Hey, j’aime Quebec!Quebec, in Canada (up yours, you Yanks)
Ouais! Moi aussi j'aime NY, mais chu jamais aller...encoreHey, j’aime Quebec!
New York
Don't be so sure of that! Lol..My best guess as to where everyone is from would be Earth.
Wished I'd a thought of that! Good one. Sorry to hear that tho! But aren't we all...The State Of Constant Despair.
Wished I'd a thought of that! Good one. Sorry to hear that tho! But aren't we all...
The State Of Constant Despair.
Dude we live in the same state. Hello my fellow Despairian!
(waves from the driver's seat of my Chevy El Depresso)
I like the quote u have on here! I always felt that feelings are one of the most important things in life. And are there for a reason.Raffaella, 35, NYC
Hey thereHiya!
I'm 30, female, from New Zealand.
Hey thereNu Zuland