lostear said:
Nearing the end of my first successful hike. Snapped on top of the Waverly Cliff above Harper Ferry. That railroad in the background leads to Harper Ferry. You can barely see a couple bright dots in the wood, that's the town.
I have been trying to get myself to hike more and more to build up my confidence and fitness level. This is a pic from my latest hike.
ardour said:Well just to celebrate at having overheard being called "gross" again by a couple of women at the health food cafe I normally like to frequent after work...but won't be any more... thought I'd post this icky low-res pick from my lap top. To prove a point (that we can't all be pretty)
Look upon the face of the would-be rapist/stalker/perv male...the starring role in your nightmares ladies...
TheRealCallie said:Ardour, I don't see anything about you that would cause people to say you are gross. Maybe you had food or something on you? Toilet paper hanging from your shoe?
Don't let some uppity ******* stop you from going to a place you enjoy. They don't matter in the least.
ardour said:TheRealCallie said:Ardour, I don't see anything about you that would cause people to say you are gross. Maybe you had food or something on you? Toilet paper hanging from your shoe?
Don't let some uppity ******* stop you from going to a place you enjoy. They don't matter in the least.
Those "uppity *******" work there. I won't be going back.
ardour said:TheRealCallie said:Ardour, I don't see anything about you that would cause people to say you are gross. Maybe you had food or something on you? Toilet paper hanging from your shoe?
Don't let some uppity ******* stop you from going to a place you enjoy. They don't matter in the least.
Those "uppity *******" work there. I won't be going back.
ardour said:Predictably you guys are being kind. Triple Bogey, thanks for the honesty. That was an attempt at a pleasant expression but it comes across like a smirk with underlying hostility, while the brow furrows make me look aggressive. All we can do is focus on the relationships that matter instead of worrying about what strangers think.
Triple Bogey said:Secondly, I am going to be honest because I think me and you have a lot in common. You aren't ugly but you have a intense looking face. Not your fault, just the way your face is. I am similar. I have a permanent frown on my face. I look intense and unfriendly, scary even. Unless I am smiling about something I look horrendous. People who meet me for the first time probably recoil from me and think all sorts. Of course when they get to know me they realize what a nice, sweet person I am.
ardour said:... thanks for the message Locke.