love isn't for me

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unlucky in life said:
EveWasFramed said:
I still dont get where missing teeth and "yee" come in at. *scratches head*

yee is irish slang for them irish that why you have not heard of it

*snorts* Of course I have. My POINT was, you hadn't been using it previously (that I noticed).
unlucky in life said:
i don't want any more so called help all yee done is damage me more .

you've damaged yourself.

you've admitted you are shallow and only pick guys who are no good for you, who treat you like a piece of crap, who cheat on you, who are superficial.

you know you do this, you know it's wrong, you say so, yet you continue? and why?

if you can't help yourself, when you know exactly what the problem is, what do you expect people here to do for you?

there was some genuine encouragement and help offered early on in this became absolutely preposterous.
blackhole said:
unlucky in life said:
i don't want any more so called help all yee done is damage me more .

you've damaged yourself.

you've admitted you are shallow and only pick guys who are no good for you, who treat you like a piece of crap, who cheat on you, who are superficial.

you know you do this, you know it's wrong, you say so, yet you continue? and why?

if you can't help yourself, when you know exactly what the problem is, what do you expect people here to do for you?

there was some genuine encouragement and help offered early on in this became absolutely preposterous.
i know but there is some thing wrong with me beside my ugly face and weight and age ,height ,i just put guys off i don't know why i just don't want t be made fun of it because there is some thing wrong with me

may be i am better off giving up because i can't be helped thanks advice i am just too weird for guys and too ugly very ugly and unfit .i have tried i failed ii,ve had enough

i don't need any more advice my problem can't be solved thanks any way

i am freak one girl at school did say something about long time ago she was right

"no guy in his right mind would bother with the likes if you "

that was long time ago she was right all along about me
your "problem" can't be solved because you don't want to put the effort into solving it. It's as simple as that. We've given you everything you have asked for and you won't take any of it. You are more inclined to continue your self inflicted pity party than to actually realize that it's YOU that is making your life this way. YOU who does not want to work for what you want in life. NOTHING comes easy, and doing NOTHING will get you NOWHERE. Why ask for advice when you take none of it? Why come here and whine about the same things over and over and over again and get the SAME EXACT advice yet make excuse after excuse of why you can't do it. The reason you can't do it is simply because you don't WANT to do it. Like any of us have it easy? We're all here for a reason, we all have our problems, we all have our solutions... and I hate to break it to you, but no one else can make your life better except YOURSELF.
I've said it before, if you want to change your circumstances, you have to be WILLING to make changes, you have to be WILLING to take risks and you have to be WILLING to work hard as hell.
Callie said:
your "problem" can't be solved because you don't want to put the effort into solving it. It's as simple as that. We've given you everything you have asked for and you won't take any of it. You are more inclined to continue your self inflicted pity party than to actually realize that it's YOU that is making your life this way. YOU who does not want to work for what you want in life. NOTHING comes easy, and doing NOTHING will get you NOWHERE. Why ask for advice when you take none of it? Why come here and whine about the same things over and over and over again and get the SAME EXACT advice yet make excuse after excuse of why you can't do it. The reason you can't do it is simply because you don't WANT to do it. Like any of us have it easy? We're all here for a reason, we all have our problems, we all have our solutions... and I hate to break it to you, but no one else can make your life better except YOURSELF.
I've said it before, if you want to change your circumstances, you have to be WILLING to make changes, you have to be WILLING to take risks and you have to be WILLING to work hard as hell.
I agree completely

For starters, stop with the self deprecation and the all the self pity and just from that alone you'll be 10 steps in the right direction
what if none that advice works for the likes me i am not normal.other girls can do that successive.
i have history of males verbal abusing me ,calling me names ,physical aggressive with me .attacking me,
i am afraid to try because i'll get told where to go and called name like Argentinean guy did to me all because
he did not like me.he only one example what i have gotten over the few years .
i am afraid very afraid to try again of they say next they could say worse things to me
unlucky in life said:
what if none that advice works for the likes me i am not normal.other girls can do that successive.
i have history of males verbal abusing me ,calling me names ,physical aggressive with me .attacking me,
i am afraid to try because i'll get told where to go and called name like Argentinean guy did to me all because
he did not like me.he only one example what i have gotten over the few years .
i am afraid very afraid to try again of they say next they could say worse things to me

You are getting males verbally abusing you because either:
1. You are being a total annoying bitch to them.
2. They are stupid idiots.
3. Both of the above.

You should be able to answer that yourself if you have any type of self perception. It seems to me like you are a terrible judge of character and this is probably due to a lack of acceptance of other social groups or just other people in general. Maybe a lack of interest in what others have to say.

Either you have enough self awareness and rationality to stop and think about this or you dont. If you continue on with the self defeating attitude then you are not going to get anywhere. Personality is what counts and people will welcome you if have a nice welcoming attitude yourself.
unlucky in life said:
what if none that advice works for the likes me i am not normal.other girls can do that successive.
i have history of males verbal abusing me ,calling me names ,physical aggressive with me .attacking me,
i am afraid to try because i'll get told where to go and called name like Argentinean guy did to me all because
he did not like me.he only one example what i have gotten over the few years .
i am afraid very afraid to try again of they say next they could say worse things to me

More excuses... I'm sorry, yes, you may be scared and whatever, but that's ALL they are...excuses.
You haven't walked a mile in ANY of our shoes, you don't know what we've been through, so you have no idea what you're talking about here. Not ONE of us is "normal." "Normal" doesn't exist.
thanks for advice.there is no point i am not good enough for any guy there ask for too much i can.t give it .i can't no more rejection
i have alot of years of it .its not excuse.all the guys who rejcted told me they rather other females to me any way so what the point
i am going to be bypassed any way for some one better any way .just beating my head off the wall.
i was never meant to have boyfriend and be happy. if i was i,d be beaitful looking and slim and smart but i am not
i am dumb farmer daughters who is awkward and stupid fat ,awful ugly short and old with thick legs ,flat chested wide hiped barrel
i have
no degree from collage
no job
no friends
no social life
i never traveled my father still doesn't allow me travel at my age he treats me like child stll
i can't drive
i have no money
i am going 30 years never had boyfriend and never got my 1st kiss all i know is guys bad treatment and nothing eles put down threats and criticized.and verbal abuse that all i ever know from males nothing else
i have learning difficulty,lazy eye ,weight problem ,asthma,depression, some times suicidal, my own treated me like child at nealy 30 years old i still have ask him can i go any where
guys older then me treated me like child too .

i know know nothing i was badly educated at school because i am slow learner. i am not allowed do any thing with out asking my father mostly it because i was landed dunce class at the age of 6 years old till i was 13 years old .i failed as school collage ,guys hate me since i was 13 years old
i was goth at 14 years old .i was stalked for 6 months by 2 girls in my own town who were hookers watched by the local guards they calling me names

thanks i decide not to bother any more .i,ve had enough i have nothing to give
i am no longer interested in getting a boyfriend its waste of time i am waste of time

i don't want any more advice on getting some thing that never for me in the 1st place

i do appericate yee help .i really do thanks for trying .

but there is no point none ,i am not worth it those lads see it straight away .i am train wreck
i don't want any more rejection and no more dissapoiment i'll try to avoid it at cost.its just the way it is.
men don't like me i can't make them .i am tired of it.i had too much pain it take years for me to get over rejection years
guy rejected me 2006 it took 2 and half years to get over it while he was getting new girlfriend in mean time while very upset my heart literately broke in two
i was so depressed i could not get of of bed for 2 days i was that up set crying every day for 2 1/2 years solid .so you see
unlucky in life said:
i know but there is some thing wrong with me beside my ugly face and weight and age ,height ,i just put guys off i don't know why i just don't want t be made fun of it because there is some thing wrong with me

That something other than the superficial things you've listed is simple... You have a terrible attitude. Maybe if you acted as if you liked yourself, you'd get a better response, and in turn would begin to genuinely like yourself which then would again cause an even greater turn around in your peers' reaction to you...
Personally, I find it rather amusing to read unlucky's posts about these horrible Irish guys who are so shallow and cruel, and to read all of her excuses to fail at English because she's Irish... and then to read posts written by Yeah!, our adorable and articulate male Irish ALL member.
nerdygirl said:
Personally, I find it rather amusing to read unlucky's posts about these horrible Irish guys who are so shallow and cruel, and to read all of her excuses to fail at English because she's Irish... and then to read posts written by Yeah!, our adorable and articulate male Irish ALL member.

lol soooo true
it is rare to see a person so hopelessly locked into one way of thinking.

and it's always hugely frustrating (assuming this thread is true, which i am not convinced) to see someone come ask for help/advice and then continue to dismiss everything said and pout and make excuses for his or her own behavior.

can't people see how ridiculous it is when they do this?
blackhole said:
it is rare to see a person so hopelessly locked into one way of thinking.

and it's always hugely frustrating (assuming this thread is true, which i am not convinced) to see someone come ask for help/advice and then continue to dismiss everything said and pout and make excuses for his or her own behavior.

can't people see how ridiculous it is when they do this?

well its all true why would i make up horrible life when i rather be living great life with lots of success and happiness freedom. why would i make it up exactly.when i rather be happy and have guy i really life.
have nice childhood well i didn't have nice childhood ok so i didn't make up
nothing will ever change if you keep this up.

stop complaining and make things better for yourself.
no one else is gonne do that for you, thats your job.
if you cant do it by yourself or you dont know how than ask for help.

if you want to be miserable and feel sorry for yourself than thats fine to i guess.
its your choice.
just stop blaming other people.

Why are we still continuing this discussion?
Can 'unlucky in life' be convinced that love is for her as well?
I'm terribly sorry if I sound cruel :(
unlucky in life said:
well its all true why would i make up horrible life when i rather be living great life with lots of success and happiness freedom. why would i make it up exactly.when i rather be happy and have guy i really life.
have nice childhood well i didn't have nice childhood ok so i didn't make up

His point is that you can improve your situation through effort. I have discussed this with you as well, but you decided to get angry instead. Honestly, your issue isn't your looks as much as your personality - which is completely within your control.
i have to prove i am good any guy or better then guys to get respect even beat them at own have no respect of me and treated me like rubbish .
40somethingguy said:
If someone makes a claim on this message board (that attractiveness and intelligence are related), with link attached, you could always do them the decency of reading the link, searching on Google Scholar the name of the head researcher and then finding a link...

No, if someone is going to reference something they should do their own research and provide a reputable source, not just anything that happens to be saying what they want it to say. Especially when that source has a well know history for imaginative information. I don't know where you jump to the conclusion that it was not read.

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