meaningless/casual sex

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I am not looking for sex. I am looking for meaningful mutual relationship. To me, sex is a byproduct of that.
When Im in a long term relationship
such as my exiwf or fiance...we would had cascul sex with each other all the time.

Im with a GF at the moment. We have sex...though my sexual appitite is more than hes. The relationship dosnt evole around sex.

Ive also been in long term reltioship where my partner will actually use sex as a weapon or barginning tools...

After a bitter toxic relationship like that...I rather just have cacual sex with women. No drama or emotionallly taxing. Not messy..

Me wanting to be loved and love someone dosnt evolve around see. While sex is a part of the relationship...some women have higher sexual drives than others

My curreent GF is not that sexualy experined. Nit saying she havnt had sex before....its just I been with women thats a lot more experinced than her.
Plus Im not in love with her..which is kinda ******* me up in a way.. Which
is also why I dont trip if I dont have sex with her everyday.
Ive been in a relationship with someone like her..Not saying she not pretty...she is. My GF is prettier than the woman Im in love with.
Its just I cant connect with her.
Its not her....its me.
I feel disconnected to life and everything in it @ tjhe moment...yet I still have a GF.
Casual sex is awesome. You just wanna make sure the woman is up to it, because in the difference of sexuality, there aren't quite as many situations where she feels the same.
IgnoredOne said:
willme said:
I have never had casual sex. Am I missing something?

A heightened risk of STDs, yes.

Be careful what you're saying there. Casual sex holds the same number of risks of STIs, as a couple in a relationship having sex on the exact same night.

Both can or can't use protection. I for one, always do.

So watch what you're typing; you may offend someone who's less inclined to speak up.

PurpleDays said:
IgnoredOne said:
willme said:
I have never had casual sex. Am I missing something?

A heightened risk of STDs, yes.

Be careful what you're saying there. Casual sex holds the same number of risks of STIs, as a couple in a relationship having sex on the exact same night.

Both can or can't use protection. I for one, always do.

So watch what you're typing; you may offend someone who's less inclined to speak up.

It would seem logical that casual sex would imply having more partners, which by its very nature, would increase the odds by some multiple over a monogamous relationship. Adequate and appropriate use of protection should reduce STD risks to miniscule, which will would be multiplied to a still miniscule odds...but that's hardly any obstacle to a clever reply belitting something that I have little approval of.
Yes, but I was referring to an isolated event. Just because the sex is casual does not increase the risk over a monogamous couple.

And yes, all protection isn't 100% but I for one, get regular check ups and take care of myself far better than my friends who are in long term relationships - one of whom caught chlamidyia from her partner, didn't get checked up for a year and is now infertile.

Eugh. I just can't seem to win on this thread. I am perfectly safe, don't engage in activities with people in relationships, all of whom are consenting adults...

And yet I'm still treated like a STI-infected whore who gives away my body for free.

I think this, not casual sex as a whole, is the problem.

Society is ********. why should anyone even care what I do in my own bed, as long as I'm not hurting anyone?

I think the overly judgemental should be ashamed of themselves too, not just the whores of Babylon such as myself.

I don't care whether people on this thread are virgins or multiple lover porn stars, as long as they are keeping themselves and others safe.

Surely I should expect the same courtesy?

Do unto others, etc.

****. I wrote a whole long, thorough, reasoned arguement, but ALL lost it and now I have to go off my break.

The key points are thus

1) I was talking about an isolated event. You cannot predict that if a person engages in it once, they will so again, due to a tainting of their character or change in their view to sexual intercourse. Yes, I have engaged in casual sex, but I also prefer sex within a relationship.

2) Obviously all contraceptives aren't 100% safe, but its the same for monogamous couples. I for one get frequent check ups and take better care of myself than others - including my friend who contracted chlamidia from her partner and is now infertile due to not getting checked up.

3) I'm getting pretty sick of this thread to be fair, there seems no way to win. I for one, don't judge others for their sexual practices, be they gay, straight, sado/mas, virginal or into dressing up, as long as they keep themselves and others safe. Surely I should be extended the same courtesy? Do unto others etc.

Sometimes I think that they overtly critical should be just as ashamed of themselves as the whores of Babylon like me they try to convert - not a specific point to any one poster, but musing in general.

I for one have nothing to be ashamed about. I have a clean bill of health and an overall healthy life style.

Damn ******* **** ALonelyLife.

I've written two replies and they've both been lost.

Will reply later. At work.
Callie said:
I won't have meaningless sex. Call me a prude (and yes, I have been called that), but if there's not something more there, I don't believe it's worth it.

I don't see how it has anything to do with prudery. I consider myself very, very sexual but I've had a low number of partners. This has been a problem for awhile now. It seems kind of like a lose-lose situation. I don't think one night stands would really give me what I want. But being sexless isn't good either. So you just have to date and try to find someone you love who is fulfilling which can take a long time.

On the other hand many men will lay anything. Lots of guys will lay girls who aren't even very good looking or very special or anything. I know guys who have easily been with 30-40 girls. That just seems to be a matter of dropping most or all standards. Then spending a lot of time talking to girls/going to bars/etc. I think usually having a high number of partners doesn't prove you to be any kind of "stud" because basically if these girls didn't go home with these guys, they probably would've gone home with someone else.

It's hard though. I seem to be anti one night stand yet it can take me quite awhile to find women I really connect with.

Sex is fun, sex is great, why the hell wouldn't you have casual sex? For guys, I'd say as long as you are not lying or misleading the girl, there is nothing wrong about one night stands. She'll get laid, you'll get laid, the night is a success. Everyone loves sex. I really don't see the problem.
Just a few more thoughts on this I guess. I don't really think it's "wrong" if both people agree. What is wrong is if one party is using drugs or alcohol to manipulate the other person (which is common), or one party lying or manipulating the other one in other ways like promising something more or trying to control the person.

I find it interesting that people who are having the one night stands seem defensive about it. If you're happy with it then why would you be defensive about it?

Mostly, I agree with the people who said sex is a byproduct of a relationship and is really just a gateway to the person's personality and really appreciating them and an expression of that.

I will admit that this drives me crazy though. I'm very sexual but don't seem willing to do one night stands. And love doesn't come easy so it can be awhile to wait for that also.

I want to take some action on this. Does anyone have any ideas? Should I just become a man-whore or something? Haha.
Hello every body how are u ?
Its a great day i am interested to meat all of them ..
Every body

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I don't know what it says about you to post that you are interested in MEETing everyone in a casual/meaningless sex thread, but whatever....

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