20 years ago at work. Everywhere else I was invisible. But, nowadays I believe women are starting to show some interest in me. I'm an older man, in shape, out and about, and breathing. So, that makes me more attractive now. My overall looks don't matter as much. A women took interest in me at a gas station. I thought she was attractive so I nodded at her and smiled. She smiled back and we stared at each other for a few seconds. I know I was supposed to say something. But, I just didn't want to do so. I've also had several older then me women come up and start talking to me at Walmart. I smile at them and talk to them for a few minutes. Usually I help them get something off a high shelf or put something heavy into their cart. But, IMO, they are usually hitting on me. They start the conversation. But, I end it. I think it's much easier for old guys that want to date old women then young or old guys that want to date young women.