
Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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Mr Bakerman
Oct 20, 2021
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Okay, so most likely not going to be a fast response....but...why(other than literal loneliness) did you pick this site? However, if it is actual loneliness, I will do my best to try to address I will do my best to reply.
I prefer the old school forum format for discussion. Modern social media sites are cancer for actually socializing. They're more for presentation and acquiring admirers/supporters than they are for actually discussing anything in a civil manner and making friends.
I prefer the old school forum format for discussion. Modern social media sites are cancer for actually socializing. They're more for presentation and acquiring admirers/supporters than they are for actually discussing anything in a civil manner and making friends.
Why did I choose this site. Well, because no other place really fit what I needed. This place didn't exactly fit either, but I felt more comfortable here than I would have at other places. And I couldn't post on social media because then people I know would know how truly ****** up I was.

That was 11 years ago.
I stumbled upon this site when I typed a question into Google trying to figure out why I was having such a hard time attracting girls. There have been ups and downs, some good times and some bad, but overall I decided to stay because the good has outweighed the bad.

There have been some people that I've been very angry with and are people I would definitely not be friends with in the offline world.

But there have also been people that have shown me some warmth, gave me a listening ear when I needed it, and seem like genuinely cool people. And they've made me feel the same good feelings as my offline friends. They're people I could see myself comfortable with, interested in, and I could see myself enjoying their company.

As far as topics go, I find that it's pretty open-ended. You could talk about loneliness here, but you could also talk about other things.

And I couldn't post on social media because then people I know would know how truly ****** up I was.

^ and this for me, as well.
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I'm here because outside of family and professional relationships I honestly have no friends. I've been mostly OK, people can be a lot to handle but this type of scenario where I am only judged by my words. I've actually been absent from the internet for almost 6 years until this spring. Since others think it would be beneficial for me to attempt some way of interacting with any type of group of people, I figured this would be the easiest.
People, not to denigrate the profession of >ahem< *whores*...but this might make me an attention one. I may also offend some...but, hey...all cards on the table...
I have a wife and a son that have no respect for me. Home is a horror more often than not. It's easier now that I just give in and don't pursue any expectation of them ever thinking more of me than they do. I made promises during those times of trying, (If you follow me at all, my wife's kitchen was one) but now my word has been satisfied and I don't owe them anything.

No friends. I tend to be a high achiever, and friends I've had in the past tended to have low aspirations. I am the guy that can always fix what's broke. I was always doing for others. Reciprocation was rare. I stopped initiating contact. Contact stopped.

Not meaning to seem arrogant. I have always managed what I set out to do. Most things are a matter of logic. I'm just good at mechanical things. Always was.

Feeling low and unwanted I searched boards just looking for meaningful contact (I don't do social sites. How can they call them that when they are so antisocial?). This board didn't have the massive arguments and stupidity that most do. Reasonable people. Not all are brilliant, but none I've seen are blatantly stupid. Conversations seem to meet a higher standard here. People care about what they say and how it is received.

I come here because I go nowhere else. I stay because no one annoys me.

No meaningful home life. No friends. This is it.
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Half way to the the pillow and I read this post. I can't even describe how something this open and realitiveley visceral makes it seem like I should be here now. I appreciate your reply
I was in a ****** relationship and found this site when i needed to recreate a voice for myself until i had the strength to leave irl <3
I also like forum's format and don't like telegrams. You can have as much time to answer as you need and there are threads and so on.
In one song there are the words smth like "on the site" (russian song), so I thought that there should be some forums for lonely people.
At first I found a russian one but there were only a few people there and it was more like a private club(it's only my feelings). Then I decided to Google in english(also it's more safe as almost no chances to be recognized) and got this one and I liked it. I registered but was too afraid to write so I was away for a few years. But them I felt that I really need people to talk and appeared again.

Well, it's not why, it's how. And a reason is that I feel lonely and need some social interaction except work.
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