Questions for the Women

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Sanal said:
I believe everybody saw cg's thread "if you are a guy and"... If you have not, this is the thread.
you happen to be at some social event, and you run into this interesting woman, whom you have been watching for a while and you finally get your chance to talk to her. Everything is going smooth, she is showing interest in the conversation that is taking place. Suddenly the door opens and three extremely handsome and attractive men walk in. They come over to the woman you are talking to and you suddenly feel that you don't have her attention anymore. They circle around that woman, talk to her and go into another topic.

As a man, what would you?

a) Leave
b) Try to walk up to that woman again and fight for her attention and compete with the other men
Okay now.. Imagine the girl is you..

I wanna ask every women.. Would you prefer a guy who leaves or a guy who try to walk up to that women again and fight?

It's not a matter of winning or losing, fighting or walking away. If she is interested, she will let you know in subtle ways. Stick around and see if she looks at you or asks you a question to get you back into the conversation. Be patient for a little bit. A party is for meeting new people. Give her the chance to meet them and interact. If a guy I was talking to walked away, I would take that as he was not interested in me. If he stuck around a few minutes, it would give me a chance to come back to him. And if I am interested, I would make my way back to him in conversation.
If after 10 minutes she doesn't respond to you, I would gracefully excuse myself. Besides, she is either interested or not. "Fighting" for her attention or walking away will not change that. Or at least where I am concerned.
Naleena said:
Girls, I'll start this.
1.What are some of the behaviors that you find attractive in a man on a date?
2. What are some behaviors you don't like on a date?

My issues are more related to behavior rather than appearance/grooming:

1. I like basic consideration and common courtesy - from everyone, not just my date (and MY GOD, does this make me sound old....)- he doesn't have to open doors or carry me over the threshold (lol), but I appreciate a certain level of politeness, especially on a first date. My inner Emily Post has been traumatized by some of the boorish ***** out there. (and yeah, I just became my grandmother ) So, please, if you "dip" (chewing tobacco), please leave your pouch at home. The Barnes and Noble Starbucks isn't the right place to be spitting into an empty Pepsi bottle.

2. I hate, hate, hate the Me-Monster. This is someone who will relentlessly talk about themselves, and their: possessions - listing the most expensive first, hobbies - also often requiring money, like golf and sailing, accomplishments, stellar IQ... et cetera ad nauseum.

I like a natural-feeling back and forth with the questions and conversation, so we both feel as though we're getting to know about one another.
Naleena said:
Just because a woman knows you love her, doesn't mean she doesn't NEED to hear that. Do small, kind things for her. You don't have to spend money. Be mindful to show her you care in the everyday stuff.

have you ever had EasyWay? its an asian kind of drink you buy, there is like 1000 varieties of it.

anyway, i knew my girlfriend liked EasyWay so one time when i was going to see her at her house, i bought a large one for her. i almost didnt give it to her because i was too nervous about what she would think, if it would be awkward etc. i finally gave it to her... and she was really happy! i did this many times and it made me so happy. also once i bought her sister vegan food and that made me happier!

thats what i miss about being in a relationship, being able to do those little things. it made me sooooooo happy seeing her cheesy smile and having her get all excited when i say "oh Kate... guess what... i have something for you.... :D" gonna go hug my pillow now...
anime girlboy said:
have you ever had EasyWay? its an asian kind of drink you buy, there is like 1000 varieties of it.

anyway, i knew my girlfriend liked EasyWay so one time when i was going to see her at her house, i bought a large one for her. i almost didnt give it to her because i was too nervous about what she would think, if it would be awkward etc. i finally gave it to her... and she was really happy! i did this many times and it made me so happy. also once i bought her sister vegan food and that made me happier!

thats what i miss about being in a relationship, being able to do those little things. it made me sooooooo happy seeing her cheesy smile and having her get all excited when i say "oh Kate... guess what... i have something for you.... :D" gonna go hug my pillow now...

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww, what a sweet guy! I love guys like you!!!!
Ya know, actions speak louder than words and now that you brought that to my attention. Showing you love someone is just as valid as saying it : ) Put them together, showing and saying it, and you have romance!

Heres a cyber hug for you ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((*)))))))))))))))))))))))

My pet peeve when on a first date would be a guy that has no oppinions. It just screams "I'm boring". I suppose I should clarify though. I mean, for example, when we're planning a date and he asks what I want to do. So I have a suggestion and then ask what he'd like. He says something along the lines of "I dunno, what do you want to do?" or "Whatever you want is fine with me". If I already suggestend something and he says it sounds fine to him that's one thing, but if he honestly has no oppinion, gah.
Because seriously, a date requires two people. Both people's oppinions count. It's not all about me, I hate it when guys are like that. I don't want to just talk about me. I want to know about him. If he likes basketball, I want to hear about it. Not a lecture about basketball, just what he likes about it. It's really not very intertaining to talk about myself. I've been called difficult many times, but if a guy is going to keep my attention for any length of time he better have something more to say than "Whatever you like dear"

Another major red flag;
"What do you like to do in your free time?", "I don't know."
What do you mean you don't know? WTF.
I haven't read all the posts in this thread cuz there are 5 pages of them already, but I'm sure this question has been asked: why is it that women always go for ********? I'm sure there are plenty of crypto-********, whose true ******* natures are only uncovered once you've been with them for a time, but I'm talking about the outward, I'm a real alpha-male, jock, date-rapist *******. It seems that these dudes kinds of pricks have no shortage of women. Why do "nice guys always lose"? Is it perhaps the chalenge of "taming the *******/bad boy"? Or is it something more subconscious? Like, you'll only say that you don't like bone-headed football captains, but there's something about those hairless gorillas which you find irrisitable?

I've recently been told about this PUA idea, which I find to be pretty repugnant. Basically the theory is that women need to be manipulated and mistreated in a myrriad of ways for them to like a dude, and they have organizations which teach dudes these skills. It's perverse, but if it didn't seem that being genuinly sweet was a one way ticket to Blueballville maybe these ideas wouldn't catch on as much as they are.
An archist said:
I haven't read all the posts in this thread cuz there are 5 pages of them already, but I'm sure this question has been asked: why is it that women always go for ********? I'm sure there are plenty of crypto-********, whose true ******* natures are only uncovered once you've been with them for a time, but I'm talking about the outward, I'm a real alpha-male, jock, date-rapist *******. It seems that these dudes kinds of pricks have no shortage of women. Why do "nice guys always lose"? Is it perhaps the chalenge of "taming the *******/bad boy"? Or is it something more subconscious? Like, you'll only say that you don't like bone-headed football captains, but there's something about those hairless gorillas which you find irrisitable?

because girls dont like the lonely guys, no matter how kind hearted the guy thinks he is, or how well he would treat a girl... they want the alpha-male, the leader of men, the king, the one with a crapload of friends. if a guy is friends with everyone and he publicly ignores a girl, she just wants him more.

read more into the PUA stuff, admittedly i have no idea what you meant by the last paragraph but try reading neil strauss.
"I didn't do anything over the weekend.."

Lie. This translates into "I got drunk and had lots of sex that I regret having now that I'm sober, but I'd rather not sound like a ****, so I'll give you the false impression that I live a modest life sitting at home and reading over my weekends, so you'll have to find out what I really did from people talking behind my back." This is probably closer to the truth than most people think. And don't mail me some politically correct rant saying "well not every girl is like that blah blah blah..." I know that not every girl is like that. Nobody cares.

lol That is so true. I usually cannot stand Maddox but he nailed it on the head with this one.

A question to the women.

Would you date someone who is shorter than you?
An archist said:
I haven't read all the posts in this thread cuz there are 5 pages of them already, but I'm sure this question has been asked: why is it that women always go for ********? I'm sure there are plenty of crypto-********, whose true ******* natures are only uncovered once you've been with them for a time, but I'm talking about the outward, I'm a real alpha-male, jock, date-rapist *******. It seems that these dudes kinds of pricks have no shortage of women. Why do "nice guys always lose"? Is it perhaps the chalenge of "taming the *******/bad boy"? Or is it something more subconscious? Like, you'll only say that you don't like bone-headed football captains, but there's something about those hairless gorillas which you find irrisitable?[quote/]

Now now. Let's not get into this all women/men always go for this and that. Surely you do not know every single woman on earth to be able to say things like that with certainty. I hate ********. I hate machos who act like tough uber alpha males. I have no interest or desire whatsoever to be anywhere in close proximity to this type of people. Even if they were the last remaining men on earth. And I don't allow anyone to treat me like crap. Not in psychological, and much less so in physical sense. But, of course, I don't deny that women who like the aforementioned type of men do exist. Well, duh, to each their own.

An archist said:
I've recently been told about this PUA idea, which I find to be pretty repugnant. Basically the theory is that women need to be manipulated and mistreated in a myrriad of ways for them to like a dude, and they have organizations which teach dudes these skills. It's perverse, but if it didn't seem that being genuinly sweet was a one way ticket to Blueballville maybe these ideas wouldn't catch on as much as they are.

Gosh, some people are weird. Well, if it gives them the kicks... who are we to judge?
cause those ******** are confident enough to make us feel wanted!

more experienced women dont go for ********.. but when you are starting out ..some just go for the first guy who makes them feel wanted

Silvernight said:
An archist said:
I haven't read all the posts in this thread cuz there are 5 pages of them already, but I'm sure this question has been asked: why is it that women always go for ********? I'm sure there are plenty of crypto-********, whose true ******* natures are only uncovered once you've been with them for a time, but I'm talking about the outward, I'm a real alpha-male, jock, date-rapist *******. It seems that these dudes kinds of pricks have no shortage of women. Why do "nice guys always lose"? Is it perhaps the chalenge of "taming the *******/bad boy"? Or is it something more subconscious? Like, you'll only say that you don't like bone-headed football captains, but there's something about those hairless gorillas which you find irrisitable?[quote/]

Now now. Let's not get into this all women/men always go for this and that. Surely you do not know every single woman on earth to be able to say things like that with certainty. I hate ********. I hate machos who act like tough uber alpha males. I have no interest or desire whatsoever to be anywhere in close proximity to this type of people. Even if they were the last remaining men on earth. And I don't allow anyone to treat me like crap. Not in psychological, and much less so in physical sense. But, of course, I don't deny that women who like the aforementioned type of men do exist. Well, duh, to each their own.

An archist said:
I've recently been told about this PUA idea, which I find to be pretty repugnant. Basically the theory is that women need to be manipulated and mistreated in a myrriad of ways for them to like a dude, and they have organizations which teach dudes these skills. It's perverse, but if it didn't seem that being genuinly sweet was a one way ticket to Blueballville maybe these ideas wouldn't catch on as much as they are.

Gosh, some people are weird. Well, if it gives them the kicks... who are we to judge?
what do you think about how I look, be honest....I dont want to be lied to, things to change, anything, just please tell the truth, its all I ask.






Drake said:
what do you think about how I look, be honest....I dont want to be lied to, things to change, anything, just please tell the truth, its all I ask.

I'm not a woman and I'm not gay... but dude... you are a good looking guy...
1.What are some of the behaviors that you find attractive in a man on a date?
- some one who smells really good!!
- chilvarious

2. What are some behaviors you don't like on a date?

- please don't be overly touchy
- men who don't hold their tounge in public ( i don't mind a man who curses however when he can't hold his tounge in a public place he's outta mind the next day)
Drake said:
what do you think about how I look, be honest....I dont want to be lied to, things to change, anything, just please tell the truth, its all I ask.

You look good !! I don't find anything wrong with you.
1.What are some of the behaviors that you find attractive in a man on a date?
2. What are some behaviors you don't like on a date?

1,A man who is at ease with himself around me, makes me laugh without trying to hard and can keep a converstation going without forcing it, and one who looks you in the eyes when making said converstation is gonna make me happy on a date.
2, A guy who has to force himself to make the effort, smells bad or gets loaded on a date, or just full of himself isnt someone i want to be with.

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