And these children that you spit on. As they try to change their worlds. Are immune to your consultations. They're quite aware of what they're going through. -- David Bowie
Sometimes you have to give up on people, not because you don't care, but because they don't.
It's true that we don't know what we've got until it's gone, but it's also true that we don't know know what we have been missing until it arrives.
Some days are beautiful, and I can imagine a life where most days are. I am not eager to die, for death has been waiting for me since the moment I was born and we shall certainly meet. I just want to find what I'm looking for before time runs out.
If you have food in your fridge, clothes on your back, a roof over your head and a place to sleep, you are richer than 75% of the world. If you have money in the bank, your wallet, and some spare change you are among the top 8% of the world's wealthy. If you woke up this morning with more health than illness you are more blessed than the million people who will not survive this week. If you have never experienced the danger of battle, the agony of imprisonment, torture, or the horrible pangs of starvation you are luckier than 500 million people still alive and suffering. If you can read this message you are more fortunate than 3 billion people in the world who cannot read at all.
Having a rough morning? Place your hand over your heart. Feel that? That's called purpose. You're alive for a reason. Don't give up.
You know, some people say life is short and that you could get hit by a bus at any moment and that you have to live each day like it's your last. ********. Life is long. You're probably not gonna get hit by a bus. And you're gonna have to live with the choices you make for the next fifty years. Life is about choice and we are the sum of our choices.
"For what it's worth: it's never too late or, in my case, too early to be whoever you want to be. There's no time limit, stop whenever you want. You can change or stay the same, there are no rules to this thing. We can make the best or the worst of it. I hope you make the best of it. And I hope you see things that startle you. I hope you feel things you never felt before. I hope you meet people with a different point of view. I hope you live a life you're proud of. If you find that you're not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again." - Benjamin Button
“Some lose all mind and become soul, insane. Some lose all soul and become mind, intellectual. Some lose both and become accepted” - Charles Bukowski
"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends." - Martin Luther King Jr.