Sexual Frustration...

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armor4sleepPA said:
I often wonder what happens to those beautiful people who get all the guys/girls when they're 18 to 21, and then grow old and look average like the rest of the world... do you think they simply fall apart mentally, unable to understand what's happened? It must be horrible basing your entire self concept around how beautiful you perceive yourself to be...
Hey, I never thought of this before. I really don't know how it'll be like for the good looking people lol. But what I think is that it really depends on the individual and what they've been through in life. There are some pretty ones who may get all the people they want but somewhere down the road they may get hit by a realisation of some form from a situation they may face, about how they were, how easy life was to them in terms of this, as compared to others. But I guess most of them will probably realise it much much later than those who don't get all the people they want when younger.

There are of course those good looking ones who perhaps may never learn till the end of time. But who cares? Let's just all be ourselves and hope for the best in our lives. :)
ok. I was not talking about love. I was talking about sex. There are ppl in the world who just simply screw like dogs and 9 months later cant remember their baby-daddy names lol..I laugh at them everyday.Theyra on these shows bringing 12 different men to esteblish their paternity with free DNA tests.Or they do it for money or pleasure or drunk.Love is totally diferent thing thats why ppl created a special thread for it. Thats why there are also 2 diff. kinds of sexing--"f******" and "making love". Ofcourse, If I loved someone I wouldnt care if they were in a fucken wheelchair.
I probly didnt get what the original poster was trying to say but i think he meant physical or sexual attraction.
and thanks for calling me "shallow" for just expressing my thoughts.
armor4sleepPA said:
It must be horrible basing your entire self concept around how beautiful you perceive yourself to be...

its not only horrible its deceiving oneself. Beauty is like money and fame Its all temporary and a fake reality or an illusion. Once its gone dozens of "friends" vanish and forget that u exist. Because at the end of the day u want to come home to a caring decent person not the beautiful one whos indifferent to others cause they are too preocupied with themselves.

its like basing your entire self concept on a lie.
e.m.e. said:
...I laugh at them everyday.Theyra on these shows bringing 12 different men to esteblish their paternity with free DNA tests...

I always found that really sad... the girl gets a test with a couple different guys and they're all not the dad... that's just messed up. Not for the guy, or the girl, but for that little baby... just how many guys did that girl sleep with in the course of a single month?

whatever... as far as the rest of the stuff in this thread- eme is a normal person, i don't give a damn what ppl are saying, though I've seen some stuff one way or another in this thread... kiss my ass I'm drunk :p .... hell I've been hit on by heavy girls before on a couple occasions, but I just can't think of them as physically attractive... I don't mind a 'healthy' girl, but excessive fat is not sexy to me... if a girl weighs more than me (keep in mind that muscle weighs more than fat) then there is something wrong... doesn't mean I'm mean or in any way cruel to them... I'll talk to and get to know anybody no matter appearance. But I will not date them... personally, my opinion is that I take care of myself and work hard constantly to keep myself fit and built, with a good measure of time and pain involved. I do this for myself and for my job, if some girl is 400 pounds, never thinks to exercise, sits around eating junk-food and scratching her butt, washes herself once a month and never shaves or waxes anything, and then thinks to hit on me, I'll be polite, may even befriend her, but I absolutely will not find her to be an attractive mate. You're talking about primal, instinctual faculties of ourselves that seek out a good mating partner, so that we can offer our children something other than a future as a sloth-like, dirty, hairy, monstrosity sitting all day in front of the tele and eating MacDonalds and Twinkies unable to move... is there something wrong with hoping for happy, healthy children? There, call ME 'shallow' if you want. Back-fat grosses me out too, doesn't mean I think those with it do not also deserve love, just means that I'm not the one to give it. Sorry, don't mean to be mean, and honestly I hope I'm not hurting or upsetting anyone... everyone deserves love... just sometimes the people we want that love from are not the ones to give it... it's just eme is just being human... why attack her for it? That was my rant for the night.
Sadly once you reach a certian weight it doesn't matter how much people shower. The human heart is only able to sustain so much mass. After a cerian point peoples fat cells actually start to decay and rot, releasing terrible smells. It's not that people don't bath. It's that they are quite litterally rotting while still alive. This is a fact. Their fat is oxidising and going ransid.

They are putting chemicals in food these days that directly mess with the brain. Some of these chemicals I suspect can cause some people to not know when they are full. Also, people eat nutritionally devoid food and their body is craving something they aren't getting. So they never really feel full. Some companies are just evil, even if they aren't doing it on purpose. The shouldn't meddle with what they don't understand. Mankind today can pay the price for his ignorance in ways that were never possible 100 years ago. We meddle in so many things that we claim to understand, but very obviously do not.

I think it's sad and I think it's sheer nasty. Quite literally vomitus.
e.m.e. said:
...I laugh at them everyday.Theyra on these shows bringing 12 different men to esteblish their paternity with free DNA tests...

Laugh? I think it's extreamly sad. I would bet they were raised on synthetic breast milk. So their brains were never able to fully develope. They probably live off of the crappiest food. It all results in them being sad creatures. IMO

It's so sad :( .
yea, I feel bad for kids too every one of them deserves a father and needs him.
I agree with everything that Lost in the Oilfield said.

There are also 2 sides to the obesity problem like to any other. There are extremely depressed ppl that find comfort in food. Thats an emotional adiction. They want to loose pounds but w/o proper support or incouragement its very hard and they are giving up. And there are those that have been eating well all their lives just because their mother was a good cook and fed them 10 times a day since they were a baby. They just eat everything because its there. The guy that I had experiance with was a lazy pig. He didnt do sh** for anybody but demended to love him and only him for what he was. Some ppl make it impossible.

Majority disagrees and I'm sure some started to hate me. Well, sorry, but I think, as some1 said, "its better to be hated for what u are, than loved for what ur not."
Skorian said:
e.m.e. said:
...I laugh at them everyday.Theyra on these shows bringing 12 different men to esteblish their paternity with free DNA tests...

Laugh? I think it's extreamly sad. I would bet they were raised on synthetic breast milk. So their brains were never able to fully develope. They probably live off of the crappiest food. It all results in them being sad creatures. IMO

It's so sad :( .
yea,its extremely sad when looking at teen girls they have no idea what they're doing. But what about 30 yearolds? Adults are able to decide, its common sense. They just dont care. They wonna have all the sex in the world but at the same time escape responsibility for consiquences that carelessness brings. They don't care what their embarrassed mother goes through every day after her daughter keeps on bringing men on national TV and how they jump up off the chairs dancing their "victory-- not the father " dance.I had a friend with two beautiful little girls , she told me that the 1st girl was just a botty call.. wtf? but with the diff father of her second child she was in love. Ok. in love I can understand and justify it. Love is blind u do crazy things. But booty call children?
Have u ever seen how the audience bursts laughing at them?
e.m.e. said:
Skorian said:
e.m.e. said:
...I laugh at them everyday.Theyra on these shows bringing 12 different men to esteblish their paternity with free DNA tests...

Laugh? I think it's extreamly sad. I would bet they were raised on synthetic breast milk. So their brains were never able to fully develope. They probably live off of the crappiest food. It all results in them being sad creatures. IMO

It's so sad :( .
yea,its extremely sad when looking at teen girls they have no idea what they're doing. But what about 30 yearolds? Adults are able to decide, its common sense. They just dont care. They wonna have all the sex in the world but at the same time escape responsibility for consiquences that carelessness brings. They don't care what their embarrassed mother goes through every day after her daughter keeps on bringing men on national TV and how they jump up off the chairs dancing their "victory-- not the father " dance.I had a friend with two beautiful little girls , she told me that the 1st girl was just a botty call.. wtf? but with the diff father of her second child she was in love. Ok. in love I can understand and justify it. Love is blind u do crazy things. But booty call children?
Have u ever seen how the audience bursts laughing at them?

I don't really pay attention to the audience. People are idiots. People are animals. If the audience laughs at them, then they too only show their foolishness. As if laughing is any solution to the problem. It's not going to change them or stop them from doing what they are doing. In fact it's more likely to make them do it all the more, because now they are shut off from all those people while at the same time getting attention. Sort of how if you tell someone that they are stupid or whatever enough. Eventually they will start to think of themselves in that way. If you called some kid a psycho killer as a child enough. It would be very likely that they would become just that. Because that would be how they would see themselves. They might decide that if that is how others see them, then that is what they will give others. They will give others what others want from them. These women that do this do this and then get all that attention for doing it. Will only make them do it all the more.

I would also be careful to say that they don't face any consequences. They probably just don't want others to know the consequences that they do infact face. Maybe they are even so lost that they can't see those consequences. Maybe they cry themselves to sleep every night. How would you possibly know? Why do you seem to hold such contempt for your fellow man? Seems to me your just striking out at them because of your own pain. Where will the pain stop? If all anyone wants to do is strike out at others, then how can you expect any different yourself? Being kind doesn't mean you condone what they do. Or that you see that maybe they pay a price for it.
Skorian said:
e.m.e. said:
Skorian said:
e.m.e. said:
...I laugh at them everyday.Theyra on these shows bringing 12 different men to esteblish their paternity with free DNA tests...

Laugh? I think it's extreamly sad. I would bet they were raised on synthetic breast milk. So their brains were never able to fully develope. They probably live off of the crappiest food. It all results in them being sad creatures. IMO

It's so sad :( .
yea,its extremely sad when looking at teen girls they have no idea what they're doing. But what about 30 yearolds? Adults are able to decide, its common sense. They just dont care. They wonna have all the sex in the world but at the same time escape responsibility for consiquences that carelessness brings. They don't care what their embarrassed mother goes through every day after her daughter keeps on bringing men on national TV and how they jump up off the chairs dancing their "victory-- not the father " dance.I had a friend with two beautiful little girls , she told me that the 1st girl was just a botty call.. wtf? but with the diff father of her second child she was in love. Ok. in love I can understand and justify it. Love is blind u do crazy things. But booty call children?
Have u ever seen how the audience bursts laughing at them?

I don't really pay attention to the audience. People are idiots. People are animals. If the audience laughs at them, then they to only show their foolishness.
most ppl understand tragidy and forgive mistakes. They also laugh at clowns. Most ppl don't laugh for no reason. Yea, there are ******* that will put some one down because theyr missing couple of screws in their head. But if she decided to change no audience would make her stop.

[quotes]I would also be careful to say that they don't face any consequences.[/quotes]
oh they do, everybody knows that, but they brought it on themselves.12 times?

They probably just don't want others to know the consequences that they do infact face. Maybe they are even so lost that they can't see those consequences. Maybe they cry themselves to sleep every night. How would you possibly know? Why do you seem to hold such contempt for your fellow man? Seems to me your just striking out at them because of your own pain.
Skorian, I have lived with them for the past 5 years. Even though it seems harsh but I am not judging anyone just based on the shows and the audience. I know first hand what they go through every day. Its sad and funny. U know why they don't care? Again I am not talking about everyone. They dont care because they expect to live on welfare all their life they have never worked getting social security.
thats it.

and what pain are u talking about? its common sense.
most ppl understand tragidy and forgive mistakes. They also laugh at clowns. Most ppl don't laugh for no reason. Yea, there are ******* that will put some one down because theyr missing couple of screws in their head. But if she decided to change no audience would make her stop.

I think you give people to much credit. I also wouldn't even attempt to speak for most people as no one really can. We can only speak for ourselves. Calling them clowns isn't helpful. Everyone is missing a screw here and there. That is what ignorance is and no one really is aware of what they don't know. It's like expecting a blind man to see what they so obviously can not. Instead of laughing why not try to teach them kindly one step at a time?

When people try to pretend that they can speak for "most people". Where ever you learned this from. They usually only use it as an axe to cut into others. Though it is true that there is a mob mentality amoung people. People tend to do what others around them are doing just to fit in. I have never been one of those people myself. I have never been much of a follower.

I would also be careful to say that they don't face any consequences.
oh they do, everybody knows that, but they brought it on themselves.12 times?

Heh, I look at our society and civilization as a whole. We as a whole race aren't any smarter. We do things every bit as dumb. The smartest people can't see the outcome of their actions. I think it's quite likely mankind will destroy themselves. We are recklessly self destructive as a whole species. So sleeping with 12 people hardly seems that terrible a thing. Maybe they are just looking for someone who will care and help them to stop destroying themselves.

I will never forget the first time I saw the Matrix where that one guy called us a disease. So much of what he said is so true it sent chills down my spine that I still remember to this day.

Skorian, I have lived with them for the past 5 years. Even though it seems harsh but I am not judging anyone just based on the shows and the audience. I know first hand what they go through every day. Its sad and funny. U know why they don't care? Again I am not talking about everyone. They dont care because they expect to live on welfare all their life they have never worked getting social security.
thats it.

I think I heard you say at one point that you lived on the street for a while. I can't possibly know what thats like. I am not the kind of person that would even survive such a thing myself. Is this what you are refuring to? You hint at alot of things, but never seem comfortable filling in any blanks. I also don't understand if you know what they are going through why you would laugh at them? Would seem to me thats like laughing at yourself and putting yourself down.

and what pain are u talking about? its common sense.

To you it is. To other's who haven't lived your life it isn't. No one can read your mind. In the sense of others knowing exactly what we all go through we are all very much alone. I mention somewhere in some other post about my own bubbleheadedness. This is part of what I am talking about. We see the world as we see a reflection of ourselves. We see the world through our own eyes. Never really fully understanding what it is to see the world through anothers eyes. It's all to easy to assume that others know what they can not know.
Skorian, next time please, make ur posts flashing and latters sparkling so I can go totally blind.
I explained myself already. no comment, sorry. I spoke to u through PMs a lot, we lead different lives..understanding e/o is impossible. Im growing tired.
e.m.e. said:
Skorian, next time please, make ur posts flashing and latters sparkling so I can go totally blind.
I explained myself already. no comment, sorry. I spoke to u through PMs a lot, we lead different lives..understanding e/o is impossible. Im growing tired.

Well, red seems to me to be an easy color to read. It's a pain once stuff gets long to get all the quotes moved around so stuff isn't butchered.

There some better color that would make things easier?


Ya, well, I kinda slept all day so.

No need to be grouchy....

As far as explaining yourself. No, you really haven't. But you don't have to either. I just get the sense that your very bitter.
e.m.e. said:
Skorian said:
each other

I just get the sense that your very bitter.
lol...i've been sensing a lot lately also.

You know. When I see that I can't help, but see myself. For years, because of what was happening in my life if people tryed to talk to me I would just snarl or snap at them. I would do almost anything I could really to drive people away. I wanted to believe people disliked me, because then I didn't have to bother with dealing with anything. It doesn't make anything any better at all. Infact it only makes things worse. Then you can just blame yourself all the more for everything. At the same time, I would snap at people and wish they wouldn't just back off. Most people though won't even bother. I was in scouts until I got the eagle award. I even told someone one day in my troop about what was happening at home and they basically ignored me and told me to shut up. The problem though was that I told someone who was a rather harsh individual themselves. My experience had taught me to identify with and trust people who were bastards. I couldn't even really see those people who I didn't identify with. No, I prefered people who were jerks to others. I identified with them, I understood them. I would want to hang around them so I felt like all was well with the world. Then nothing really could rock my boat. I guess because I totally couldn't understand people who were not. Their motivations were just to foreign to me. I always expected that people were out to get something. Even if they really weren't.

I used to not be able to understand how people like Robin Williams could go up on a stage and act like an idiot and not feel bad or feel stupid. Now, I realize he just doesn't care what others think. He has other motivations and other reasons for what he does.

I guess what I am saying is I can spell stuff out, even explain things and I still understand why people won't understand what I am saying.
I don't really get it, little too sleepy right now.But if ur blaming urself for something then don't. Its mostly their fault. U know who I'm talking about...

For ppl to disagree with e/o is normal.Its their nature, nothing wrong with it.
e.m.e. said:
I don't really get it, little too sleepy right now.But if ur blaming urself for something then don't. Its mostly their fault. U know who I'm talking about...

For ppl to disagree with e/o is normal.Its their nature, nothing wrong with it.

No, I am not feeling depressed atm. Just telling a little story and trying to explain. My SAMe won't let me think like that :) :D ;)

Disagree about what?
e.m.e. said:
nothing. I'm out.

one. lol


The strange thing is in a way I can even appreciate their recklessness. Where I am the extreme opposite. I find it very easy to strive towards making no mistakes at all. To go out of ones way to make mistakes. It's really a total mystery to me.

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