Well-known member
Hello my name is Kristen and I am new to a lonely life forum. I have been clinically depressed for four years. I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Anxiety/Panic disorder. I am sixteen years old with "my whole life ahead of me" and sometimes I don't know if it is worth living. I wish I could say I'm exaggerating but I'm not. I have three siblings two are estranged and the other is more a stranger than a sister. My father was never there for me when I was little but now wants to be a part of my life. My mother was in a car accident when I was four and was incoherent until I was eleven. My angel my sister my best friend Ginger had to be put to sleep in April. Tucker our lab/shep mix is also going to be put down this Thursday. I have no friends and am isolated by my own loneliness. I know no one my age. I spend my days reading romance novels praying for my savior. I listen to music that talks about fading away and sometimes wish it were true. I am alone because no one understands me and I need someone to care. My wish after coming here is that someone my age or close to it will write me at [email protected]. I live in Virginia and pray someone near here writes me. I would live to truly meet someone my age with my problems but I know that is rare or at least appears to be. So there it is: I am a "sweet sixteen" who is alone and helpless and hopeless and praying that someone will understand.