user 136944
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Hi, and thankyou to anyone that reads this. This is a bit random but I just want to get something off my chest or simply vent my bemusement regarding other forums, and am really interested to hear of anybody elses experiences if they have any..? So basically ... this forum.. I joined this one years ago 'because I was, and still am lonely' made one post I think, and then forgot about it and never came onto here, until recently when I just started to read threads from individuals and made a reply or two. Even though this forum is about loneliness, I think it has a very diverse user base, many people that are lonely and suffering and trying to reach out maybe..? and many that seem to be more or less alone, even isolated in life, and are absolutely content and happy with the situation, it's a good mix. One thing I like about this forum though is that is that in my observations, there doesn't seem to be any individuals that see themselves as 'an authority figure with all the answers, whom cannot be questioned' on the topic of lonileness... (maybe there are, and I just haven't been on here long enough..??) but thats how it seems to me. To me, nobody on this forum seems to get into 'futile' debates (read.. arguments) over.. as an example .. how to cope with loneliness, or why you feel lonely, or any other conotations to do with loneliness... in fact, this forum to me at least, seems more like a 'hang out and chat' type thing..? which I think is great...
Not my experience of other forums though... So, without going into long boring and 'personal' details about me, apart from my loneliness issues I also suffer clinically from OCD, not hand washing or checking etc, but the other side of OCD.. intrusive thoughts etc, and have been onto OCD forums online... and in my experience those websites are totally different to this one. What I have noticed on mental helath forums is that there seem to be a few 'self appointed Guru's' that answer literally every single question posted... and HATE when they are questioned on their replies. Bearing in mind that these are mental health forums, the amount of 'passive bickering' that I have witnessed is staggering.... arguing about medication, about therapy, about how to cope with this, or how to manage that.... there also seems to be a definate 'herd mentality' on many of these forums, and ganging up seems rife if you don't share the herds opinion..? I was banned from one OCD forum basically for questioning the UK gov's policies on covid, as well as one or two other points on what many may or may not call 'wokeism'....... no aggression, no bad language, no incitement to violence..... no anything, just my humble opinion, and BANG... banned.
Before writing this today, I was looking through this forum and there was one thread started a long time ago but is still having replies and it made me think of another incident online, although not necassarily on a forum as such. The thread on this forum that made me think was started by the individual with a Koala bear picture by their name (please forgive me for not knowing you name Sir/Madam) I would go back and check, but Im not very techy and fear that if I go back I will lose all of this that I have wrote down and the thought of having to wirte it all again makes me break into pallpatations... The thread Im talking about was along the lines of 'is everything really better nowadays' I found it very interesting and read quite a few replies. This thread made me think because recently I made a comment on a 'blog' (I think it was a blog..?) regarding nostaligia. I stated on this blog that I am often in a state of nostalgia looking back at my youth and also back to when I was a younger man, and I wonder whether I am living in the past..? I then went on to state why I beleive the world is worse nowadays than when I was younger.... reasons such as: when people were walking down the street years ago they actually looked where they were going rather than having their faces welded to a phone, years ago people having a nice romantic meal together would actually interact with each other... rather than their phone, music (in my opinion) was far far better and actually had musicians rather than somebody simply sitting at a computer, the average working man or woman (and by average I mean somebody in a regular job rather than some type of profession such as a dentist for arguments sake) could actually buy a home to live in, cancel culture etc.... and so on, I could list may more opinions but I'd be here all day. Apparently my opinions are 'not correct' and the reply I recieved 'from a 'mental health professional'.... apparently, was in no uncertain terms, hostile and demeaning, using tired old rhetoric such as 'there used to be Wars' and then they said 'get it...?' at the end of their sentence. They also stated that as I am nostalgic and feel that 'things were better in the old days' I am living in a parallel and delusional state of unreality.' or words to that extent. In case the individual that replied to me hadn't noticed, but there is currently a terrible war going in in Ukraine.... but hey, lets not let facts and reality get in the way of things.
Anyway, I'd simply be interested to hear of anybody elses experiences of other forums, or of their views on forums and whether they are good, bad, somewhere in the middle, pro's con's etc...
Thanks for reading...

Before writing this today, I was looking through this forum and there was one thread started a long time ago but is still having replies and it made me think of another incident online, although not necassarily on a forum as such. The thread on this forum that made me think was started by the individual with a Koala bear picture by their name (please forgive me for not knowing you name Sir/Madam) I would go back and check, but Im not very techy and fear that if I go back I will lose all of this that I have wrote down and the thought of having to wirte it all again makes me break into pallpatations... The thread Im talking about was along the lines of 'is everything really better nowadays' I found it very interesting and read quite a few replies. This thread made me think because recently I made a comment on a 'blog' (I think it was a blog..?) regarding nostaligia. I stated on this blog that I am often in a state of nostalgia looking back at my youth and also back to when I was a younger man, and I wonder whether I am living in the past..? I then went on to state why I beleive the world is worse nowadays than when I was younger.... reasons such as: when people were walking down the street years ago they actually looked where they were going rather than having their faces welded to a phone, years ago people having a nice romantic meal together would actually interact with each other... rather than their phone, music (in my opinion) was far far better and actually had musicians rather than somebody simply sitting at a computer, the average working man or woman (and by average I mean somebody in a regular job rather than some type of profession such as a dentist for arguments sake) could actually buy a home to live in, cancel culture etc.... and so on, I could list may more opinions but I'd be here all day. Apparently my opinions are 'not correct' and the reply I recieved 'from a 'mental health professional'.... apparently, was in no uncertain terms, hostile and demeaning, using tired old rhetoric such as 'there used to be Wars' and then they said 'get it...?' at the end of their sentence. They also stated that as I am nostalgic and feel that 'things were better in the old days' I am living in a parallel and delusional state of unreality.' or words to that extent. In case the individual that replied to me hadn't noticed, but there is currently a terrible war going in in Ukraine.... but hey, lets not let facts and reality get in the way of things.
Anyway, I'd simply be interested to hear of anybody elses experiences of other forums, or of their views on forums and whether they are good, bad, somewhere in the middle, pro's con's etc...
Thanks for reading...