Naleena said:
I think it might be cool to have a thread where you can ask women thier opinions on dating or relationship issues

Soooo...ask away!
Girls, I'll start this.
1.What are some of the behaviors that you find attractive in a man on a date?
2. What are some behaviors you don't like on a date?
1. For me, I like it when they rush to hold the door open and when they offer thier jacket to you when it's cold. You know they are cold but, would rather see you warm : ) I guess, I like the feeling of being cared for.
2. NOTHING, and I mean NOTHING turns me off anymore than going on a date and seeing a man be rude to a waitress or someone helping us. There was one man I went out on a date with who was a very intelligent and sucessful man. We double dated with a friend of mine and he was angry that the waiter hadn't made it round. He ordered drinks and then said, "Hurry it up" to the waiter. His tone was rude and my friend and I looked at each other. He didn't get another date. Nothing he could have said or done that evening would have made up for what he did. You can tell a lot by a person by looking at how they treat others-especially others that that person can't gain anything from. I don't care how much money a man has, or how good he looks or how sucessful he is; if he treats someone badly, especially someone in a service field, I wouldn't give him the time of day. It's not what a man has, it's how he acts that impresses me.