This mental frustration thing, is the MAIN source of my being in this situation I'm in. I don't know what to call it, loneliness, depression, whatever but it's really mostly up in my head. And it's not just the frustration, it's the exhaustion that comes with it too.
There are many deep things I think to myself each day, and I want to talk to someone about it but I can't. I think it's me. I can't say the words out, I haven't talked to anyone about my issues. It's been for quite some time, months..I just can't. I can imagine my friends' faces if I were to talk to them about death or loss or all the trauma I've been carrying with me. It's like too much baggage for them to handle. They don't like talking about deep issues.
I have friends, I do. They tell me they're there for me and that I could talk to them but they aren't really there, you know? They just say it for the sake of saying it, out of friendship. I try to take that step, but then I see their less troubled lives, many other friends and perfect social life, I back up again. It's frustrating up there.
Last month, I lost it.'s not funny but I'm just trying not to make it sound so serious here. I really thought I was going insane so I was making jokes to myself, and I thought I heard these voices telling me over and over again my worries, my issues, my problems, other people's problems that I'm suppose to take care of. It is so exhausting, and frustrating cos I can't stop them. They're things I know and I can't do anything about them. How do I cope? I read books. Yeah. So I declared myself depressed as I couldn't bring myself to go out and see my friends. They thought something was up. But oh well. I was just mentally not right for awhile.
And the other day, I tried finding inspiration to get out. I did, and I felt so nauseatic that I had a massive major headache halfway out and it worsened at home. So you see, its not just mental frustration, it's also the physical part of the mental frustration hence the head throbs. Lol..
That Guy said:
Any time I try to bring up politics, philosophy, or anything remotely serious the whole mood changes. I've been known to ruin moments at the table. I love to goof off and tell stupid jokes too, but I crave that intellectual stimulation. I want to explore that human experience with others.
I'm the "deep" one who is miserable, alone, and poor. There doesn't seem to be justice in it.
I've never been able to find anyone who understands the way I feel about any of this.
You know what? I'd actually sit there and would actually hear you out if you were to start deep talking about philosophy and all that stuff. Cos I'm a deep-thinker myself and that, I inherited from my dad. Has it's good and it's bad. Didn't ask for it, it's just apart of me. And no one else around me I know thinks as deep as I do so yeah, I do understand how you feel about this.
My oh my, this is long. Sorry. :shy: