mental frustration

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k we had that sexual frustration thread & i was thinking.... what about mental frustration 2?
i mean small talk is cool & all that. but does anybody else on here ever feel mentally frustrated? where they wish they could find somebody who wanted 2 talk on maybe deeper subjects?
or maybe i shouldve really called this intellectual or philosophical frustration. but u know what i mean
I feel mentally frustrated all the time. not to sound like a jerk. but its rare to find some one who thinks about things more important then, partying and having a good time. or what some comedian said on TV. I just think so many people are empty inside. all they are is what they see in the mirror. what they eat, and what they like. but theres more to life then just feeling good. so many people take every day of their lives for granted. never considering while there at the movies with their hip friends and fancy cell phones that, at that very moment, some where in the world a child is dying of disease or hunger. but hey! who cares?! I look good! what a tragedy it would be if I where ugly. what would I do in a world where I wasn't the center of attention. the thought is so terrifying I don't even want to think about it. Jesus died on the cross so that I could be happy and pretty. so in return,my charity is to neglect everybody who isn't as perfect like me. they want to die. so why deny them that? I wouldn't be a good Christian if I did other wise. I just don't know??? some times I think the world has gone mad. and my worst dreams are reality. stopping to smell the rose would be more sweeter if I didn't know they were going to die. its almost like we are given beauty so that it can wither away. ~ T.R.E.N.T
I know exactly how you feel. I'm glad I found this post. Not only have I been getting sexually frustrated (I'm the poster of that, btw), but the mental frustration is constant. I was a philosophy major in college, so I completely understand.

The other day I went to a bar with my cousin and some of his friends who I've known for a while. They are exactly how you described: always talking about what's on TV and **** like that. I can't stand it. Don't get me wrong. I like to be entertained. But this is all they care about. "Did you see that episode of South Park/Daily Show/Curb You Enthusiasm?" "Did you hear that new album?" "Yeah, that sucked. They're horrible." "That **** was funny." Laugh, laugh, laugh...

That's all there ever is. They are so god-damn proud of themselves for being culturally aware. It's amazing how cynical they are about it too. I hate having to sit there while they rip into someone's music or movie while I know full well that they don't have a creative cell in their bodies. They are in bands that play extremely mechanical music without lyrics. They are afraid of being open and creative. Being intellectual or emotional (or "emo" as they like to call it now) about anything is a social crime. Any time I try to bring up politics, philosophy, or anything remotely serious the whole mood changes. I've been known to ruin moments at the table. I love to goof off and tell stupid jokes too, but I crave that intellectual stimulation. I want to explore that human experience with others. Instead all I'm forced to listen to are people's complaints about the latest Simpsons episode. They seem to laugh and party-it-up all the time and I don't know how they manage to live with that. They live completely apathetic lives yet they are the ones with girlfriends, good jobs, and money. I'm the "deep" one who is miserable, alone, and poor. There doesn't seem to be justice in it. I often times just sit there and listen to their shallow ******** every night. I'm forced to join in or look miserable. It sucks so much.

I've never been able to find anyone who understands the way I feel about any of this.
This mental frustration thing, is the MAIN source of my being in this situation I'm in. I don't know what to call it, loneliness, depression, whatever but it's really mostly up in my head. And it's not just the frustration, it's the exhaustion that comes with it too.

There are many deep things I think to myself each day, and I want to talk to someone about it but I can't. I think it's me. I can't say the words out, I haven't talked to anyone about my issues. It's been for quite some time, months..I just can't. I can imagine my friends' faces if I were to talk to them about death or loss or all the trauma I've been carrying with me. It's like too much baggage for them to handle. They don't like talking about deep issues.

I have friends, I do. They tell me they're there for me and that I could talk to them but they aren't really there, you know? They just say it for the sake of saying it, out of friendship. I try to take that step, but then I see their less troubled lives, many other friends and perfect social life, I back up again. It's frustrating up there.

Last month, I lost it.'s not funny but I'm just trying not to make it sound so serious here. I really thought I was going insane so I was making jokes to myself, and I thought I heard these voices telling me over and over again my worries, my issues, my problems, other people's problems that I'm suppose to take care of. It is so exhausting, and frustrating cos I can't stop them. They're things I know and I can't do anything about them. How do I cope? I read books. Yeah. So I declared myself depressed as I couldn't bring myself to go out and see my friends. They thought something was up. But oh well. I was just mentally not right for awhile.

And the other day, I tried finding inspiration to get out. I did, and I felt so nauseatic that I had a massive major headache halfway out and it worsened at home. So you see, its not just mental frustration, it's also the physical part of the mental frustration hence the head throbs. Lol..

That Guy said:
Any time I try to bring up politics, philosophy, or anything remotely serious the whole mood changes. I've been known to ruin moments at the table. I love to goof off and tell stupid jokes too, but I crave that intellectual stimulation. I want to explore that human experience with others.
I'm the "deep" one who is miserable, alone, and poor. There doesn't seem to be justice in it.

I've never been able to find anyone who understands the way I feel about any of this.

You know what? I'd actually sit there and would actually hear you out if you were to start deep talking about philosophy and all that stuff. Cos I'm a deep-thinker myself and that, I inherited from my dad. Has it's good and it's bad. Didn't ask for it, it's just apart of me. And no one else around me I know thinks as deep as I do so yeah, I do understand how you feel about this. :)

My oh my, this is long. Sorry. :shy:
oh my gosh, so know what you all mean ..I mean, I like small talk but I find that people are almost AFRAID of thinking. If you ask something serious..they don't want to get into it..and of those who do (generally speaking) their views are hardly based on thought...sometimes..more based on what is generally accepted as a correct answer..

I realise that I sound like I think that I think more than lots of people..that's not the case really. Lol and if I knew what I know now, when I was younger, I would have feard thought as well...Some people do think about stuff less than others's hard to tell who is who at first though..

You see the thing is..for some people who have thought about stuff..their views (sometimes) end-up being so different from the general publics that they get tired having to explain themselves..tired of talking deeply and knowing know one will understand..others also just reach a point in thought where they realise that none of it matters..all that matters is that you are happy!

and like that guy said...the 'non-thinkers' are the happy although they think..they don't go around talking about it..or they don't dwell on it (i think)

oh back to my mental fustrations though..see it's not that I crave deep discussions on a regular basis, I just crave someone who is capable of having them at any given point in time... Their are lots of people like that out there though...but I'm not close to any of them..

Okay like for example to talk about something of interest..I'd like to find someone who could discuss with me free-will. Maybe you believe in free-will maybe you don't..I've always had trouble believing in that concept..

Any takers?

As for world hunger or religion and stuff.. if anyone wants to talk about those stuff that would be interesting as well..

Mink I know what you are saying about your friends saying 'they are there for you but you can't talk deeply to them, because they don't want to hear it...' That's another form of mental fustration. People also often don't want to hear about your issuses too much...but not everyone is like that..

After a while I think you find that sometimes a listening ear is good..but solution wise listening ears don't cut it...It takes a sort of internal change, realisations (sometimes this is the case)..feel free to talk here though..or to

I type a lot.. sry..
NewBirth said:
k we had that sexual frustration thread & i was thinking.... what about mental frustration 2?
i mean small talk is cool & all that. but does anybody else on here ever feel mentally frustrated? where they wish they could find somebody who wanted 2 talk on maybe deeper subjects?
or maybe i shouldve really called this intellectual or philosophical frustration. but u know what i mean
Well I have tried to talk with people on deeper subjects before, and have found that most of them don't want to know. I don't know why but most people do prefer small talk.
its 2 bad everybodys petrified of messengers here LoL. we could all probably entertain each other
If someone tried to start a philosophical conversation with me, I would definitely be responsive. The problem is, no one ever does.

And yeah, small talk does become cumbersome rather easily, but it is an absolute necessity when getting to know another human being and assessing whether or not a friendship could be viable.
jales said:
You see the thing is..for some people who have thought about stuff..their views (sometimes) end-up being so different from the general publics that they get tired having to explain themselves..tired of talking deeply and knowing know one will understand..others also just reach a point in thought where they realise that none of it matters..all that matters is that you are happy!

That's so true! Happens to me sometimes too, lol..:D

jales said:
Mink I know what you are saying about your friends saying 'they are there for you but you can't talk deeply to them, because they don't want to hear it...' That's another form of mental fustration. People also often don't want to hear about your issuses too much...but not everyone is like that..

Yeah :) Not everyone's the same.
I don't think they're terrified of messengers; rather, I think they're scared to give out their screen names to random strange people on the internet who may or may not end up stalking them in the future.
I think some people only like small talk because during the week day they have to be so mentally focused on what there doing. that when the weekend comes. all they want is some kind of distraction from the up coming work week. care free interaction with another human being. and I can totally understand that. but the problem is people tend to get in a rut that way. and after a while their lives start to become dull tedious. but then again, some people just aren't that deep. but the trade off is they may actually be more happy then people who constantly think and dwell on things. like an obsession ( see Moby Dick ) theres a reason for the saying ignorance is bliss and, theres a fine line between genius and insanity. but changing the subject. I think jales makes a lot of good points. as for free will??? from a philosophical view point you can discuss the subject many different ways. but if your talking about free will as it pertains to the bible. I don't know? in respects to that I should say that I am an atheist. there for the bible has about as much influence in my life as a comic book. which is not to say that I have any thing against anyone who is spiritual. its just not my way of living. but from a scientific stand point. its quiet possible that the concept of free will is really an illusion created by our subconscious minds to make us feel like we have some kind of control over our lives. but the fact of the matter is. we only think we are in control. I know there are a lot of people out there who would have trouble accepting some thing like that to be truth. or even possible. but at the same time, there are a lot of people who rather believe in romantic notions. like we are all here for a reason. and there is a purpose to everything. and all that makes up a human being can be wrapped up in what is called a soul. and love being the key to eternal happiness. but I personally do not believe in any of this. love, is just a chemical reaction in the brain that often times leads us to behave joyfully stupid. love, in my opinion is the most over rated concept of all time. the pure and simple truth is, the same chemical reaction that occurs in our brains. is no different to the one that we get when we see some thing delicious to eat. of course we distinguish the difference between food and human beings. but its the same chemical reaction in the brain. take away the brains ability to distinguish between the two. and you will have people marrying food. there are no real Mysteries in life. only stuff we don't know. if people just took the time to go out and seek knowledge most of there questions could be answered. I feel good in the fact that I have a greater understanding of everything I ever wanted to know. but I took the time to seek the truth. and open my own eyes. hopefully some day some of you will do the same ~ T.R.E.N.T
Guest said:
love, is just a chemical reaction in the brain that often times leads us to behave joyfully stupid. love, in my opinion is the most over rated concept of all time. the pure and simple truth is, the same chemical reaction that occurs in our brains. is no different to the one that we get when we see some thing delicious to eat. of course we distinguish the difference between food and human beings. but its the same chemical reaction in the brain. take away the brains ability to distinguish between the two. and you will have people marrying food. ~ T.R.E.N.T

Wow that actually really makes sense to me hmm :)
RogueTomato said:
I don't think they're terrified of messengers; rather, I think they're scared to give out their screen names to random strange people on the internet who may or may not end up stalking them in the future.
LoL well this is new. ppl online usually freely trade screen names. its just part of how the net works
i think ppl here r just more reserved than in other places online. in a way it xplains the loneliness. there r alot of introverts on here. & alot r very shy & timid
all these ppl gathered up in 1 place= ppl who r scared 2 give out their screen names. its like nothing ive ever seen b4 online. but i understand y its like it is. & thats okay. even if it is pretty comical in a sense
NewBirth said:
all these ppl gathered up in 1 place= ppl who r scared 2 give out their screen names. its like nothing ive ever seen b4 online. but i understand y its like it is. & thats okay. even if it is pretty comical in a sense


The way you said it, and the way I'm picturing a place or a room full of these people looking really scared just to give out screen names, is comical, so yeah. LOL

I am so mentally frustrated it explains why I've been so visual about things :rolleyes:
i was trying 2 b serious Lmao
& LoL excellent return 2 the subject....maybe thats y ive been so visual all my life
I FIND MYSELF MENTALLY FUSTRATED I'm going to ramble again. Last night people came by me, and left really latee..whole time, up to like 3 in the morning I was fustrated by the conversation.

Lol yea it was about 'who knows about this celebrity and so on'

okay fine what fustrated me of the people is a guy who 'likes' me ...and I realise that he will never understand me..

gosh I feel like such a girl..

It seems guys don't ever have to care whether or not their girlfriend understands them, why do I care..
Example a non-religious guy in most cases doesn't care what his girlfriend believes...I get interested if I meet a non religious guy because I think he may understand that part of me

AHHH..okay also I was/ am fustrated because those people are friends of mine, and they don't know one of my nick-names (here) is closet-christian ..because I like religious music

I realise that I sound like a five year old complaining (but I usually sound younger than my age when writing..donno why)

Yea point is lastnight ...tell me
does anyone else feel this way???

Internet relationships are so much better...simpler..just better. lol gotta study byee
That Guy said:
I know exactly how you feel. I'm glad I found this post. Not only have I been getting sexually frustrated (I'm the poster of that, btw), but the mental frustration is constant. I was a philosophy major in college, so I completely understand.

The other day I went to a bar with my cousin and some of his friends who I've known for a while. They are exactly how you described: always talking about what's on TV and **** like that. I can't stand it. Don't get me wrong. I like to be entertained. But this is all they care about. "Did you see that episode of South Park/Daily Show/Curb You Enthusiasm?" "Did you hear that new album?" "Yeah, that sucked. They're horrible." "That **** was funny." Laugh, laugh, laugh...

That's all there ever is. They are so god-damn proud of themselves for being culturally aware. It's amazing how cynical they are about it too. I hate having to sit there while they rip into someone's music or movie while I know full well that they don't have a creative cell in their bodies. They are in bands that play extremely mechanical music without lyrics. They are afraid of being open and creative. Being intellectual or emotional (or "emo" as they like to call it now) about anything is a social crime. Any time I try to bring up politics, philosophy, or anything remotely serious the whole mood changes. I've been known to ruin moments at the table. I love to goof off and tell stupid jokes too, but I crave that intellectual stimulation. I want to explore that human experience with others. Instead all I'm forced to listen to are people's complaints about the latest Simpsons episode. They seem to laugh and party-it-up all the time and I don't know how they manage to live with that. They live completely apathetic lives yet they are the ones with girlfriends, good jobs, and money. I'm the "deep" one who is miserable, alone, and poor. There doesn't seem to be justice in it. I often times just sit there and listen to their shallow ******** every night. I'm forced to join in or look miserable. It sucks so much.

I've never been able to find anyone who understands the way I feel about any of this.

Couldn't have said it better myself. That pretty much sums up how I feel about this subject.

jales said:
see it's not that I crave deep discussions on a regular basis, I just crave someone who is capable of having them at any given point in time...
I wish I could find someone like that too... but people like that don't exist around here (apparently)

As an aside, story related to this topic:

I live with 3 other people. They like to party and drink and often have 1-2 friends over for a small get together (mostly on fridays & saturdays). Anyways, one time it was like 3 a.m. and I was trying to go to bed but they were talking loudly in the room right next to mine. So I got up and went to ask them to be quiet and remember in the future that they were too loud. Now, they're nice people and all and they obliged. The one guy then asked me if I wanted to get drunk with them, to which I replied that I don't drink (well, very rarely) and I don't really like partying, I'm just not that kind of guy. To which he replied "Then what did you come to college for? I would drink everyday if I could" and his friends all voiced their agreement.
Now, I wouldn't be too concerned about that if that kind of mentality was fairly isolated. But around here, it most certainly isn't.

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