I've been lazy/demotivated/busy recently so haven't taken any new shots. I did however go out to a club tonight and took some photos for them. They're not really ones I would share because most are just boring people shots but Ladyf is twisting my arm so here they are
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The party pics aren't that special but your other pics are stunning! I've photographed a friend of mine today (assignment) who is a model but I don't really like them. I do have some other pictures I've made in the past year or so, I'll upload them sometime soon . I usually take pictures of buildings from a strange angle.
I treated myself to a new camera the other day (yay retail therapy!) The Canon 700D. It does video too so I might try and make some soon, the last I made was bad quality on my mobile phone. Well, I took it out for a test yesterday at the beach, here are some pics:
Oh and if anyone wants to see the short video I made on my phone, here it is: