Men treating Women like Sex-Objects, What's up with that?

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bbm662 said:
Should we just go ahead and change the title of the tread? By this point its kinda like false advertising :p

:club: Are you suggesting that we've hijacked this thread, bbm?? :p
I think that women are objects and I would like to sex them as if they were vases in which to store my seed.

There... now we're back on track! :D Flame on! :p
Badjedidude said:
I think that women are objects and I would like to sex them as if they were vases in which to store my seed.

There... now we're back on track! :D Flame on! :p

The sad part is that there are men that think like this. o_o
Steve, you damn trouble maker.

lol :p

We hade fine success with hijacking the thread and here you go and get it back on topic. o_O

:club: bad, bad Steve
Sorry. @_@ You were the ones complaining about it being off-topic again! Here I was, all happy and prepared to do my duty to help save the thread, and then what do I get for my thanks? NOTHING. Serves me right.

I should have known better than to trust women.

Badjedidude said:
Sorry. @_@ You were the ones complaining about it being off-topic again! Here I was, all happy and prepared to do my duty to help save the thread, and then what do I get for my thanks? NOTHING. Serves me right.

I should have known better than to trust women.


o_O lol, those weren't complaints, it was amusement. :p

And by the way...Id watch my back if I were you. :) just sayin'...

EveWasFramed said:
And by the way...Id watch my back if I were you.

I'd rather watch YOUR back.

Mwua ha ha ha haaaaa...

Oh, come on. I don't think I've hidden my love of women from any of the women on this forum... in fact, I may be TOO forward most of the time. :p
Badjedidude said:
EveWasFramed said:
And by the way...Id watch my back if I were you.

I'd rather watch YOUR back.

Mwua ha ha ha haaaaa...

Oh, come on. I don't think I've hidden my love of women from any of the women on this forum... in fact, I may be TOO forward most of the time. :p, no, I don't think anyone could ever accuse you of hiding your enjoyment of the opposite sex. :p

I'm still grinning. :p
@_@ A smirk? Hmmmm... can it be a smirk of satisfaction?

Or is that asking for too much? :p
Badjedidude said:
@_@ A smirk? Hmmmm... can it be a smirk of satisfaction?

Or is that asking for too much? :p

I suppose not - I've actually been known to LAUGH after uhh...well, you know. :p But it wasn't amused laughter...more like a joyful laughter.

OK, that makes me weird, doesnt it? o_O lol
Hahaha no, not really... sometimes when I was with my ex, I would chuckle or laugh a bit DURING sex... she always thought that was so weird, even after I explained that it meant I was having fun and enjoying being with her. *shrug*

I don't really believe in "social rules" for sex. Are we supposed to act a certain way or hold ourselves with a certain air when being intimate with another person? I don't think so. Just enjoy the person and have fun... throw caution to the wind and act crazy! *shrug* lol

So no, it's not weird that you laugh. :p
Hell, I giggle and laugh before, during and after sometimes. It's just a spontaneous expression of joy. :)

Even the awkward moments can be fun if you let them be. Falling off the bed/couch, accidentally farting, making funny noises... hey, it happens to us all. No reason to let it ruin things. ^_^
I didn't read any previous posts other then Sophia first post. And I can say that from my point of view. I have met a lot of "girls" who frankly im not interested in. I mean I have met one person who I felt was truly right for me. It didn't really go well. And I realized now that if I had practiced on girls I was not interested just for the hell of it I would of had more experienced and with it more of a chance to get someone who actually mattered. But you know what I have also met many females who like being treated like garbage and their is no consequence from me doing it.(prefers not to associate with these types)

Also I find it hilarious that you think sex/relationships are attached in anyway in a guys mind. I have seen many versions of how guys view sex. Their is the guy who sees sex as conquest where the goal was to get laid for the sake of getting laid as a game. And it is a victory that he got the female to have sex with him. These types don't care about what is in the persons mind she is merely a goal. Something to be used and discarded as they please. These of course are the best at picking up women because they have the most fun with it as it is just a game.
You have those guys who treat women well and then are betrayed for it. And whenever I hear they are such a nice guy its an immediate well I know those guys are getting dumped. Normally the complaint I hear about those guys is they are to clingy, and even though they aren't doing anything wrong per say they aren't doing anything right.
Then you got your in between, where they may use people for sex and they may date for relationships.

Now here is where I will mostly lose people. I feel like a certain amount of objectification or devalue of women is needed to be successful with them. You think to much of a girl she will lose interest in you. You think she isn't hot **** and she feels like you are actually seeing her for what she really is. Also using women for sex doesn't matter to guys because as long as females don't get pregnant and we don't get STD's we don't care about the rest. If I enjoyed the meaningless sex I had I would seek it out a lot more then I do. And believe me when I would say if I had meaningless sex with the average female, I really wouldn't care about her feelings. Because I tend not to respect the average person I meet.

But the day I feel that sex and a relationship must go to together is day me being raised as a male is entirely changed. Males aren't raised to care about relationships that forms from the double standard for how girls are raised. Guys are raised to simply have sex because its what we want to do. Not saying women don't want to do it but at that same time we have centuries of misogyny controlling the upbringing of females.

So in short gender roles are ****** up. Will continue to be ****** up. And until feminism doesn't have to constantly fight basic human mating habits, as well as gender roles. Women will continue to be objectified and rewarded for it.

P.S. I like feminism but I feel like it is generally twisted from its simple position of women should have the right to be equal and do what they want.
i am 16 and its a hard age to be

i dont get it ether i will never use a girl to just get sex like to drug her

i will have sex if bouth agree tho :)

and i like to view porn and fap to it it make the sex lust go away for a wile or some times it make it worce but still nomatter how big it is i will never rape a girl or use them
i am just not that tipe

ppl who di stuff like this dont deserve to be on this planit
sorry for my spelling :p


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