Indeed there are. I'm a woman, and I do not want kids. Like someone else mentioned, I can't stand the thought of not being able to do what I want, when I want. I'm already too tied down by my job, and the remaining five-six hours of the afternoon/evening before bedtime must be free for me to do something fun or relaxing, or I'll go completely nuts.
Never say never, though. Just because I can't picture myself ever having kids, doesn't mean it can't change. But for now, just the thought of a screaming, drooling baby (and diapers!) makes me want to cringe. Also, I have a friend who has two kids (currently aged 2 and 4 or something), and after visiting them for just a couple of hours, I get a splitting headache and can't wait to get back home to my clean, empty, quiet flat. Don't get me wrong; I like kids - as long as I can give them away the second the go from cute and fun to loud and annoying.
I rarely mention this to people I don't know very well, e.g. co-workers. It's like the OP says - I just get the weird "what is WRONG with you?" looks or the overbearing "that'll change when you get older". I do know a few people who agrees with me, though (some are even women), so at least I know I'm not completely alone on this.