Over 30 and zero relationship experience?

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priscella said:
The Bird Lesson and underneath all of that is in those days---hope....Its a young girl holding a crow up to a window...painted in 1867 by William Adolphe Bouguereau 11/30/1825-----8/19/1905 

IMO, the painting has a new meaning in today's society. The crow represents males. The girl is thinking that there are so many better looking crows out there that she should just throw this one on the ground and stomp on it. There is no need to find out any of it's good qualities. This crow is worthless to her and can not provide anything that she can not provide for herself. This thought makes her smile as she realizes it's a form of power.

Ha! ha!

The previous posted image became restricted. This one should be okay.
In my view that picture and artist is magnificent and of course the beautiful little girl. Those early days were very hard living and what this artist loved to do was to paint and he painted all the time. Your attitude "sucks" to me even when you try to be "funny", on some topics it is just overdone. It's like you putting something up on the net that you truly love and then someone comes into the play and make it truly irrelevant and puts it into a crow stomping scene rather than one of "hope"---I defend this beautiful picture as well as that precious child with that beautiful hand made blouse on with the little black ties. I will try to find the picture and post it on here in the future and I hope that I can accomplish this much---something you finished could not do.


Now I believe what one does not see in the picture is a window in the corner high up with light rays beaming down on the figure... I think this but am not sure and I do not know where I get that idea...But I feel it is in that picture somewhere---lol...
Furthermore "that picture information was addressed to Swamp Yankee" in the posting..
My comments were for other readers pertaining to an ongoing emotionally charged cross-thread topic. Sometimes you've got to stir the pot. You'll notice a lot of people read these threads but don't post much. Sometimes comments are more for them. Humor can be hit or miss especially when only using typed words and the full situation is not understood. However, the painting itself seems nice. Ha! ha!
I am glad that you like the picture for I love it and the artist as well.  This picture to me seems very very different from the other artwork he painted and it kind of sticks out and in my heart I believe that this child might be his daughter releasing a bird to the open window high up in the room. Now I never found the open window in any of his paintings but who to say it isn't there---my interpretation---lol lol---my imagination maybe but it winds up for me--one of hope for survival as she releases it to the world. Thanks for your post.. priscella..
ardour said:
Anyone 30 + and never had a boyfriend/girlfriend, not even at the early stages?  

I can think of a couple of members.

I asked someone to the Ball at secondary school (seventeen years ago).  I haven't  asked any women out since, although it would have been fairly clear to a few that I was infatuated with them (and clear how they felt about that).

I wonder if any data exists that might indicate what portion of society will never know any kind of romantic connection.

Hey there, i am new to this forum so first of all hello there! 
Let me share my experience. I believe there are many like me out there but i will share. I am 30 and have never been in a relationship, never even dated even once in my life, not even during primary or secondary school or university. 
Reason is simple, i was always afraid of dating and being with someone and the idea of commitment scared me alot back then. 
I have been on various dating platforms for 2 years straight now, yes 2 years and with an inabilty to match with anyone because first of all i am black, i am not good looking and me being a loner, i have no photos of myself travelling or with friends. So its just me and well i am not handsome or white so its tough for someone like me to find anyone. 
I came to this forum hoping though i can find like minded people like myself because i really want to get this lonely and empty feeling away. 
On a side note, can anyone share how is it possible to live alone? If i can master it, then i can stop looking for someone actually and be content with myself. 
Cheers and peace to all 😀
I'm 30 and I've only gone out with one girl in high school. It lasted less than a week plus she was the one who asked me out. But man, breaking up with her was the worst feeling in the world. I don't ever wanna break a girls heart again😭😭😭

I don't force love to happen. I just let it be.
Azariah said:
I'm 30 and I've only gone out with one girl in high school. It lasted less than a week plus she was the one who asked me out. But man, breaking up with her was the worst feeling in the world. I don't ever wanna break a girls heart again😭😭😭

I don't force love to happen. I just let it be.

Why did you break up with her?
That"s a good idea....It really is hard to break up with a person I can duplicate that feeling...But life goes on......Your young at least younger than me (75) and I just know many wonderful years ahead of you sometimes we need to be patient with ourselves and I just bet that you like music and this sometimes helps people get their thoughts together. So glad you did not leave the forum for I must have made a mistake when I can across the deletion files checking out the forum and most likely someone else"s name that began with a "A"  lol ...Glad your still here....Yea another person asked Why did you break up with her and I ask the same question..?
I didn't love her. I know, why did I go out with her the first place. I was young and stupid. She asked me out at a birthday party and other guys were there, she was pretty, and the guys were kinda peer pressuring me to say yes. So I said yes. What kinda guy would turn down a pretty girl, right? I actually tried breaking up with her the very next day at lunch in school but tears started streaming down her face so I felt bad. So we continued being girlfriend/boyfriend for almost a week until I really realized I had to break up with her because I didn't love her. So I did it over the phone, broke up with her which my friend says is a pussy way to break up with a girl and I know she's right I feel like a coward. But I really can't stand making and seeing a girl cry in person.
Azariah said:
I didn't love her. I know, why did I go out with her the first place. I was young and stupid. She asked me out at a birthday party and other guys were there, she was pretty, and the guys were kinda peer pressuring me to say yes. So I said yes. What kinda guy would turn down a pretty girl, right? I actually tried breaking up with her the very next day at lunch in school but tears started streaming down her face so I felt bad. So we continued being girlfriend/boyfriend for almost a week until I really realized I had to break up with her because I didn't love her. So I did it over the phone, broke up with her which my friend says is a pussy way to break up with a girl and I know she's right I feel like a coward. But I really can't stand making and seeing a girl cry in person.

You expect to love someone in seconds?  That's very unrealistic.  Most of the time, love doesn't come until later.  All you need to have to go out with a girl is "like" and just wanting to spend time with her.
This girl was pretty but besides that I didn't like anything about her. Or at least I didn't know her well enough to like her. She was just pretty. And what kinda guy would turn down a pretty girl. But she liked me. I remember asking her why and she said I didn't try so hard to impress her which I didn't think was a good enough answer. Anyways bottom line is I didn't even like or was attracted to her. So I didn't think that was a good sign. So I had to end it.
Azariah said:
This girl was pretty but besides that I didn't like anything about her. Or at least I didn't know her well enough to like her. She was just pretty. And what kinda guy would turn down a pretty girl. But she liked me. I remember asking her why and she said I didn't try so hard to impress her which I didn't think was a good enough answer. Anyways bottom line is I didn't even like or was attracted to her. So I didn't think that was a good sign. So I had to end it.

The entire point of dating is to get to know someone and see if you could like her and want to be with her.  There are times when you can know after one date that the person is definitely not for you, but I don't think you understand what dating is for or even what it means to love someone.
Oh this'll be fun. Tell me what its like to love someone Jen. Please do.
Azariah said:
This girl was pretty but besides that I didn't like anything about her. Or at least I didn't know her well enough to like her. She was just pretty. And what kinda guy would turn down a pretty girl. But she liked me. I remember asking her why and she said I didn't try so hard to impress her which I didn't think was a good enough answer. Anyways bottom line is I didn't even like or was attracted to her. So I didn't think that was a good sign. So I had to end it.

You did the right thing. If it’s not meant to be, then carry on. It’s a total crock of **** when someone has to play “oh but that’s what’s dating is all about” which is true sometimes but some dates just don’t go well to proceed. So anyone saying “you don’t know what dating is” is either a very stubborn person and no matter what they do to make that date better they are still not happy, or they just look for look for excuse to nit pick at you on everything your doing wrong because you just don’t feel a connection.
I'm not sure which is worse. I've gone on first dates that obviously weren't going to go any further. Then I've gone on dates where I thought it was great. It seemed like we had great chemistry, were we joking around, they suggested other places to prolong the date, and there was at least a nice hug at the end if not a small kiss.

But, then I contact them later and ask for another date. They say no. So, I wonder is this a real no or a lets see what you've got left in the tank no. So, I contact them again a few days after that with a fun type day date, as in I'm going to do do this would you like to meet me there or I can pick you up? Then I get the WTF! I told you no! Do you not understand what no means?

In the first scenario I'm quickly disappointed. It sucks. But no big deal. In the second scenario I'm happy for a couple days. Then I'm crushed and confused. Hmmmm.
I am beginning to be feeling "sad" about men now and what they have to put up with--poor babies.....priscella.. Awwww...
priscella said:
I am beginning to be feeling "sad" about men now and what they have to put up with--poor babies.....priscella.. Awwww...

My daughter who was on those horrible dating sites a few years back would tell me that she had her fair share of guys being pathetic but the women were worst. She encounter some women who would go on dating sites just to get a free night out of dinner and drinks. One time she told off her coworker because she would make a weekly list of guys who she’s going to meet up with to get free meals from. She flat out told her she was a piece of ****.
soresoul said:
priscella said:
I am beginning to be feeling "sad" about men now and what they have to put up with--poor babies.....priscella.. Awwww...

My daughter who was on those horrible dating sites a few years back would tell me that she had her fair share of guys being pathetic but the women were worst. She encounter some women who would go on dating sites just to get a free night out of dinner and drinks. One time she told off her coworker because she would make a weekly list of guys who she’s going to meet up with to get free meals from. She flat out told her she was a piece of ****.

I have a colleague like that sadly.  She absolutely sees nothing wrong with it.

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