Offended quickly

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Dec 26, 2022
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I am very insecure about myself and get offended quickly.

Its something i should improve but it just feels like people always dislike me
and it makes me emotional and makes me retreat further in myself.

friendships come harder than it should come. I just dislike myself and whenever someone has even a bit of negativity about me i seem to cry and get sad. i always pretend nothing is up.
Sorry to hear that. Sounds like you need to see someone about building your self esteem to help with your insecurities. There are websites you can do such work as well. For Aussies, there is MoodGym but I’m sure there many many others of similar ilk. Just my opinion from experience, but you probably get offended because deep down you know what they’re saying might be true and you hate that fact. That’s very understandable. It’s definitely something you can work on. You can better yourself in many ways to get more confidence and self esteem. Small steps. You won’t change overnight. It’s a gradual process of realisation and growth. I’m always happy to talk with people privately fyi.
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Why do you think you are so quick to be offended? Also, why do you dislike yourself so much?

Given that you dislike yourself so much, are you perhaps projecting those feeling onto others because you don't think people will like you if you give them a chance?

There will always be negativity, but you have to teach yourself not to focus on that. There is just as much, if not more, positivity in the world and in yourself. Write yourself a list of all the good things about yourself and your life. Focus on that. What can you offer others that is positive? Don't say nothing, everyone has something.
You don't have to give me the answers to those questions if you don't want to, it's more for yourself.
I'm pretty sure a lot of people these days are offended easily. Myself included. I didn't used to be though. And the people I know, didn't used to be either.

It's a queer thing, of which I'm not completely sure why it's happening. It might be related to how quickly memetic sentiments (ideas and notions and conveyed emotional content) can spread these days; ie: TikTok type content; combined with the younger generations coming into their own, trying to make sense of the world.

Then there are people who are offended by people who get offended, and get offended easily by people taking offense so easily.

Crazy town.

I've been trying to work on it, though. We'll all figure it out.

Sadly, however, I think a lot of people who are rather well adjusted or not so involved, will have to take the brunt of this cultural phenomena, and, 'take one for the team,' before people can breathe sighs of relief, have their, 'aha,' moments, laugh it off, etc..


I was watching some WWII restoration footage, recently today. It's amazing to see so many people, so completely insane, going about their business as if it was normal...
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Welcome ✨

Honestly you should get a blood test, make sure all your levels are where they should be 💫 a lot of people think imbalances are personality traits. I did for a long while.
I'm guessing you're younger?

It's so much more difficult to be younger these days than it used to be.
The internet makes it challenging, very challenging, because it's like you can't escape without also totally disconnecting at the same time. Even we adults struggle with that one.

Life is an offensive experience.
It just is.
If it's been an offensive experience for 12,000 years, it's probably going to keep being an offensive experience.

The trick is in learning how to manage it.
I spent most of my younger years, up until I was between 24 and 27, mostly wanting to kill myself pretty much all of the time.
It never really totally goes away, but it does get easier to deal with.

Modern social media connects people, but also it's really not good for your mental health.
Depending on if you're more introverted or more extroverted, I'd say maybe unplug from it.
Spend the time with your own hobbies away from it, educating yourself and trying to learn and accept your own mind, teaching yourself how not to be a slave to your own desires.

Because, there are two things to never forget:

1.) Life is voracious. It can and will break anyone and everyone, and you should expect it to do so and do your best to prepare ahead of time. I've seen it happen to teens, and I've seen it happen to hardened and well experienced adults. That's just what life does. All you can do is prepare yourself ahead of time and be ready for it. The trick is to knowing that it will happen when it happens, thereafter you'll be able to manage it better, which is why knowing yourself inside and out is very important.

2.) Most people are normal people, and normal people are controlled by their fears. Fear gives rise to aspiration. But if you want answers and solutions you have to be willing to sit and deal with the suffering that comes in life from things that are not immediate threats to your physical existence. The point here is to learn not to be reactionary, because if you are reactionary, surely your opposition will learn your patterns and the suffering will continue. Instead, you have to do the exact opposite. Because most people are controlled by their fears, you will find that that bullies and those as such are too, controlled by their fears. If you take away your assailants weapons, be they words or social situations that seem suspect, than they will have no leverage against you. And so you will find, that they too are the way that they are because of their fears.

Humans are products of their environments. If our environments were different than thus as such we would also be different. For example, people are usually calm on an airplane. But if an airlock breaks, suddenly nobody is calm anymore and for pretty good reasons.

Anyway, I am giving you this out of genuine care and concern because I had to figure this crap out the hard way myself and so this is me being the help that I wished I had when I was younger to better explain to me why the world and the people of the world are the way that they are.
Best of luck, OP. :)
I am very insecure about myself and get offended quickly.

Its something i should improve but it just feels like people always dislike me
and it makes me emotional and makes me retreat further in myself.

friendships come harder than it should come. I just dislike myself and whenever someone has even a bit of negativity about me i seem to cry and get sad. i always pretend nothing is up.

I'm not a doctor, but my life-long experience agrees with your admission Giro - that people who get offended easily are usually insecure about themselves. Let me offer a Christian perspective that many others won't like and you're free to disregard.

We all want recognition, respect, love, and support from others, but we go through life constantly being disappointed, hurt, or rejected by them. Unless you're unusually talented, smart, rich, powerful, or good looking, I think most people fail to have their self-esteem verified adequately by others. For those that bother to care, it can be a constant battle trying to prove oneself.
The Christian shouldn't have this problem. Our worth as a being created in God's image doesn't depend upon our looks, talent, or popularity of others. No one is ever going to show more love and dedication to us than the Lord Jesus Christ who suffered and died on the cross for all mankind, paying the ultimate price for our sins.

Anyone reading the Bible and understanding the Gospel message should recognize their utmost value and worth to God. Any esteem building recognition from others after that is only minor and temporary. Might I suggest that knowing and loving God is the ticket to increasing one's confidence and assurance of self worth and purpose in life.
giro, I definitely have the issue of perceived sleights against me. Sometimes they end up being the real deal but most often they're completely overblown and imagined.

I get nuclear level upset but don't say anything.. I just end up repeating the event over and over, imagining it was way worse than it was.

I wish you peace, man. Hopefully you can find something that helps in the suggestions above. Be well.
I am very insecure about myself and get offended quickly.

Its something i should improve but it just feels like people always dislike me
and it makes me emotional and makes me retreat further in myself.

friendships come harder than it should come. I just dislike myself and whenever someone has even a bit of negativity about me i seem to cry and get sad. i always pretend nothing is up.
Well, first off, you should try and improve your self perception. If nothing else, for your own well being. I'm not talking fawn over yourself in the mirror, but acknowledge what you DO like about yourself.
Second, you can't control what others think. That being said, you can control your reaction to it. Sone of it really might be that others dislike you, I'd suggest figuring out what part exactly and maybe trying to improve that, for example if others dislike that you aren't social enough, ir polite enough, maybe try to improve your language when speaking to others, or try to engage more frequently. As for the irrational dislike, you can ignore that, there isn't much to be done and people enjoy doing that.

Lastly, you need to remember that in general, you're your own best friend. You can't let others anger you so easily. It's not very good to keep resentment bottled inside and, if it's unwarranted, will eat at you. I'd suggest taking up an activity to get rid of negative emotions. Could be meditation, could be physical activity, anything that helps you take the energy out.
I disagree when ppl say rejection and insults build immunity. it's the opposite
I agree-rather than somehow being positive, constant rejection & failure is extremely painful and demoralizing. This is especially true because a large part of how people treat you is based on your level of physical attractiveness. Even when attractive people are young, thery receive huge amounts of positive reinforcement from their family, friends & teachers. This often translates into them building a high self esteem as adults. Of course, the opposite is also true in that unattractive people receive negative reinforcement based on our inferior looks so end up with low self esteem because it is what we have been taught-that we are unworthy.

I think this may be the case for the orginal poster-he or she is physically unattractive so people dislike them and they have a low self esteem. I don't think the importance of being good looking can be understated and the tragedy of being ugly is likewise a critical factor in ones overall life experience-especially for sub 5 men.
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I agree-rather than somehow being positive, constant rejection & failure is extremely painful and demoralizing. This is especially true because a large part of how people treat you is based on your level of physical attractiveness. Even when attractive people are young, thery receive huge amounts of positive reinforcement from their family, friends & teachers. This often translates into them building a high self esteem as adults. Of course, the opposite is also true in that unattractive people receive negative reinforcement based on our inferior looks so end up with low self esteem because it is what we have been taught-that we are unworthy.
100% agree.
I was extremely skinny as a kid growing up.
I weighed 60 lbs in 6th grade, and 115 lbs when I graduated HS.
I took s**t every single day of my life from the day I started kindergarten to the day I graduated HS.

I would be a completely different person had I not gone through that.
And I am not even talking about being "popular". I mean just being a regular kid.
Maybe being 2nd string on a sports team or something, with some friends and a pretty enough GF.
I would be a normal person today if I could have had that kind of childhood and teen years.
I agree-rather than somehow being positive, constant rejection & failure is extremely painful and demoralizing. This is especially true because a large part of how people treat you is based on your level of physical attractiveness. Even when attractive people are young, thery receive huge amounts of positive reinforcement from their family, friends & teachers. This often translates into them building a high self esteem as adults. Of course, the opposite is also true in that unattractive people receive negative reinforcement based on our inferior looks so end up with low self esteem because it is what we have been taught-that we are unworthy.

I think this may be the case for the orginal poster-he or she is physically unattractive so people dislike them and they have a low self esteem. I don't think the importance of being good looking can be understated and the tragedy of being ugly is likewise a critical factor in ones over all life experience-especially for sub 5 men.
I think the case only applies to males.
"ugly" females can still get into a relationship/skin ship very easily.

a 6/10 female has 11k followers on social media.
you should definitely go therapy ... the chief elements any human being needs most of all are love and knowledge ... some are lucky enough to receive both or just one of them as home made from an early age ... the rest of us must find a way to gain it and professional therapy is the most suitable starting point nowadays
I think being a truly ugly man must be personally experienced to be understoode so I can realte to & empathize with men who like me are also in the sub 5 catagoery. It's pretty much impossible for average looking men, above average looking men or women to relate to how little valued below average men are in western society.

Therapy is only helpful to try and find methods to deal with cognative errors. If someone is not delusional and instead they are merely suffering due to the miserable life circumstances they have been thrust into because of their unchangeable physical attributes, drugs and/or therapy are not going to be very productive imo.
exactly! this is knowledge (especially self knowledge) that makes the difference ... otherwise how do you explain that very attractive people are deeply unhappy and even commit suicide while people with big physical shortcomings are happier than average people
exactly! this is knowledge (especially self knowledge) that makes the difference ... otherwise how do you explain that very attractive people are deeply unhappy and even commit suicide while people with big physical shortcomings are happier than average people
I think the issues you mention are a seperate discussion. Most attractive people who fail do so because they continuously make poor decisions and some unattractive people are better at coping than others which is why I said potential quality of life. It is when a man is too unattractive to have his social & intimate needs met that he has lost in life.
I think the issues you mention are a seperate discussion. Most attractive people who fail do so because they continuously make poor decisions and some unattractive people are better at coping than others which is why I said potential quality of life. It is when a man is too unattractive to have his social & intimate needs met that he has lost in life.
I think that shows the quality of life and happiness status may only be "aggravated" but not caused by the look ... the root is in the level of knowledge and the capacity to love
I think that shows the quality of life and happiness status may only be "aggravated" but not caused by the look ... the root is in the level of knowledge and the capacity to love
Life Experiences can drive the capacity to love out of you.
12 straight years of hell can do that.
Life Experiences can drive the capacity to love out of you.
12 straight years of hell can do that.
indeed but unless we are dealing with hardware (brain) damages ... the software can be updated and reasonably bugs-fixed in time

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