wrong with one's "choice" to contribute to it?

i think Robert Louis Stevenson put it best when he said:

"Nothing more strongly arouses our disgust than cannibalism, yet we make the same impression on Buddhists and vegetarians, for we feed on babies, though not our own.”
LonesomeDay said:
I've got sweet potatoes in the oven cooking. I serve them with vegetable curry and rice.

That sounds good! I've been wanting sweet potatoes for a while and forgot to pick some up at the Piggly Wiggly when they were on sale. I've never tried curry though, although I suppose I wouldn't mind trying it.

mgill said:
i ask again that you please take an hour to watch the amazing lecture in my signature.

There's nothing that's ever going to persuade me into doing something I don't want to do. Sorry, but I'm the wrong person to do that to. You just won't win. I'm very open-minded, but I don't believe just anything and everything. I don't mind learning about it. But the moment you begin pushing your ideals and lifestyle on me, that off button is pushed.

I'm not saying you're wrong for doing what you do, thinking or believing what you do. Do and eat whatever you choose. But I'm going to do the same. I'm not telling you how to eat, so don't do it to me. Someone could just as easily tell you how dangerous it could be if you don't eat meat, or how if you don't get the proper proteins, amino and fatty acids that meat contain that most of us need to function correctly.

This is about recipes, not pushing your lifestyle on folks just because you see the opportunity.
VanillaCreme said:
LonesomeDay said:
I've got sweet potatoes in the oven cooking. I serve them with vegetable curry and rice.

That sounds good! I've been wanting sweet potatoes for a while and forgot to pick some up at the Piggly Wiggly when they were on sale. I've never tried curry though, although I suppose I wouldn't mind trying it.

mgill said:
i ask again that you please take an hour to watch the amazing lecture in my signature.

There's nothing that's ever going to persuade me into doing something I don't want to do. Sorry, but I'm the wrong person to do that to. You just won't win. I'm very open-minded, but I don't believe just anything and everything. I don't mind learning about it. But the moment you begin pushing your ideals and lifestyle on me, that off button is pushed.

I'm not saying you're wrong for doing what you do, thinking or believing what you do. Do and eat whatever you choose. But I'm going to do the same. I'm not telling you how to eat, so don't do it to me. Someone could just as easily tell you how dangerous it could be if you don't eat meat, or how if you don't get the proper proteins, amino and fatty acids that meat contain that most of us need to function correctly.

This is about recipes, not pushing your lifestyle on folks just because you see the opportunity.

again, it is the people who kill non-human animals who are "pushing their lifestyle" on others in the worst possible way. as far as the personal choice fallacy, i think this statement sums it up quite nicely:

"You believe that we shouldn’t breed sentient beings into existence for the purpose of exploiting them, and that it’s immoral to use violence to bend them to our will. You believe that branding and castration and mutilation of other body parts is inexcusable. You believe that it’s wrong to exploit the female reproductive system, to snatch newborn babies from crying mothers, and to slaughter infants with umbilical cords still attached. You believe that it’s a barbaric and foul practice to chew and swallow flesh and blood, and that skin ripped from the back of one should not be used to dress the body of another. You believe that these are archaic practices that wouldn’t exist in a truly civilized society.

You believe that 56 billion horrifying deaths every year is morally reprehensible, especially as this ongoing massacre occurs for no purpose other than to fulfill the human appetite for specific tastes and textures. You believe that one person’s desires and preferences shouldn’t override another’s basic moral rights.

I get it, I really do. And I respect that you live according to your principles. But you need to have respect for me. You can’t force your beliefs on others. No one is in any position to decide what’s right and wrong for the rest of us, so for God’s sake, please…

Don’t tell me what to do."

" Someone could just as easily tell you how dangerous it could be if you don't eat meat, or how if you don't get the proper proteins, amino and fatty acids that meat contain that most of us need to function correctly."

they could do so but they would be quite misinformed to say the least as this is yet another of countless myths about this subject:

"It is the position of the American Dietetic Association that appropriately planned vegetarian diets, including total vegetarian or vegan diets, are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and may provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases. Well-planned vegetarian diets are appropriate for individuals during all stages of the life cycle, including pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood, and adolescence, and for athletes."
I have a question for all the vegetarian/vegans. (Was going to make a different thread, but it applies here, so I don't really see the point)

Do you eat things that once had meat in it? Like if you get a pepperoni pizza, will you eat it if you pick off the pepperoni...will you eat soup if you fish out the meat?
VanillaCreme said:
LonesomeDay said:
I've got sweet potatoes in the oven cooking. I serve them with vegetable curry and rice.

That sounds good! I've been wanting sweet potatoes for a while and forgot to pick some up at the Piggly Wiggly when they were on sale. I've never tried curry though, although I suppose I wouldn't mind trying it.

I highly recommend it Nilla! I'm very fond of serving two types of carbs with a veggie meal (in this case sweet potatoes and rice). As well as the contrast in texture, it looks good. I particularly like this combination with curry but it goes well with other dishes such as a thick stew.
TheRealCallie said:
Do you eat things that once had meat in it? Like if you get a pepperoni pizza, will you eat it if you pick off the pepperoni...will you eat soup if you fish out the meat?

No :p

That's the same as eating meat to me. Delicious meat juices will still be in it. :p
Punisher said:
TheRealCallie said:
Do you eat things that once had meat in it? Like if you get a pepperoni pizza, will you eat it if you pick off the pepperoni...will you eat soup if you fish out the meat?

No :p

That's the same as eating meat to me. Delicious meat juices will still be in it. :p

Lol, yeah, that's how I feel too, but I know a few "vegetarians" that do that, so I was curious about what other people's opinions were.
Punisher said:
TheRealCallie said:
Do you eat things that once had meat in it? Like if you get a pepperoni pizza, will you eat it if you pick off the pepperoni...will you eat soup if you fish out the meat?

No :p

That's the same as eating meat to me. Delicious meat juices will still be in it. :p

Same as Punisher.

For c.james,

Being vegan has been easy for me because I make sure my diet is balanced nutritionally so that I don't crave anything. And I try to make my food as delicious as possible so I dont feel like i'm being deprived.

I would advice you to avoid those pre packagef stuff because theyre really unhealthy as pointed out by a few other posters.

My suggestion is to start simple. Get some easy recipes together and try perfecting them. Once you learn how to cook well, you'll be on your way to a fulfilling vegetarian experience! :)

Some suggestions:
Vegan/vegetarian boards on Pinterest (vegan richa)
Jamie Oliver's vegetarian recipes - very delicious
Vegetarian Indian recipes by varevahchef/archana's kitchen on youtube
Google vegetarian middle eastern/chinese/italian/indian and you'll find tonnes of recipes

If this helps you stay on track, this is what I usually eat:

Breakfast: variety of oatmeal (almond milk, roasted almonds and vanilla is my fav =D), vegan cereals with vegan milk, indian crepes with chutneys and dhal, fruit salad, vegan pancakes

Lunch: various vegetables in a salad. Sometimes id even steam veggies and toss them in some dressing. Dressings are basic - oil (olive, coconut,grapeseed,walnut etc) + acid (orange juice,lemon juice, vinegar) + sweetness (honey, molasses, brown sugar) + salt (himalayan, sea, rock etc). I like to add half a tbsp of tahini or any nut butter to make it creamy and yummeh!

Dinner: stir fry/quinoa or brown rice or sometimes with indian style veggies. Steamed corn and potato mash. Indian breads with curry. Variety of pasta. Soups. Grilled veggie sandwich.

Durimg the week, my meals are simple and quick. I make the curries and stuff during the weekend when I have time.

I hope this helps and good luck!!
Yes, vegetarian here. I'm the first to post here since 2015! Wow, this forum is very dead.
I'm not but I would love to be! meat is kind of turning more and more disgusting to me the more i see and eat it
QuietDesperation said:
Yes, vegetarian here. I'm the first to post here since 2015! Wow, this forum is very dead.

I would hardly judge the deadness of a forum on how popular a vegetarian thread is.  It's not exactly a popular subject for many. We don't have many people here who don't eat meat.  Never really have.

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