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Yes, I'm aware I'm typing to myself for the most part, but at least you'll have something to read. I provide a service. I do have a question however. And since I don't know anyone, I'll ask it here. In the long, long time ago (the 80's) if you wore jeans with holes in them to school, you were having at least 1 fight. Now, I see the youngins wear them, for a hefty price. Okay, whatever. But, when I see a female in her 40's, do I have an obligation to say, 'oh, honey, you're too old for this?' Or is that me being a mansplaing man? I never would, but I think it.
Why was I so adamant about not buying a subscription to Spotify? This is only $10 a month to make YouTube go **** itself? Yes, take my money, please. This is way easier. And no, I am not a paid spokesman. Fight the man...unless, ya is so worth it
This is one of my better titles...I think I know what my purpose here is..I go on tangents, I make random observations. But the day shift reads them, and knowing we'll unlikely interact, makes it like the old practice of pen pals. Never been to college as a student, but it seems like a message/bulletin board. I'm here for you sunshiners!
I don't know if this anyone's fear, but I fear I'm not actually here. Not this site, life. There have been a number of shows that have preyed on this. The X Files, when they were in a giant fugus that was giving the a hallucinating life. The one I just watched on a Netflix show, several in between. That the life you are currently experiencing is not your physical life. I get this at mundane times. I never talked about it to anyone, and then someone brought it up in a group meeting, and 4 of us were totally 'That's me!' Not the Matrix ****...machines using us a batteries? No. Just..feeling like you're watching everything unfold. And you have no control. It's very disconcerting
Ok, I'm present and bored, and the waiting room is healthy. No one may care..fair. But, if you're bored and bored, here's a query...why are we here..the site, not existential. I find I crave for interaction. Granted, my past engagements are not stellar. But, this isn't for me, but the gathered. I'll even remove myself, if it gets some type of interaction going.
This apparently is my rant...6 years ago everything was chaotic, now its manageable. Not sure if that even qualifies
Yes, I'm aware I'm typing to myself for the most part, but at least you'll have something to read. I provide a service. I do have a question however. And since I don't know anyone, I'll ask it here. In the long, long time ago (the 80's) if you wore jeans with holes in them to school, you were having at least 1 fight. Now, I see the youngins wear them, for a hefty price. Okay, whatever. But, when I see a female in her 40's, do I have an obligation to say, 'oh, honey, you're too old for this?' Or is that me being a mansplaing man? I never would, but I think it.
In fairness.... I just turned 50 and it is HARD as hell to dress "your age". Guys have it easy. I'm a mom of 3 grown men. Your clothes have fashion trends like skinny jeans, etc. But you ALWAYS have your old faithful straight legged jeans.
It is relatively hard to find a balance between NOT dressing like an old lady and dressing too young for your age without offending someone that you're trying to dress like a "kid". Honestly, we are subject to the ever changing waist line movement (low cut, high cut, mid rise). We are subject to tops made of sheer material and cut without shoulders, etc. To be honest, as long as someone is wearing something their size (ie not 2 sizes too small), I don't really care what they wear.
After being in the military for years and having civilian jobs where I dressed casual and had to wear business attire, I personally would rather find a great pair of pants, buy 10 pairs of them and a shirt (buy it in every color they have) and wear the same thing every day! LOL
I personally would rather find a great pair of pants, buy 10 pairs of them and a shirt (buy it in every color they have) and wear the same thing every day! LOL

Great idea.

I guess I am a little to out of touch to know what styles people are suppose to wear at particular ages though I imagine in extreme cases it would be possible for something to strike me as odd.
I dress like I was teenager in the 90's...which I was. And I'm kinda fat...but I'm a guy. Women have such weird fashion..sorry, people who identify as female. I don't know anymore
You know that moment/feeling when you respond to an extremist...and they just go? You really must be FUBAR
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