School Shootings

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Poguesy said:
Remove the guns.


While guns are dangerous, the decision to kill is even more dangerous.

What killed here was "a choice" to kill.

At Columbine, they came equipped with homemade pipe bombs in addition to guns.

If someone wants to kill, they WILL find a way.

Be it gun.





Poguesy said:

Cut off everyone's limbs.


Which goes to the preposterousness of thinking that removing one weapon of choice will stop the killer.

I've got a #2 pencil in my hand right now, I could kill somebody with it in a flash.
This isn't a Gun discussion thread.

Anyway, back to my question: Why is it the "outgoing, smart and funny" people as the one's who get shot and the "quiet" people who do the shooting?

In Columbine the shooters were not bullied as previously believed, so why the contradiction?
It's what the media likes to focus on. They want tragedy to add to tragedy. It makes us sympathize with the killer, seeing how bad their life was, what drove them to do what they did. It humanizes them more.
Sci-Fi said:
It's what the media likes to focus on. They want tragedy to add to tragedy. It makes us sympathize with the killer, seeing how bad their life was, what drove them to do what they did. It humanizes them more.

This is true.

Also, the 24-hour news cycle complete with flashy headlines, imagery, and Geraldo's fabulous mustache give a borderline-perverted mind a sense of "fame" that comes from committing such an act.
People are just crazy plain and simply. Why would anyone want to shoot up a school
Apparently, there were A LOT of warning signs on his facebook page. Saying he was going to take a gun to school, saying he basically hates them all and they're all going to die.

No one believed him...
Callie said:
Apparently, there were A LOT of warning signs on his facebook page. Saying he was going to take a gun to school, saying he basically hates them all and they're all going to die.

No one believed him...

Or no-one was looking at his posts. Or he was always like that in school, so no-one bothered.
That seems to always be the story. It's not that no one read them or didn't believe him, they didn't want to believe that someone they knew was feeling that way. Most of the time people would rather ignore it cause they don't want to or don't know how to deal with it.
Sci-Fi said:
It's what the media likes to focus on. They want tragedy to add to tragedy. It makes us sympathize with the killer, seeing how bad their life was, what drove them to do what they did. It humanizes them more.

Actually, no, it doesn't.

It stereotypes loners and outcasts as "someone who will go mental one day and shoot everyone." It throws all introverts and people that are eccentric into a box, where everyone yells at you, "You are a freak! You are a weirdo! You are a child molester! You..."

You get the point.

We are people. We aren't loners who shoot people, or party/outgoing people who get shot. We are people.

As soon as someone realizes this, the bullying will stop, and people will stop getting shot over stupid crap.
Introvert and Outcast are not synonymous

One is a personality type

The other is the result of being "cast out" by a group
But you're forgetting that a lot of introverts are cast out of groups, simply because they don't fit in.

So they fit in with other introverts better, because nobody is inviting them to parties or nights out on the town. I know all about this.
Anyway, the discussion of whether or not he was an introvert, outcast, or useless.

He was sick.

That's all anybody needs to know. And the media shouldn't give him any attention for it.
From what was already said, there are many factors that would contribute to school shooting. But even with the signs it may be hard to tell until it's too late. You never know when someone would snap one day.
The real truth is nobody gives a damn or has any clue on how to prevent and or deal with the situations that lead up to such occurrences.

If you do any research and try to dig a little deeper than what the geniuses of the media have to say about, well, ANYTHING... You will find that the Virginia Tech shooter, I forget his name, was on SSRI's that were probably inducing mania.

This is the society we live in, and what's funnier is we some how think it's so great that the rest of the world needs to converted to the way we do things.

People get ignored, tormented, excluded, made fun of. Some people just don't fit in, can't figure out how to be cool enough, find acceptance...

There is no excusing such horrid acts of violence, but there are certainly more people to blame than just the shooters. Are we all not to blame for such horrific ignorance as to be so unaware of the world we live in to let some one go missing long enough to decide to do something like this?

Or maybe we all should be excused. Did the world or the universe ever say living life would make complete sense and that everything that ever happened would be understandable. I think a great majority of school shootings could have been prevented if the shooters prior to coming to the decisions they did, had found a friend.

It is so important to find some one or something you can confide in, and I think there are many people who simply lack that. If everyone person you come in contact with in your daily life at their best either chooses to ignore you or at their worst chooses to torment you or inflict some sort of pain and or transference of pain, what would anyone in the world even mean to you more than just a pile of flesh that hurts you?

I mean really imagine it, people don't stop to do this, they are too busy thinking what the TV or the media tells them too.

Think about a day in the life of some one who in 1 year will decide to shoot a bunch of random people.

Let's say you wake up, your parents are oblivious to anything about who you are, and just take you to see psychiatrists or psychologists when something is wrong because they dont' know what to do and frankly don't care all that much. When you go to school people seem well enough to just ignore you and every attempt you make at finding friends, fitting in, or finding a group or something to belong to ends in either being ignored, made fun of, made to feel awkward, or down right tormented. You aren't the best in school so you never find any escape through study or teachers you can impress. You don't fit in the with jocks, the nerds are to busy excluding you for not being nerdy enough, the girls want nothing to do with you, the outcasts don't think your good enough to be a part of their counter-group...

You come home from another day of ghostly wandering, rejection, and or torment. You get a meal maybe and some time to get lost in the internet or play video games.

I mean it's like germaphobia, except now we are making human beings into the germs. We label people with fancy made up medical terms, we call people sociopathic, crazy, and inhuman. We dehumanize people, make up thought crimes to convict people of, and set up defense mechanisms.

If you were to live in a completely 100% germ free environment for a year, your ability to fight off infectious disease would slowly dwindle day by day. And that's exactly what we do today. We treat some people like diseases, and we slowly lose are ability to handle these types of people, deal with them, and maybe even successfully and in a healthy way incorporate them into our lives, as friends, coworkers, students, teachers... what have you. Kind of a flimsy analogy, but I speak from experience here.

I've befriended many an outcast in my life. And I'm not saying I did so out of the kindness of my heart, that I deserve any recognition. most of the time it happened by accident. I've become best friends with some one of whom, when I first met them, wanted nothing to do with them. I couldn't think of any reasonable and fair reason to ignore or even more rudely reject such individuals, however, and what I ended up finding was friends. Great people who have contributed to my growth as a human being as well as theirs.

We live in a time where if you are feeling social anxiety or nervousness, all you have to do is flip out your smart phone and pretend like you have something better to do than make an effort to step out of your boundaries.

And don't anybody fool yourself into thinking things like this are new. Many many years ago, when people actually had to work to earn a living, when America was an industrial force to be reckoned with. People like school shooters, DIDN"T EXIST! Why? Natural selection. They weren't fit for survival and or didn't have enough free time to even harbor such hatred against their peers. You either were privalaged enough to be educated or you worked your ass off till you died, be it at age 8 or 55.

I don't see what the fuss is about. I never go to school fearing a school shooting. Are there any diagnosable phobias for school shootings? It's a social problem, not an individual problem. I'd love to see the day companies get diagnosed with mental illnesses, lol. I mean corporations are people, right? So by that legal standard they are just as capable of mental and social disorder as any individual.

If you want to help be a force against preventing school shootings. It's real simple. Be a good friend to those sick, inhuman, and crazy people. The nice thing is, that by being a friend, you can prevent yourself from having to use such dehumanizing words, because they will be your friend, not some sick, inhuman, crazy person you have no place even fathoming where they are coming from and how they have felt, because you'll know, they'll be a friend, it won't be a mystery.

Just my thoughts...

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