Firstly, I take it that you typoed and meant: a marriage WITHOUT sex would be incomplete. Please advise.
As for my specification barring chemical influence, that was merely how I framed the challenge. Indeed, passing out massive quantities of booze and dope will often get more folks into the sack, but it still seems like cheating. Worse, as a non drinker/doper I feel quite left out! Moreover, the increasing need for chemical social lubricant only begs question of whatever the real obstacles to what everyone clearly wants so very urgently.
Am I serious about my propaganda/flaming questions? Yes, to the extent that I believe that a widespread custom of open discourse there upon might actually help defuse and disrupt peer pressure and flaming. But I go into this in greater depth at
Best of luck with all aggravations on the home front.
PS. There is also still the rest of this topic.