Pimple faced making me depressed

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Well, how is your diet ? You could eat a more healthy one and excersize to get the blood circulating. Drink lots of water ! Buy a 32oz cup and drink 2 of those a day. If it's a big pimple, just put a little bit of toothPASTE on it and you could leave it overnight. Vitamin b-12 complex takes those pimples away too.
Also this works for me. Do it once a week or your skin ould get tolerant to it.
Dissolve about 3 tablets of uncoated aspirin in one or two teaspoons of water and add some honey to it. Spread this over your face and leave it for about 15 minutes. This mask is for the sole purpose of acne. It gets it off. Or, you could break it up like i do and do a honey mask one night (just honey on your face) and an aspirin the other. (just the dissolved UNCOATED aspirin on your face)
Good luck. Hope it clears up and hope the masks work. :(

When you rinse, rinse wif cold water to close your pores and lock in all that good stuff.
Callie, you're talking about other peoples personality, you OBVIOUSLY haven't noticed yours.
Stop acting like a damn snob.
Wanna make someone feel bad ? Do it somewhere else. You're not gonna do it here.
Kick rocks.
I seek out natural health solutions alot more than post people. From the site NaturalNews, I found out about this product Oxypowder which is a pill of ozone binded to magnesium. The developer Edward Group, maintains that most health problems begin in the colon. If you think about it, it makes sense. Your digestive system and colon are responsible for processing and eliminating the toxins from what you consume. If your colon is overloaded from compacted feces, it cannot function to its proper capacity, but your body still has to eliminate toxins somehow. I think this is a likely culprit for sustained acne outbreaks. Your body eliminates what it cannot by the digestive system into the bloodstream and skin.

What Skuzziemuff is saying is bs. I don't have some turtle or stupid video game/anime figure for my avatar. I have my image, like another person accused often of being a troll. If you click my avatar, you can see it in a larger size. What you cannot see from my pic is that almost all the pores of my nose have blackheads. You cannot compare blackheads to a serious acne breakout, if this is your low level of judgment you are totally unrealistic. I never had anyone make a public comment to me of my blackheads, though they vex me, but I bet those with serious acne outbreaks cannot say the same. As for callie, she is a coward most of the time and a bully when there are others around to hide behind, I would ignore her. She often uses the disgraceful tactic of waiting till someone else already created a negative psychological climate against someone then she jumps in against them, very similar to a hyena on some Savannah.

I would recommend to try to order Oxypowder to perform a colon cleanse, it only costs $25 for 60 pills. It is alot cheaper than other options, I ordered it and did a colon cleanse myself.
I would recommend that Thrasy look around Hikiculture.net

There seems to be a lot of people in similar predicament to him on that forum.
Rayri said:
Callie, you're talking about other peoples personality, you OBVIOUSLY haven't noticed yours.
Stop acting like a damn snob.
Wanna make someone feel bad ? Do it somewhere else. You're not gonna do it here.
Kick rocks.

Actually, wrong you are. I know exactly what my "personality" is. I have NEVER tried to hide that. But, I might also add that you know NOTHING about me, so how bout YOU stop acting like you know anything, because I can assure you, in this instance, you do NOT.
And I'll do what I want, I'll post where I want and when I want. Funny how you post and THEN come back to reply to something I said. Funny also, how you seem to want to attack ME and no one else. Funny also that you think you get to sit there and try to make me feel bad/guilty, which, I can also assure you, you will not be able to do.
And who is going to stop me from doing what you seem to think I'm doing....you? No, I don't think so. So back off me and worry about yourself instead of me, m'kay?
Thanks, buh-bye
I have somewhat oily skin. At times when I have taken a number of nutrtional products, it just magically gets radically better. Wish I knew exactly why. Some sort of biological problem gets tweaked. Wish I knew what. Anyway, I recommend looking at your diet.

IMO... we have different skin types and no one can suggest this is the only best thing to try and blah blah. We're the only one who can figure that our ourselves. Knowing how we react on certain methods or products, but because trying it on ourselves is risky as well, it is always better to consult a trusted experts.

This is a problem I worry about these days, that is why I haven't been on ALL or xat much cos I'm always in my room sulking or torturing my face.

I do think that the most common natural methods that people always suggest to be helpful could work like living a healthier lifestyle. If not getting rid of your pimples entirely, but minimizing it. Or it could also be that healthier life style also means better coping with stress and depression.

but meh

beans said:
I've been struggling with acne all my life since I was 14. I'm almost 29 and I still have them. I've been on all sorts of treatment, it works but only when I'm taking the medication. As soon as I come off them, they return and I can't be taking these pills forever as they are costly and have side effects.

Recently I came off them and the acne and grease has returned.

I just feel so much less of a woman. I feel like no guy will ever be attracted to me. It's easy to say 'Oh if he loves you, he will overlook it' and all that kind of crap. I mean, that's how we console ourselves but really it doesn't help to know even that.

I just feel like no matter how nice I dress or how nice and friendly and interesting I am, that with my acne, I won't ever attract anyone enough to love me.

Beans, acne is a symptom of an ACTUAL imbalance in the body. Dermatologists are so lazy and worthless when it comes to acne. They gives you creams to slather on and load you up with antibiotics that ruin your immune system. Demand that they do lab work to check ALL of your hormone levels.

In the meantime I would recommend an AHA lotion to remove the buildup of dead skin cells but topicals will never reveal why you are still getting acne as an adult. Get lab work done.
I'm coming into this a bit late, but I wanted to say that people with oily skin don't get as many wrinkles! That probably doesn't feel like a great trade right now, but I know a lot of people who would love not to have wrinkles. Anyway, I'm an esthetician, so I thought I'd leave a few tips here.

I don't know if any of you have tried this, but one thing that really helped me with oily skin issues was to use dandruff shampoo... and I let the lather get on my face, as well as my scalp.

Make sure not to wash your face too much, because your body will work even harder to produce the oil. A lot of people have been very surprised to find that washing with a little baking soda paste can help them out. Doesn't work for everybody, but it's cheap enough that you don't have an excuse not to give it a shot. Do it at night, though, because it might aggravate your skin. You just mix baking soda with enough water to make a paste, then gently rub it in small circles on your face for about a minute, and rinse.

Moisturize. Your skin is oily, and you don't wanna, but do it. Just try to find something without oil in it. When your skin doesn't "think" it's hydrated, it will produce oil. And try to find a moisturizer with sunscreen in it!

If you pop your pimples, please use an extractor. Doing it with your fingers can leave scars and even lead to more acne. As clean as you think your fingers are, they aren't always as clean as you need them to be. You should try to touch your face as little as possible... and touch as little to your face as possible (like phones... phones are evil).

Avoid getting too hot. That can trigger your skin to make more oil.
We all know that not everybody out there sees beyond physical flaws, but we also know that not everybody focuses on them. You just have to decide to either disguise them to the best of your ability or you must work on accepting yourself exactly how you are.

Just remember: Improving your physical flaws might help your social life, but it also might do nothing at all. We have people on this site who have done that and been disappointed by the lack of change. It is important to have a healthy heart and mind, as well as body.
I want to say to Sci-Fi and Bluey--think I'm crazy--but I find razor burn sexy...although it must hurt like h***! Did either of you ever try a CREAM after shave? I think they may be hard to find, but maybe you can Google Search it, and buy it on-line if it bothers you so much.

Beans, when I was a teenager, I had to go to a dermotologist every week because my acne was so bad. I was on anti-biotics and some cream treatment but it didn't totally get rid of it. Now I am 54, and I still will break out with a pimple or two once in a while, but my skin is soooo oily. I have bangs and I actually have to pull my hair back in a pony tail and shampoo my bangs 3 times a day!!! I guess you have tried almost every over the counter product that's sold: facials, pads, and creams...did you ever hear of a cream called called ZAPZYT? Funny name, not a funny problem! That's what I use when I have a break out. It is very strong. I know my problem is in no way comparable to yours, except for the oily skin. Sorry guys this may not be something you are willing to try. Avon sells a facial power, compact form, not loose powder, that absorbs the oil in the skin. I use that and keep touching up my face during the time I am out. It works for the oil and it would probably cover up some of your acne. You can buy Avon on line if you are no where that someone sells it. PM me if you want the product # and exact name. I feel for you, Beans, it must be heartbreaking--I wish I had an answer!
I have acne as well....even though I am a guy and am 19an I've been through hell with my face. I went on accutane at age 17 and that year was the yearyear from hell...I didn't want to go out of the house I was so self conciliation becausee for 3/4 of the treatment time it made my face look so awful ..... it took me to a level so low I almost stopped the treatment early because it made me so sad and depressed

I am now 19... I still have acne but not as bad as I used to.
I have tried to couple things to help reduce my acne....one thing I have changed is my diet. Eating healthier and staying away from processed foods.

I still use acne products from Arbonne....

I have had a flare up because I started using a recovery natural protein formula for after I workout. Although I'm relating it to detoxing my body of harmful chemicals.

I have also starting taking doses of vitamin c as if is found to be an antioxidant.
Go to acne.org and check out some of the info that is posted there....it can be helpful....that's where I got vitamin c info from.

Okay, people who are okay with wearing make-up... this girl does an amazing job disguising her blemishes.

I know about this - I know.
I know this sounds crazy- but it will work I promise.

wash- noxzema
Moisturize- oil of olay (store brand will work- it is cheaper too)

do this daily, I promise it works.

works on keratosis too!

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