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Hello to you Minty!

I look like **** when I'm in the gym, I'm a sweaty purple faced mess most of the time, BUT I look fantastic out of the gym because of it, so it seems like a fair compromise to me! Don't worry about how you look in the gym, think about how fabulous it's gonna make you look afters!

You have every right to be in the gym, everyone that wants to make improvements to themselves have as much right to be there. If I thought for a minute that I had to conform to some regulation saying I had to look good to set foot in the gym I wouldn't be there either so forget that **** & get out there & enjoy your gymtime(that's to everyone not just you Minty).

Well done on making the decision to make some healthy improvements to your life :)
Minty said:
Alma lost her spoon said:
A couple of girly girls were tittering at the fact that I obviously hadn't bothered to do anything much with my barnet this morning,

That's another thing that puts me off the gym, people like that!!! Good on you for not caring.

The problem is that these opinionated idiots do not confine themselves to the gym, so unless you're going to spend the entirety of your life indoors, you're going to have to deal with them anyway :(

18 months ago, I was 250lb, could barely climb the stairs and looked like something akin to a hairy beach ball. I had people tittering away in the street like they'd never seen a fat bloke before. I've had people that don't know me from Adam come up to me and make derogatory comments about my weight. I used to find it emotionally draining.

These days I'm 180lb and could easily press these people over my head, so they're less inclined to make comments, but if they do, it will be like water off a duck's back.

You don't have to go to a gym to get fit - it's something you can easily do at home, but the other people in the gym help to keep you motivated. You sound fairly confident, so I'd just jump in the deep end and start working towards your new and better life. Good luck with 'Operation Anti-Plum' - that description made me giggle.
Bike, half squats, single leg deadlifts, pull downs, chest press, flys, shoulders, arms, & done all in under an hour.

Hoping to make it to derby practice tomorrow evening.
Derby practice was all about jumping & leaping & jumping over obstacles & apex leaping & jumping & turning & wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Great practice, lots of explosive legwork.
Skating makes me feel so free:cool:
Great weekend workout on Sat-put my weights up & blasted out the reps.

DWR on the cards for this evening-feeling fitter & stronger day by day.
I got a new pull up station today. I am unsurprised to discover that I can barely manage a single pull up. I decided to do chin ups instead. 5 sets of 8 with 1 minute gap between sets and I'm knackered.
Well done on those chin ups Cavey-I can't even do a single chin up as all my power & mass is in my lower body plus I have very long arms, I am working on this(not that I can do much about my limb length)....for the first time in my life I'm feeling like I am getting somewhere with regards to building some strength in my upper body.

Tonight's workout was good ole 5 of 5's with 'moderate' weight, I'm not pushing massive weights but considering my bodyweight(60kg) isn't so bad perhaps.

Front squats 50kgs
Stiff leg deadlifts 50kgs
Shoulder Press 30kgs
I got rid of my car years ago and pedal a bike every where i go. i have lost maybe 40 pounds or more and really couldn't lose much more or i would get too thin. :)
Alma lost her spoon said:
Well done on those chin ups Cavey-I can't even do a single chin up as all my power & mass is in my lower body plus I have very long arms, I am working on this(not that I can do much about my limb length)....for the first time in my life I'm feeling like I am getting somewhere with regards to building some strength in my upper body.

Tonight's workout was good ole 5 of 5's with 'moderate' weight, I'm not pushing massive weights but considering my bodyweight(60kg) isn't so bad perhaps.

Front squats 50kgs
Stiff leg deadlifts 50kgs
Shoulder Press 30kgs

As I've mentioned before, I have very weak knee joints due to a pre-existing condition, so almost all of my strength is in my upper body. I can't help thinking that if we could just take your lower half and my upper body, we'd be pushing some serious weight. we might look a bit weird though :D

The chin ups sound more impressive than they would look, because you can't see me laying on the floor desperately trying to regain my breath. I spent so long sitting on the couch and stuffing my face with pizza, kebabs and chips that I don't have even half as much cardio as I would like.

I suppose I should just be happy with what I can do now compared to how I was a couple of years ago, but I can't help looking back and wishing I'd started 10 years earlier!
Thanks for the advise, Alma and wow to Cavey! Good job.

Of course Alma, you are right. It's hard not to be self conscious but I am working on it. :)
Cavey that might well look quite a bit bizarre, not to mention how difficult it might make finding clothes....actually I have enough trouble finding clothes(dresses) that fit I'm three different dress sizes in one as it is.

Minty-how are you getting on? What have you been up to?

The other day I was wondering why I was getting strange(r than normal) looks in the gym, I realised when I came home for a shower-I was wearing one of my derby training vests(nothing so weird with that in itself I usually wear derby vests to workout in) with the slogan...


Completely hilarious derby slogan-maybe not as suitable in the gym lmao
Apparently, the pull up station was a good idea, because I woke up this morning with muscles aching that I never even knew existed prior to today.

I think I'm going to have the day off - especially as I am supposed to be meeting my dad for breakfast, which will involve eating my own bodyweight in incredibly unhealthy, chemical-filled, processed meats and large amounts of saturated fat.

It'll be a one-off thing, I promise...
Workout achieved!:)

Today was my 'bitsa' workout~
Bike, half squats with the bar, single leg deadlifts, bent over rows, lat pull downs, chest press, shoulder raises(f,l,r), arms.

Been out with the dog for a brisk walk as a kool down in the rain when I got back too.

All ready for the day ahead now:cool:
After a few days off I was back in the gym like a boss this morning for 3 of 3's workout on front squats, stiffleg deadlifts, bent rows, shurg, shrug, cleans & shoulder press.

Onwards & upwards as they say!
Well, I wasn't in the best of moods yesterday, so I did something I never do: Squats. Unfortunately, the maximum weight I could find was 150lbs and that didn't feel heavy at all. Having said this, I woke up this morning with my thighs are aching like they haven't ached in years, so maybe it was heavy enough ;)

I also did some heavy bent over rows, overhead dumbbell presses and some press ups. A few tricep exercises and some bicep curls to finish off.

Today I just went for a long walk - it helps me to relax and keep my mental health in check. There's some lovely autumnal colours out there too :)
Well done on the squats Cavey! *thumbsup

I felt weak as a baby in the gym this morning & had to make myself complete my workout-I HATE when it's like that but I DID finish so that's sumat I guess.
I have done NOTHING for almost a week. I tried doing High Intensity Interval Training and it totally screwed my knee up! Think I am just gonna have to stick to the toning exercises and walking because anything that takes any amount of effort just tends to do me a mischief!

Alma lost her spoon said:
Minty-how are you getting on? What have you been up to?

The other day I was wondering why I was getting strange(r than normal) looks in the gym, I realised when I came home for a shower-I was wearing one of my derby training vests(nothing so weird with that in itself I usually wear derby vests to workout in) with the slogan...


Completely hilarious derby slogan-maybe not as suitable in the gym lmao


I've discovered Tracey Anderson's workouts on youtube - since I have an aversion to gyms, I am working out at home.

Up until almost a week ago, I was doing her arms workout (really frickin hard! I could only manage three minutes of it when I first did it haha), HIIT and yoga. But of course, I had my birthday this weekend and have only just recovered!

So I am back on it today. Yoga, some free weights toning, arms workout. It takes me about 40 minutes so I guess that's okay for starting off and I do feel pretty amazing once I complete it.

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