VanillaCreme said:
But isn't being impressed different from person to person? What's impressive to me might not be impressive to a million other females. That highly depends on the person that would be impressed. I would imagine that's part of the reason why so many folks say to just be yourself. We're not meant to be with everyone we see. Wouldn't you rather attract the person that genuinely likes you as you really are, versus trying to impress and attract anyone and everyone?
I think there are things that are considered specifically attractive, which I agree varies from person to person. But I think there are generally attractive traits as well. Confidence is usually the first one that people bring up. And it looks like ambition is too. If "being yourself" means being someone who doesn't have a lot of these general traits (and I admit that I have a hard time with this), it's going to be rough.
Would I rather attract someone who likes me as I really am? It depends if they are aligned with the direction I want or not. I would like to be able to pick someone that I want to get to know and could enhance my life instead of having to leave it up to chance. I've known for a while that I want to change how I am, even if I haven't known how to do it. I don't think I'd be very interested in someone who would like me as I am right now because they probably wouldn't be someone who would make me curious and excited about getting to know them, enhance my life and give me the feeling I'm looking for. I'd feel like I'm stuck there because I couldn't break out of my old social role and I'd kick myself because if I knew what I needed to know and did what I should have done anyway before, I feel like I could have had a chance to do better but now I'll never have a chance to do as well again.
ardour said:
This reads like o variation on the Nice Guy shaming tactic. "Oh so you think meeting minimum requirements of decency entitles you to a relationship" etc., etc.Heard it before, countless times. I doubt Ska actually thinks this, regardless of his blind spots and lack of motivation.
Volt said:
I don't know if he thinks it either. It was me trying to state how his line translated in my head. My intent there was more matter of factly as opposed to condescending.
No, I don't actually think that a person deserves to be richly rewarded just for not being evil. But I do think that trying to be a smart and good person isn't worthless either. I don't think trying to be friendly, agreeable, and sincere is worth less than someone with the obnoxious, show-off teenage rebel personality.
ardour said:
I should have been clearer. It was this part: "Essentially saying they deserve praise by virtue of not being evil"
I agree that it's difficult to take Ska's comments about "bad boys" and the opposite sex seriously, given that he's unemployed and isn't willing to take basic steps towards making himself more appealing, but that doesn't completely negate what he's pointing out either. A lot of women are into those personality traits in men, and not just the immature or emotionally damaged.
It's hard to get motivated to be appealing when it feels like I can only do so well anymore. I'm not excited or motivated by what feels like all I can get. All my life I hoped I could figure out how to do better than "just OK" in everything. To be stuck in it after all, doesn't give me anything to work hard for.
Xpendable said:
I have a hard time understanding Jordan Peterson. The whole thing about Bilbo becoming a thief and a bad citizen isn't really accurate, because he's helping the Dwarves take back what was rightfully theirs from a monster that took it by force and was inherently evil in the first place. All my life, I was only ever taught to be a good citizen. I had everything to lose and nothing to gain by being a bad citizen, except sex and relationships apparently, I guess. I just don't see how a regular person can apply what Peterson is saying to regular life. If I'm raised in a safe, stable environment, and I'm raised to get along and be agreeable, should I just start randomly stealing and fighting and destroying just to show others who's boss? I thought it showed maturity to not do those things, to look for something better, more meaningful, to not do dumb things and not look for fights about things that don't matter. I guess I just don't get that Peterson seems to be saying that everything is a competition, everything is a war. I've always been more agreeable, I've always felt that why does everything have to be a competition all the time?
I agree with him in the sense that growing up, I feel like I should have been more willing to curse people out, fight, and get in trouble if need be. But that's against enemies. When I meet a girl I like I'm trying to have a pleasant interaction, not "out-alpha" her like she's some bully I have to stand up to or some kind of ape that I have to do a mating dance for. I'm trying to treat her like a civilized person, not play ******** games.
Same thing with the second video. I'm really not sure how I can show that I can be a person who stands up to the unknown, as a regular person who wants to have a good life and doesn't come from a background where dominance was emphasized. I've always been looking to arrive, enjoy things, and just live my life, and I can't enjoy anything if I take dumb risks that I don't even like just to beat my chest and get myself jailed or killed. I don't want to be a beta male, I don't want to be the friend, **** that second-class citizen role. All my life I've always wanted to escape that, get to a point where they can't treat me like I'm inferior anymore. But I don't want to be an alpha either, because I don't think they are respectable. I think they're obnoxious and stupid and I feel like I know better than to behave like them. I always had enough to do, I never felt a need to go around looking to start trouble and I never felt a need to try to dominate others. I don't have the background for it, it would feel like I'm knowingly doing something wrong. I always felt like just living my life but I guess that's not good enough.
Xpendable said:
The problem is that many people and probably Ska know they already didn't born with the capacity to reach that level of evil. A harmless person that realizes his good nature is not attractive becomes cynical and a worst realization is that that reality cannot be changed along the species is what makes them unable to accept there's a way of defeating that sentiment.
The problem with that is it would make sense if barely any person was evil, but in today's world actual kindness should be rewarded. In such a materialistic and hedonistic society, this "bare minimum" it's actually quite admirable and it should be pointed out. Somehow we now get mad at a person for saying they are good, but forget to realize we reward the bad ones without even being asked.
Exactly. Like I said, I wasn't raised to be a violent, destructive person looking to pick fights and assert dominance over others. I was raised to get along and live my life, and that's what I felt like doing. I guess I am pretty harmless. There are people I don't like and have angry thoughts about but I won't act on them because I know that I'd lose more than I'd gain and it probably wouldn't even help. I know it's not worth it. It would feel good in the moment to beat the **** out of a bad boy if I could and humiliate him in front of everyone, but the legal consequences would ruin my life, and what I would gain from living my life is worth more than the instant gratification of violence. Not only that but even if I won the fight, I don't think it would make women like me more. But if I need to assert dominance to be attractive, but I don't believe in it or can't do it, then I'm stuck.
Your last point, I agree with as well. Today's world is trending towards materialism, hedonism, superficiality, and hyper-competitiveness to the point that the bare minimum of kindness is actually becoming rare. People these days won't have anything to do with you if you don't have the right clothes, the right car, the right background.
I'm not sure what I can do. I can try to become more interesting and accomplished (maybe) but starting to be more harmful goes against everything I was taught to believe and everything that makes sense to me.