You make a valid piont Lost Soul...there's people in africa that
lives in the jungle with minimal clothing...
We're all programed and conditioned in accordance to what society
we live in.
One of my ex-gf used to go around the house in the nude all the
time. It didnt really bothered me. I got used to seeing her naked
all the time...I became less sexually arouse, So i asked her to
put on some sexy clothing. Cover up her body..but still enough
for me to have lustful feeling for her...for a lack of a better word.
(She dose it in a contolled air condition enviorment)
I live in SoCal...beaches and the sun. Plenty of hot bodies everywhere.
You get desentitized to a lot of it after a while...It's not a big deal
to see...beach blondes with a firm body with bikini or g-string.
bascially her entire ass is showing...You can imagine
her naked because she's wearing very little.....
On the pratical matter...without the morals, values and judgemetal stuff...
It's not a good idea for me to go outside without any clothing where I currently reside. The sun will simply bake
your ass the death. You actually have to be selective and pick
the proper material and color...such as white and cotton.
You actaully wanna cover up and wear long sleeve even if it's hot
to prevent skin cancer from the ultra violet rays from the sun....
Gettting sun burn or cancer on my wee wee would totally suck ass.
Ive also lived in place where it snow in June..
No one has to convience me to put clothing on.
****, sometimes i cant get enough clothing on becuase it's so
damn cold.
On windy days...I prefer clothing.
Getting snow blasted and sand blasted dosnt feel very good.
On top of that...there's insects and bugs up the wazoooo.
Some you cant even see with your naked eyes.
Yes...we all have bugs living on everyone of us eating our dead skin.hahaaaa
No matter where I live.....
I have to wash my face and hand all the time enough as it is...
There a lot of dust praticals and who knows what else floating
around in the air. Air bourn virus such as the flu and many other
diseases..Crap like that get splatter everywhere in public.
Im not anal retentive,..but I worked at a hospital for a while.
Holy **** dont even wanna know how much informations
was given to me about germs and whats in the air....Lots and lots
of polutions as we are all awear off. Clothing provide another layer
of protection for my body and skin....especially if I work in the
indutrial sector...lots of chemicles everywhere. Gas from smoke stacks..ect can't see smoke coming out of automobiles exhaust...
There's still plenty of exhuast and polutions everywhere. Just
becuase you cant see with your naked eyes...dosnt mean it's
not there....
You wanna know why people on here are fucken crazzzy??lmao
We all have plastic in our blood stream now...from the many many plastic
materials we use to wrap , serve, and make our foods.
Plastic in our brains, man
The earth wants more plastic..Starting with ****S.lmao