Diagnosed said:
1) I've found this site.
2) My mom reached her 80 (and allowed me to steal several slides from her cake).

3) I shared some $ with the needy and God repaid me with 100% of the amount I gave (not expecting it came back).
4) I have 2 weeks in Caracas (so I'm Diagnosed as homesick: I miss my place!
5) I have enjoyed myself reading some ppl on this site...
You live in a farm area, but you're staying in the big city for a while? That can be pretty tough.
I live in a suburb of a fairly big town, so it always feels great to get home where it's quiet after
a day in the city. :O)
Happy Birthday to Mother Diagnosed! And I'm glad you found this site.
Thanks Harper!
You surely deserved a slide my Mom's

I'm not afraid i would miss you, Nat or a misbehaved online friend
My place is a side of a mountain, not a place for the farms you're probably used to: few fields, less than 50 cows or sheeps, but it's a quite spot in the suburbs too.
How come you've got that place, Harp?
Does it look like those places seen on American movies?
I'll bet Natasha lives in a hut...