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ahh can everyone calm a bit? the bit of the brain responsible for emotions and impulse (i think its the limbic system) is so so old. we didn't evolve logic till millions of years later. you cannot defeat emotions with logic. we all know this. everyone has valid points, there is no right or wrong. everyone is growing, learning, the roles of the masculine and feminine were around long before speech or writing or any of the things we have now, no its not fair (on either side), we are not meant to be 'equal' we are meant to complete each other, and complement each others strengths and weaknesses. lets all be gentle and listen to each other x
Sadly you have to risk offending to have an authentic conversation. Like I dont agree with censorship in any form. I believe everyone has a right to share their opinion however, I agree that everyone doesn't have to listen to it 😇
Being indiscreet, belligerent, rude, crass, or even just overtly frank, should not be conflated with, 'censorship.' (I'm not attempting to single you out, except to make a very, very important distinction, which is lost to this current epoch; a loss which is extremely damaging to the individual and collective psyche, and has it's roots in extreme ignorance.)

As to the rest, in as much as it relates to the above..

Risking offending people is not a prerequisite to authentic conversation @CenotaphGirl. Authenticity in conversation simply arises from being genuine.

One can be genuinely offensive and crass. Some people take great pride in it, even. To a certain extent, it's defensible. But, all things in moderation (I'd like to think, anyway..)

The majority of my lived experience, in conversing with others, I think I rarely ever worried about, or had to worry about, 'offending,' some one. It did happen from time to time, though; but, it wasn't the main focus or preoccupation of life..

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Being indiscreet, belligerent, rude, crass, or even just overtly frank, should not be conflated with, 'censorship.' (I'm not attempting to single you out, except to make a very, very important distinction, which is lost to this current epoch; a loss which is extremely damaging to the individual and collective psyche, and has it's roots in extreme ignorance.)

As to the rest, in as much as it relates to the above..

Risking offending people is not a prerequisite to authentic conversation @CenotaphGirl. Authenticity in conversation simply arises from being genuine.

One can be genuinely offensive and crass. Some people take great pride in it, even. To a certain extent, it's defensible. But, all things in moderation (I'd like to think, anyway..)

The majority of my lived experience, in conversing with others, I think I rarely ever worried about, or had to worry about, 'offending,' some one. It did happen from time to time, though; but, it wasn't the main focus or preoccupation of life..

I dont understand this Trop… what is it if you wont allow someone to say what they want… if its not censorship ?

There is nothing factual about feelings so if something is rude or not depends on the person. I could find you rude just because you disagree with me 😅 so now what? You have to agree with everything I say to have a conversation with me.

You dont have to offend in every conversation but you have to risk offending. As no one knows what will or will not offend.

People even write to me “no offence but blah blah” and I think how on earth is that offensive anyway.

If I have been overly offensive… quote me if not… why pretend that I have?
ahh can everyone calm a bit? the bit of the brain responsible for emotions and impulse (i think its the limbic system) is so so old. we didn't evolve logic till millions of years later. you cannot defeat emotions with logic. we all know this. everyone has valid points, there is no right or wrong. everyone is growing, learning, the roles of the masculine and feminine were around long before speech or writing or any of the things we have now, no its not fair (on either side), we are not meant to be 'equal' we are meant to complete each other, and complement each others strengths and weaknesses. lets all be gentle and listen to each other x
No no people are wrong… they should admit it or provide proof… sick of the lies and rumours on this site about me

Bring out the quotes! Bring out the quotes ! 😂
I'd just like to point out that I haven't had anything to do with this hypocritical mess. (No, I won't say who or what is the hypocritical all can figure that out yourselves. lol)

Though, I will say this...when pretty much everyone on this forum has essentially the same opinion of something, you should probably open your eyes and look around. You most likely have something to learn when that happens.

That's honeysuckle. I'm sorry. I'll open them for you. 😔
My mother had to have corrective surgery for that when I was a kid.
Before she went on medical retirement, she worked in a salon doing fingernails.
So she got carpel tunnel from long hours of holding the electric drill.
A couple years after the surgery, she slipped and fell in a store and dislocated 5 of her lower spinal columns, which is why she's on medical retirement.

My doc wanted me to have the surgery before I was 21. I refused it. I still refuse it. I also refuse the steroid injections. I can still function, so no thanks. I have a high pain tolerance too. lol Gripping and turning is where my problem is. I never have any issues typing or anything like that.

Ouch, sorry about your mom. :(
I'd just like to point out that I haven't had anything to do with this hypocritical mess. (No, I won't say who or what is the hypocritical all can figure that out yourselves. lol)

Though, I will say this...when pretty much everyone on this forum has essentially the same opinion of something, you should probably open your eyes and look around. You most likely have something to learn when that happens.

My doc wanted me to have the surgery before I was 21. I refused it. I still refuse it. I also refuse the steroid injections. I can still function, so no thanks. I have a high pain tolerance too. lol Gripping and turning is where my problem is. I never have any issues typing or anything like that.

Ouch, sorry about your mom. :(
I see you’re all right! I want to sleep with a man who cries in bed now, how could I have been so blind, I might make onions with dinner tonight… just to see if my Rob can start off the foreplay by tearing up 😂

Bring out the quotes or im just gonna troll because being nice doesn't work here
I see you’re all right! I want to sleep with a man who cries in bed now, how could I have been so blind, I might make onions with dinner tonight… just to see if my Rob can start off the foreplay by tearing up 😂

Bring out the quotes or im just gonna troll because being nice doesn't work here
I didn't say THEY (Don't put me in it, I didn't say anything one way or another about the matter) were right or that you were wrong. It could simply be the way you are stating things and how it looks to the "regular" people of the world. (You live in a very different world than most of us) There's more to it than just right and wrong. I'm just saying, when every side of this forum comes together and agrees about something, you should take a look around.
I didn't say THEY (Don't put me in it, I didn't say anything one way or another about the matter) were right or that you were wrong. It could simply be the way you are stating things and how it looks to the "regular" people of the world. (You live in a very different world than most of us) There's more to it than just right and wrong. I'm just saying, when every side of this forum comes together and agrees about something, you should take a look around.
Sorry Callie you’re right you didnt, I shouldn't drag you into it.

wow look at that I read your comment again, accepted I added connotations that you didnt make and said sorry… jesus take the wheel didnt know that was possible on this site
Sadly you have to risk offending to have an authentic conversation. Like I dont agree with censorship in any form. I believe everyone has a right to share their opinion however, I agree that everyone doesn't have to listen to it 😇
Being indiscreet, belligerent, rude, crass, or even just overtly frank, should not be conflated with, 'censorship.' (I'm not attempting to single you out, except to make a very, very important distinction, which is lost to this current epoch; a loss which is extremely damaging to the individual and collective psyche, and has it's roots in extreme ignorance.)

As to the rest, in as much as it relates to the above..

Risking offending people is not a prerequisite to authentic conversation @CenotaphGirl. Authenticity in conversation simply arises from being genuine.

One can be genuinely offensive and crass. Some people take great pride in it, even. To a certain extent, it's defensible. But, all things in moderation (I'd like to think, anyway..)

The majority of my lived experience, in conversing with others, I think I rarely ever worried about, or had to worry about, 'offending,' some one. It did happen from time to time, though; but, it wasn't the main focus or preoccupation of life..

I dont understand this Trop… what is it if you wont allow someone to say what they want… if its not censorship ?

There is nothing factual about feelings so if something is rude or not depends on the person. I could find you rude just because you disagree with me
so now what? You have to agree with everything I say to have a conversation with me.

You dont have to offend in every conversation but you have to risk offending. As no one knows what will or will not offend.

People even write to me “no offence but blah blah” and I think how on earth is that offensive anyway.

If I have been overly offensive… quote me if not… why pretend that I have?

I just don't like when people misuse words, or apply them to incorrect circumstances. And beyond my personal distaste for it, it does do actual harm. It's like the story of, "The Boy Who Cried Wolf."

I am attempting to correct errors where I see them, however; at least where the word, 'censored,' is concerned. Being censored can involve being jailed for speaking out against something. Being censored can involve your book being banned . Being censored can involve an orchestrated character assassination by the government. Being censored can mean not being allowed to display religious symbols or items.

"The Catcher in the Rye," for example, was a banned book in America, at one time. That's censorship.

Censorship IS something, I am opposed to, with respect to the notion of, "Freedom of Speech." Or, at least I claim to have some fondness for the notion that some Men/Women considered worth dying/sacrificing for.

I like words @CenotaphGirl it's one of the few things I have in this world, that I can own. I think they are important.


As for the rest, I'll be a horses' ass...

Or all of it why not...
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I just don't like when people misuse words, or apply them to incorrect circumstances. And beyond my personal distaste for it, it does do actual harm. It's like the story of, "The Boy Who Cried Wolf."

I am attempting to correct errors where I see them, however; at least where the word, 'censored,' is concerned. Being censored can involve being jailed for speaking out against something. Being censored can involve your book being banned . Being censored can involve an orchestrated character assassination by the government. Being censored can mean not being allowed to display religious symbols or items.

"The Catcher in the Rye," for example, was a banned book in America, at one time. That's censorship.

Censorship IS something, I am opposed to, with respect to the notion of, "Freedom of Speech." Or, at least I claim to have some fondness for the notion that some Men/Women considered worth dying/sacrificing for.

I like words @CenotaphGirl it's one of the few things I have in this world, that I can own. I think they are important.


As for the rest, I'll be a horses' ass...

Or all of it why not...
Respectfully… the issue is because we are from different countries your definitions for certain words may be different to mine and even spelt differently.

Censorship - the action of preventing part or the whole of a book, film, work of art, document, or other kind of communication from being seen or made available to the public, because it is considered to be offensive or harmful, or because it contains information that someone wishes to keep secret, often for political reasons… (direct quote from Cambridge dictionary)

I dont think I misused it in my language, but maybe I did in yours?

Thats why I think things I say sometimes can come off differently than I intended as I forget theres slight differences that can change a whole context
Respectfully… the issue is because we are from different countries your definitions for certain words may be different to mine and even spelt differently.

Censorship - the action of preventing part or the whole of a book, film, work of art, document, or other kind of communication from being seen or made available to the public, because it is considered to be offensive or harmful, or because it contains information that someone wishes to keep secret, often for political reasons… (direct quote from Cambridge dictionary)

I dont think I misused it in my language, but maybe I did in yours?

Thats why I think things I say sometimes can come off differently than I intended as I forget theres slight differences that can change a whole context
I don't think you are being censored in anyway. ? I can't say sh*t anymore, neither can you; there's that... That's censorship...
I don't think you are being censored in anyway. ? I can't say sh*t anymore, neither can you; there's that... That's censorship...
Well we all are😅 theres a list of things we can not say on here. However, I was saying I dont agree with censorship when I mentioned it, not that anyone was censoring me as such 😇
Respectfully… the issue is because we are from different countries your definitions for certain words may be different to mine and even spelt differently.

Censorship - the action of preventing part or the whole of a book, film, work of art, document, or other kind of communication from being seen or made available to the public, because it is considered to be offensive or harmful, or because it contains information that someone wishes to keep secret, often for political reasons… (direct quote from Cambridge dictionary)

I dont think I misused it in my language, but maybe I did in yours?

Thats why I think things I say sometimes can come off differently than I intended as I forget theres slight differences that can change a whole context
But no one is telling you that you CAN NOT say the things that you said. Censorship goes both ways. Sure, you can say whatever you want, provided it follows the rules of where you are, but the same applies to everyone else. So, one could say that if the responses you are getting are making you feel you can't say certain things, that would you censoring yourself.
I don't think you are being censored in anyway. ? I can't say sh*t anymore, neither can you; there's that... That's censorship...
I was at a store the other day looking at the candles and I saw one that was honeysuckle scented....I could not bring myself to smell that one.....
But no one is telling you that you CAN NOT say the things that you said. Censorship goes both ways. Sure, you can say whatever you want, provided it follows the rules of where you are, but the same applies to everyone else. So, one could say that if the responses you are getting are making you feel you can't say certain things, that would you censoring yourself.
Im not saying that either, it was a misunderstanding, I was saying I dont support censorship as someone said people shouldnt say the truth as people have feelings… where I am from thats censorship and I personally dont agree with that.

I would censor myself if I said something hyper offensive to someone though, as I dont wish to offend people however, im still waiting for the quotes
Im not saying that either, it was a misunderstanding, I was saying I dont support censorship as someone said people shouldnt say the truth as people have feelings
Oh, sorry, didn't see that part. lol I skimmed the thread. :p
But even at that, is it really censorship or does it just fall under the area of tactfulness/compassion/empathy/etc.....?
Oh, sorry, didn't see that part. lol I skimmed the thread. :p
But even at that, is it really censorship or does it just fall under the area of tactfulness/compassion/empathy/etc.....?
Its censorship to not speak the truth as you might offend. However, I am a kind enough to censor myself to respect others on somethings. Even some people want me to speak on topics like gender and I just cant touch on it as I find them too sensitive and worry I dont have the tact for it 😇
Its censorship to not speak the truth as you might offend. However, I am a kind enough to censor myself to respect others on somethings. Even some people want me to speak on topics like gender and I just cant touch on it as I find them too sensitive and worry I dont have the tact for it 😇
Yeah, see, I don't view that as censorship. It's just tact.
I often say things people are offended by, but are they honestly offensive or just something people don't want to hear for whatever reason? (and trust me, there are a lot of things I don't say) Where I live, people don't give a flying rat's backside whether or not they offend someone. They have something to say, they say it, prying, offended ears be damned. But, it's not TACTFUL for them to say it.
A grizzled lone cowboy enters the chat. His boots a clankin' and his mustache flared along with his sun burnt nostrils. He sits down, pours himself a spot of tea; and takes a dainty, but masculine, mostly masculine, but a bit dainty, bite of a crumpet, as his other hand's pinky curled, as if in a genuflect respect to the tea he's holdin' in it. He clears his throat, preparing to lay down the proverbial law in the battle of wits and intellect that had ensued. All eyes are on him, as his lips part. He smacks them a bit, licking up a few crumbs of crumpet, and letting the rest fall to their doom in that grizzled forest of beard beneath that battle worn face.

"That my dear, is politeness," he grumbles in a plain, hushed, and hoarse tone.

The lady of the Inn over hears the conversation, rolling her eyes, as she folds the days bedding; "No my dear, politeness would have been wiping those boots of yours before helping yourself to those tea and crumpets."

The old grizzled cow warrior winces, as if mortally wounded, and gives the lady of the Inn an ireful glance. He paused a moment, took another bite of crumpet, and daintily (mostly extremely manly, just a slight bit dainty, it's tea after all) washed it down with a spot of tea, readying himself for his triumphant retort; "Is it now? Or is it a tactful way of saying the floors could be swept and mopped?"

The lady of the Inn huffed loader than a horse! She quickly composed herself. She waited till he finished his crumpets. She waited till he finished his tea. And then she brought out a mop and bucket of water, and stood over the grizzled cowboy with a look of triumph; and proceeded to replace his hat with an overturned mop bucket, water included, upon his head. "Well what do you call that?" she beamed at him, with a smile as glorious as a bloomin' sunflower.

He sat there for a moment, with no particular expression about him, as if there was a painting of the Mona Lisa herself, just on the wall in front of him, just calling to his careful consideration. He coughed a bit, cleared his throat, and spoke, "Well, now that's just rude."

Meanwhile the horse was outside, overhearing the lot of it. A fly landed on his hind quarters, rubbing his little fly hands together, scheming on where the best ******** of the day might be. When suddenly the horse let out a mean fart, and started talking to himself, "Yeah well what do you call that!" The fly, startled, and overwhelmed by an odiferously miasmic cloud of gas, exclaimed, "nonsense, ya dumb horse."
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