"Life is too short."

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SophiaGrace - Seriously, just wow. I don't mean to sound mean or rude, but it's much easier to be kind and generous when you are famous and you have loads of money. Just saying...
Omnipotent Soul said:
SophiaGrace - Seriously, just wow. I don't mean to sound mean or rude, but it's much easier to be kind and generous when you are famous and you have loads of money. Just saying...

Yeah it probably creates a sense of "I should do something good with this instead of spending it on myself."
I don't agree with that first statement. Animals can be just as ******* to other animals as humans are to humans. We should really stop denigrating our own species and be the change we want to see in the world instead of complaining all the time, because complaining might make you feel good but it won't solve anything.
Omnipotent Soul said:
I don't mean to sound mean or rude, but it's much easier to be kind and generous when you are famous and you have loads of money. Just saying...

I disagree. Kindness isn't only for the rich. It doesn't cost me anything to be kind to people.
Case said:
Omnipotent Soul said:
I don't mean to sound mean or rude, but it's much easier to be kind and generous when you are famous and you have loads of money. Just saying...

I disagree. Kindness isn't only for the rich. It doesn't cost me anything to be kind to people.

Yes and I would add that one sometimes even gains by being sincerely kind to others and sticking up for an underdog. A sense of community, a smile from a stranger, a warm fuzzy feeling. And if you gain nothing, so what? Nothing wrong with a little altruism here and there.

There will always be people who mistreat you and take you for granted. You should still try to be a nice person.
LeaningIntoTheMuse said:
There will always be people who mistreat you and take you for granted. You should still try to be a nice person.

I think so too.

Good to see you around again, Muse. :)
thewillowtree - Thanks for your comment. True animals can be horrible to each other. But they are doing it for survival. Not for fun, or just because they can. You will never see animals kill for fun, only for survival. Which is okay, as it is just Nature.

Case - I never said that kindness was only for the rich. Everyday kindness like opening/holding open doors for others costs nothing. Or just being kind in general doesn't cost. But if you're rich you could easily give £100,000 to charity, or if you're famous, you could go and help homeless people, or do charity work or help others in other countries. And you would be a hero/herion and most likely more famous. Of course you could do most of these without bieng rich or famous, but you can't just hand over £100,000 or more in one go.

SofiasMami - True but read what I said for Case please.

LeaningIntoTheMuse - True and I do. But it seems that most of the population just doesn't care. And as I already said, I've never met anyone who isn't just thinking of themselves. (Excluding my family).

ladyforsaken - I do. Please read what I said for LeaningIntoTheMuse.

Thank you for reading.
Omnipotent Soul said:
Case - I never said that kindness was only for the rich. Everyday kindness like opening/holding open doors for others costs nothing. Or just being kind in general doesn't cost. But if you're rich you could easily give £100,000 to charity, or if you're famous, you could go and help homeless people, or do charity work or help others in other countries. And you would be a hero/herion and most likely more famous. Of course you could do most of these without bieng rich or famous, but you can't just hand over £100,000 or more in one go.

The point of SophiaGrace's posted images was to show that people are good, which counters your initial post of pessimism. Her posts have proven that people, both rich and poor, have shown themselves to be very kind and helpful.

I also stand by my post.
^ I feel that life is too long some times. I guess it is a matter of experience & goals & where one is in their life.
Do you suffer from depression? I do (I think a lot of people on here possibly do) and I sometimes feel the same way you do. I try to not let it define or consume my life, otherwise I would be looking for a way out, and that's a dark lonely road to go down.
the_ice_man said:
Do you suffer from depression? I do (I think a lot of people on here possibly do) and I sometimes feel the same way you do. I try to not let it define or consume my life, otherwise I would be looking for a way out, and that's a dark lonely road to go down.

I wouldn't say I suffer from it. I used to a few years ago. When I was 14-15. Something no person should go through, let alone a teenager. So it doesn't feel the same as that. But it may be turning into that. I just don't know.
I suggest speaking to your Dr. about all of this. If you have a supportive family, then that's half the battle won right there. Unfortunately they are often the root of the problem (as in my case), and can't be of any help. Sadly there are no quick fixes, just the hope that life won't always appear so hopeless and pointless.
It is too short. I wish I could find something that truly inspires me. That gives me a sense of purpose. That gets me doing something with myself before it's too late.
the_ice_man said:
I suggest speaking to your Dr. about all of this. If you have a supportive family, then that's half the battle won right there. Unfortunately they are often the root of the problem (as in my case), and can't be of any help. Sadly there are no quick fixes, just the hope that life won't always appear so hopeless and pointless.

I don't have one. Perhaps that's the problem. My family.

edgecrusher said:
It is too short. I wish I could find something that truly inspires me. That gives me a sense of purpose. That gets me doing something with myself before it's too late.

The same applies to me. And I like your Signature. :)

And to SophiaGrace, Thanks for your effort and I will post a person doing good things. Although I still have never met anyone like this.


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