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teach, again, indeed, the fiction writing was only one concrete example, as per your request. And I would welcome your input to my activist proposals on

And I took jales question as broadly hypothetical generality.

Indeed, in ever defining the different life you'd rather be living, is it possible to name or to describe the stimulus or interaction that you are missing? Is it effable? Are there any clues whatsoever? Indeed, exactly where and how does it obstruct you from whatever kind of social functionality?

You aren't still talking about your love life, are you, teach? If you are, then you can either confront your poorly sublimated sexual frustration or else simply join a celibate Christian dating club wherein your own conflicted goals and misguided scruples are shared. Or is it more complicated?

In order to live in a less sexually stimulating society, there can be no alternative but to retreat from the social mainstream, sacrificing all of it's familiar comforts as well. Otherwise, there can be no graceful alternative but to seek some inner peace with media sleaze saturation and your fornicating neighbors.

It may interest you to hear, as have I only the other day, that in a Quaker community somewhat proximate to my location, a crisis of conscience is coming to a head as their annual meeting comes nigh. To wit: homosexuality. On the one hand, homosexuality is explicitly an abomination in the Bible. Nevertheless, just such bigotry offends against the Quaker's ideals and benevolent mission of ongoing social work. My point is that any prudery must eventually conflict with an imperative of compassionate nature.

lonelygirl, honestly it has never occurred to me to come between you and anyone else. But I suppose that explains your flames. And if you might be interested in my fiction writing workshop, you are very welcome, bur enough, no more flaming, please. And I'd welcome the participation of an experienced entrepreneur. But again, no more flaming!

Even failing impeachment, clearly the Republicans are out next election. Alas, even the Progressive Democrats are really only so progressive. But at least they fight back at all. So the only thing we can hope for, at least, is anyone but Hillary! If you are interested, lonelygirl, I might share with you my simple idea how the Democrats could easily recruit armies of the very most capable activists, if only they really where more interested in broadening their tent as they pretend. Unless, of course, I'm still boring you.

Alas, I have found myself frustrated and yes, lonely, trying to become more politically active. I despair of ever getting any input. I have discovered that people who have worked hard for years, still are simply not listened to within their own ranks. And so, I have drifted away already some time ago.

Alas, when they proclaim: "There is a place for you at our table" what they really mean is: "Join us comrade. -Or **** off!" They simply want bodies.

And of course, it also hardly helps that I so loath and detest that vicious fraud Noam Chomsky who is so lionized.
Guest, I like to give people a chance to begin anew.
Hi LG!!!!!
Here I had hoped you wouldn't go in that typical direction you have gone one too many times. I had hope for proper discourse without your unnecessary assumptions of a frustration I do not have. I am not sure why you feel a need to begin talking about sexual ideals with me. You continue to go there with me, thus I have no reason to believe that any discussion I have with you would also not go that way at some point. There were so many other ways you could have approached discourse of the manifesto without choosing to a route you knew we had difficulties with before. I believe this is the socially inappropriate discourse, along with the big words, others continue to talk about.
teach, in truth, I responded with several different points of departure from which to choose. And don't blame me that you where so engimatic.
I don't find myself to be mysterious at all. Yes, you had several points, was that one necessary to add if you wanted to continue discourse, or was it to cause an end. A much better way to reach that goal would be to simply state you did not want to continue. You may not agree with conforming to societies niceties, but in discourse without riff, some rules should be followed.
I did not seek to end discourse. Not even by pointing out the elephant in the room!

A point of departure only means: a begining point, a metaphorical springboard for further discourse.

And yes, you certainly are enigmatic, even somewhat romantic (imaginative, atmospheric), about whatever it is that you say that you are missing, but have yet to specify.
Ok, I will end some mystery here. Small-scale, at the moment, I'm asking for you to apologize for causing me discomfort from your post above, as it should be obvious that you have. Discomfort does not bode well continued discourse, as I am a speaker from the heart and mind, not just the mind. (Yes, I know I'm actually talking about the same location here, just understand my point, please.)
I'm sorry I tease you. I just can't help myself! It really is the elephant in the room. And I shouldn't hold a grudge at your previous man bashing. But we lechers have feelings too!
Walk the elephant out of the room, Aaron, because I don't man bash, I am very fond of men. Not all men are leechers. However, if you are a leech, at least leave it out of general conversation! Women are more than just something to leech at! :)

And thank you for the apology.
Question begging, much? It's your elephant, and it walks behind you, teach. And I'll thank you to stop bashing my lechery! It's a part of the human condition, and inescapably pertinent time and again. It's the elephant in the room, after all.
Ok, I tried, I'm done. I will apologize for hurting your leching feelings by sharing with you that I felt it inappropriate. As it seems to be inescapable for you, I will end the discourse rather than have it continue in this fashion.
My, but we are all a flutter! Are you about to swoon? Shall I fetch the smelling salts?

teach, it is impossible not to mention sexuality, for example, in a discussion of politics, because sex is so frequently a political issue. The same goes for any discourse upon human nature. And certainly sex is bound to figure in any inquiry into loneliness. All of which made life quite awkward for the Victorians! Nevertheless, when their naive sheltered young daughters where increasingly kidnapped into the brothels of Europe, in order to mount a rescue mission, finally they had to break down and talk about it!

Now, as to your lifestyle choice, all that I ask of you is to own it. Stop castigating us lechers, because our post Victorian society no longer accommodates your own denial! Likewise, Anorexics may find the smell of food offensive, but I doubt that the affluent world will accommodate them. You really are like a homosexual chauvinist demanding of everyone else to be Gay too, instead of simply going to a Gay bar. Seriously, why can't you just join a celibate dating club, find like minded prospects, and stop demeaning us lechers? It can't be easy being celibate by choice. It isn't easy dieting either. But either way, temptation and vexation remain and simply won't go away.
I do own my lifestyle choice, as do many others who share the same. I choose not to have sexual relations outside of marriage. At the current, I am not married, so no, I am not in a sexual relationship. Big deal. I do not condemn you for not thinking in the same fashion, and I see no reason not to expect you to respect my decision rather than bash it as you do and being, flat-out mean.
Look, first of all, if you are celibate outside of marriage with no plans to remarry, then you are simply celibate.

And I do respect your decision as your choice. But you seemingly demand somewhat more then that, or else perhaps, something less. Because, when it comes people who I truly respect, they welcome open question or criticism of their views and choices. No, actually it seems your squeamishness bespeaks a demand for silent reverence.

Indeed, it can only be challenging enough when you seek help but refuse to discuss such a central private aspect of your situation, which therefore cannot be so entirely impertinent. But to demand of others never even to speak of sexuality in the most general terms, no matter how that may arise, really seems somewhat unreasonable.
I have full intentions to one day remarry. currently not engaged, but dating. I do not expect silent reverence, just see no reason why you continually want to bring up my choice in every conversation we have. Just silent would work for me. Time for me to move on from this posting thread, it's again getting no where.
You know, you could just move on to that mysterious unmet need or whatever else as I have been trying. Indeed, to me, you seem the tenacuous one!

At last you perked up my ears. I always tell people I refuse to vote for the Demolicans OR the Republicrats.

We just have a bunch of political whores these days.

On the 'right' we have der Fuehrer Bush and Darth Cheney. On the 'left,' Hitlery and Obama bin Laden.


Slick shiny phoney fakers. Big white teeth, empty eyes.

Make me sick.

I am an independent with libertarian leanings. AA, investigate Ron Paul and Mike Gravel and tell me what you think.

Washington 'outsiders' are the ONLY hope we have left.
Much as I am loath to admit it, the Republicans would need a sterling candidate indeed, to prevent me voting even for Hillary, just to help keep them the Hell out!

And not only aren't the Libertarians a serious contender, but I am not an anarcho-Capitalist to begin with. Indeed, many Libertarians are actually funded from Republican sources.

Ron Paul is a Libertarian running on the Republican ticket.

I am LOATHE to vote for the 'party' of Emperor Bush.

HOWEVER, I AM willing to do anything to keep out Hitlery and her evil minions. And though I don't doubt that John Edwards is a good person somewhere inside, he's far too pretty and slick for my liking.

AA, I am a PROUD feminist. And I still hate Hitlery.

BECAUSE She's basically a man with breasts. She is a power hungry, ruthless, brilliant, cruel woman. She's a carpet bagger. She's a big phoney. ANYONE who could vote for this illegal war in Iraq is a turncoat and traitor to the CITIZENS of this fine country. (Sorry Fuehrer Bush and his oil cronies getting fat as ticks off the blood of our ignorant, idealist young men.)
It'd be ironic if the Republican presidential candidate where ever further from Bush than the Democrat!

I hate the superficial as well, so I'll be blunt and to the point:

If you talk the way you write it's no doubt why you are lonely.

Clear speech both written and oral is a very obvious fundamental for reaching an understanding.

Lots of 'big words' strung together in a row very rarely form together in a book to make it a 'good read'.

Scarlet Pimpernel

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