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ladyforsaken said:
I think you should go for it too, Alma. :)

Cavey said:
Trying to explain the satisfying throbbing in my muscles to someone who doesn't work out would make me sound like a lunatic.

I totally love that feeling, Cavey. Some people find it weird that I like feeling the soreness. I just love it.

I love it too, but a lot of people hate it. I know loads of people that have stopped working out due to the sore feeling afterwards. It's the best bit!
OK, so I've still been working out, but at a reduced rate lately. I've just done a heavy weight arm and shoulder workout. My arms are so pumped that I could barely pull my socks on. Right now, I feel about as strong as a kitten!
I've been exercising for a few weeks. It certainly makes me feel better overall but I wouldn't say I specifically enjoy the fatigue after I'm done. I don't a lot of weights though, I'm primarily doing cardio to burn weight for now. I do some light weights and sit ups after a minimum of 30 minutes on a elliptical or treadmill. The first few weeks I didn't see any weight loss but could see the effects. Now I'm finally seeing some drop in weight.
You're doing great stb-keep up the good work.

I might make it to the gym tomorrow after class & I might not but I'm not gonna get bent outta shape about it quite frankly.
Good job, stb. It's counter-productive to lift a lot of weights while you're attempting to lose weight anyway, because the muscles need protein and carbs in order to recover and rebuild after weight training.

I do cardio too, but I still have terrible endurance. I've been thinking about buying a treadmill, so I can use it while I'm watching TV or something.
Hard party weekend and won't go to the gym today but I will go tomorrow, and start to lose this beer belly...The pain of being Irish
ok, thanks for the inspiration - I will go running up and down the stairs now (too cold outside to run)
How did you do on the stairs Peaches?

I went to the gym tonight

bike 15 mins
single leg deadlifts
chest press
lat pulldowns
shoulder laterals
bi's n tri's
I haven't been working out much lately (It might be because I injured my right knee doing things I am not supposed to do, but I couldn't possibly confirm that...), so today I decided to do chin ups, press ups and then do some dumbbell flys and inverted dumbbell flys. It felt good.
Back in the gym tonight huzzah!

15 mins bike
3 X 3 on squats, deadlifts & shoulder press

A quick ol' in & out to quote Alex...any of you Droogs get the reference?
Nice reference, though I think Alex's in & out was a bit different. ;)

I've been doing CrossFit since April of this year and I really like it a lot, though I've not been great about going lately. I'm really pushing to make more of an effort. Went in tonight and we did:

8 rounds:
1 hang squat clean
1 squat clean

2 rounds:
2 minutes to row 30 calories
2 minutes max effort dumb bell hand squat clean thrusters

I got my heaviest cleans by 5 lbs, which was nice, but the second part killed me. I'm planning on heading back Thursday night.
Alma lost her spoon said:
How did you do on the stairs Peaches?

I went to the gym tonight

bike 15 mins
single leg deadlifts
chest press
lat pulldowns
shoulder laterals
bi's n tri's

oh, usually I do 20 minutes or so, I have some really nice high stairs, 4 flights of them, like a stepper at the gym, and I go at night when I can't sleep (so the neighbors don't see me and think I am crazy!) when it's too cold to go running outdoors, I do, 20, 30 rounds up and down, with ankle weights.

Or lately I used to go for walks, also with ankle weights, of 3/4 km, every other day, for some it's not much but I am not totally able bodied so I was very proud :D

Now I also have a yoga routine my teacher gave me after I hurt my neck, it's so hard to stay in the same position for even 30 seconds, when I do 20/30 min i am completely exhausted, so that also every other day until some strength builds up. I will go do it now :)
Glad to see you're feeling good, Peaches. Keep it up!

I woke up yesterday to my joints aching, sweating, freezing cold, sore throat... meh. I don't feel any better today either. I keep looking longingly at my weight bench and Powerblocks and thinking "I can do it", then reality sets in and I lay on the couch...
Great work peaches. I only did one 30 min session on the elliptical this week, but I and getting a work out Sunday in the woods.
didn't do anything for three days, sigh but did have to walk around a lot for errands (my lot: 4/5 km)

Cavey said:
Glad to see you're feeling good, Peaches. Keep it up!

I woke up yesterday to my joints aching, sweating, freezing cold, sore throat... meh. I don't feel any better today either. I keep looking longingly at my weight bench and Powerblocks and thinking "I can do it", then reality sets in and I lay on the couch...

get well soon, Cavey!
Walking is good exercise Peaches & it all counts.

Cavey-feel betterer soon pal-zinc & vit C!

I could really feel it in my muscles today that I'd played hard yesterday & it felt so damn GOOD!

Swimming with my chum today was great way to loosen off, & also I discovered at the deep end of the pool the edge is raised high with a ridge on the top, the water & ridge is just at the right height for me to hang full stretch & pull myself out of the water in a pull up stylee...the water is providing just enough bouyancy to let me pull up! Yay!

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