Lets see the Faces!!!

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SophiaGrace said:
Don't worry TP. I understand how you feel. I don't much like posting pics of myself here either. I've had an experience in the past where people abused my pic and posted it on a bodybuilding forum to make fun of it.

People have nothing better to do with their lives...

^ A similar thing has happened to me.
Can we please get back on topic here? As a show of faith, I will post a recent (horrible) pic of me. My son took it, so that's why part of my head is missing. :p

Please don't quote it, it won't be staying up for long.

ETA: see, told you it would be up for long.
Callie, you look so much like my cousin, well, half of your face does at least with the smile, her hair is exactly like yours, except that her hair's black.
Lovely to see you so smiley there Callie:)

I might be tempted to put another of myself up but I think the forum's sick of the sight of me already lol
TheRealCallie said:
Can we please get back on topic here? As a show of faith, I will post a recent (horrible) pic of me. My son took it, so that's why part of my head is missing. :p

You are quite lovely, Callie. :)
It's okay, even quoted, I can make it disappear. I fully expected it to get quoted at least once.

And thanks everyone :)
TheRealCallie said:
It's okay, even quoted, I can make it disappear. I fully expected it to get quoted at least once.

And thanks everyone :)

not on purpose though. I wasn't been deliberately mean. Didn't know what 'quoted' meant.
new here, what a better way to meet people than posting my stupid face? :p

Triple Bogey said:
TheRealCallie said:
It's okay, even quoted, I can make it disappear. I fully expected it to get quoted at least once.

And thanks everyone :)

not on purpose though. I wasn't been deliberately mean. Didn't know what 'quoted' meant.

I know it wasn't on purpose. No worries.

Nice pic, Erevetot :D
Erevetot said:
new here, what a better way to meet people than posting my stupid face? :p

Your face is decidedly un-stupid!

Great, now I want a cigarette *chews more gum*
Hi everyone. Ive been on the forum for some time but I thought i would post my picture for a short while so people can get to know me a bit. :)

Madam above me, you're gorgeous.

I'll post one of me (bad quality) - just made few minutes ago with webcam. No posh clothing (not that I have that) no makeup (not that I have that). Just me.


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