Lets see the Faces!!!

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yikes! I never thought of that.. best not put mine up either then


Hang on you can do that? I had to cringe until it got buried in about 300 pages

I figured I could just go in and edit post after a few hours.. never thought about people copying and sharing on the web :(
Dandelion said:
yikes! I never thought of that.. best not put mine up either then
I figured I could just go in and edit post after a few hours.. never thought about people copying and sharing on the web :(

They can do that with facebook pictures. :/ If you're on any kind of social media you're effectively committing part of yourself and life to being displayed on the internet. To anyone. Privacy settings don't stop people from sharing your pictures.

jzinsky said:
Hang on you can do that? I had to cringe until it got buried in about 300 pages

You can edit your post up to 24 hours after you've made it I believe. Which means you can delete your picture.
Look, Ma! No Glasses :club:

You are beautiful Amy! Your right about facebook Aisha, good point! im feeling brave..

Edit: thank you everyone for the compliments! That was not as scary as I thought.
Maybe I will try it again some day. You're all beautiful inside and out!
Not sure if you noticed, dandelion but you're slightly green. :O

But from what I can see, you're very pretty and you look very young :) Are you sure you didn't pause the aging process in your teens?
Aisha said:
Not sure if you noticed, dandelion but you're slightly green. :O

But from what I can see, you're very pretty and you look very young :) Are you sure you didn't pause the aging process in your teens?

:shy: Thanks. iv'e always looked younger than what I am, don't know why. Used to annoy me when I was younger but now when someone askes for ID I feel happy :D added the effects to conceal my self a lil.. im terribly shy and self-conscious
Dandelion said:
Aisha said:
Not sure if you noticed, dandelion but you're slightly green. :O

But from what I can see, you're very pretty and you look very young :) Are you sure you didn't pause the aging process in your teens?

:shy: Thanks. iv'e always looked younger than what I am, don't know why. Used to annoy me when I was younger but now when someone askes for ID I feel happy :D added the effects to conceal my self a lil.. im terribly shy and self-conscious

Well, you have nothing whatsoever to feel self-conscious about :) And as for looking younger, that's a good gift to have, congrats on your awesome luck!
Amy and Dandelion, I really don't know what to say. I'll just say that both of you look beautiful and wonderful. <blush>
Thank you Aisha! that gives me some confidence! You might change your mind once the effects are gone though, lol

Beyondshy, thanks.. im the one blushing..seriously! thanks for not poking fun. im sensitive :p

AmytheTemperamental said:
Look, Ma! No Glasses :club:


You kind of remind me of Lydia from Beetlejuice..

Dandelion said:
Beyondshy, thanks.. im the one blushing..seriously! thanks for not poking fun. im sensitive :p

I would never poke fun.

[major blush]There are times when I do things that are not really me. That is to say I do things at times that I wish I can do all the time and this is one of them. Your picture was stunning, gorgeous and beautiful all combined and rolled into one. [/major blush]

Ok, I am back to normal now.

"She walks in beauty, like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
And all that’s best of dark and bright
Meet in her aspect and her eyes;
Thus mellowed to that tender light
Which heaven to gaudy day denies."
-Lord Byron
Amy, you're pretty! You look a lot like my brother's girlfriend though.
I've missed Dandelion's pic but I'm sure she's pretty too.
I was apparently on lsd when watching Dandelions pic, but she did look great in green and red and blue and yellow.

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