Let's see.
Intelligence doesn't go down too well. I'm certainly no Einstein. However, I live topical debate, news, current affairs, etc. This doesn't hide well with today's superficial and eternally distracted generation.
I used to think of myself as moody. Yet now, I realise that I simply like time alone. I like silence too. When I am doing tasks, I am best left alone. Yeah, I can be very gregarious and charming, but often my inner monologue is screaming "Just **** off, and leave me alone".
My security with myself, often annoys people. I like to think that I know my own faults and foibles, and generally like the weird little dude that I am. Whereas, a lot of folks are insecure, neurotic, and seek affirmations from others. Many people's values and behaviours are altered by social fashions. I'm not like that, I speak my mind, have my own opinions. Never yielding for popularity or acceptance. But equally so, my appearance or tastes, I am unapologetic about these too.
Living a simple life. I'm slowing turning into the Grandapa from the List Boys movie. I could go an live in a hut, high on a hill, no tv, and just a truck and my dog for company. And I dare say, in certain regions, this might be desirable to women too. Here, not so. Here women tend to be graspy money orientated. Bland middle-class men, staunch in routine. Handsome, classically tall, but in no way daring to be different from any of the others. Nondescript, dull, not very intelligent, watches mainstream tv. Politically and historically ignorant. All the things that I am not. It does threaten the locals.
I could turn on the charm, steel one of Rod Stuart's leggy blondes from beneath his nose. But, I really haven't the energy for that any more. Yeah, there are potential loves our there in the world, I do believe in someone for everyone. I just can't be bothered with it, at the moment. Likewise, I realise that my own advertising, as it stands, is not going to get me picked up off the shelf.
Although folks, I did meet an old acquaintance on Monday past, and she did message me this morning. I doubt it's anything romantically inclined, but it is nice to have some genuine human connection.
Would I dare me? **** no, my dick is too big!