BadGuy said:
If you treat others as you want to be treated you may be disappointed however you can be proud of yourself
That's true. I don't think anyone could argue with that statement.
Richard_39 said:
Third paragraph. That's really unfair of you to say. I don't mean to others; I mean towards YOURSELF. I don't think we had prolonged convos, but I do remember you, Beyond. I also remember thinking your a good person and you of all people should definetely think so of yourself. Life has an odd way of letting us down sometimes but we have a responsibility to ourselves to think of ourselves in uplifting term, irregardless of what other people say or think. The same goes out to you. You sound like you're real hard on yourself and while its not necessarily a bad thing, too much will just smother you.
Give yourself some credit sometimes
I feel towards what I feel towards ALL members here, wether I share their thoughts or not; this forum is POORER without you than with you.
Regardless, good luck, hope to see you again ;-)
You're right, we have not had any prolonged conversations and there's a good reason for that. When you joined up last year I was still away and the only time was for a short period when I was here for Christmas 2017. From the posts I have read during my catching up around here you seem to be doing pretty well in here and honestly I like to see that for everyone that joins.
You have a thread in here where you have gone into a lot of detail about something that has happened to your family and in reading it a few things stuck out for me almost immediately. First it was your strength and resolve you showed as the time went on. It was difficult for you because I read the posts you made but you somehow held on and you should be admired for that. I debated posting in there and in the end I did not because I did not want to rehash old feelings for you. All I want to say here is that I hope your family is doing better now.
Also the support that you received (deservedly so) from the people who posted comments in there were very kind and I thought they were helpful. This is where I think this place shines at times when it rallies around one of their own members.
Now this is where you and I split apart and go our separate ways. If I had posted something in here that I wanted to share that bothered and affected me as much as that incident did with you I would not have received even 1% of the response that you got. It is a fact, it is how it is and there is nothing more I can say about it. There is a clique in here. I am not the only one who has noticed this.
You're right, I am hard on myself and for a long time I would beat myself up for how I was treated here. I'm not innocent either. After I saw myself froze out by people I stopped trying. When someone was not doing well or when there was a birthday I'd come in and say something supportive or nice and everyone would be thanked instead of me, you know like they pretended not to see it.
You can take the cold shoulder so long Richard until you say to yourself that there has to be something better to do. Thank you for saying that the forum is poorer without me here. You really made a lot of people laugh. And by the way for the record most of the people in here are not like I have described. Most are the supportive ones that you found in that thread of yours.
AmyTheTemperamental said:
Welcome back. Yes, I mean that.
First off, I want to apologize. I am really sorry. And yes, I mean that, too.
Thank you Amy for the welcome back and for the apology. Both were not expected but I am thankful for getting them
AmyTheTemperamental said:
I understand your point completely. It's very easy to get consumed by the stupidity of it all. I did a lot of things during my time here that were nothing but acts of bullying, viscous and certainly unnecessary. My place here isn't what it used to be, not even close.
I am wondering if you are ok now. I hope you and your children are doing fine and that you had a good Christmas. I remember you telling me last year you were getting your own house. I hope that is going well for you now.
AmyTheTemperamental said:
I am glad that you found people you are comfortable with here. That's all anyone really wants.
I have all the best wishes for you in the New Year. Whether you end up staying here or not, keep your head up.
I'll be here for a little while but not permanently. I just can not do that again. Not for awhile at least.
LostintheBardo said:
Thank you. I am not sure who you are since you joined when I was away but it is much appreciated.