sick of the harsh comments on my looks.

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Unfortunately we live in a society that values looks more than personality. There will be a few ******** along the way to bring you down due to some sort of inner insecurity they possess or they might just be haters. Anyways, don't let it get to you. I'd actually feel sorry for them. how it must be to live life being so shallow and superficial.
Sterling said:
I'm not just saying that to make you feel better, I'm saying it because it's facts :) You are gorgeous and anyone who thinks different is blind or stupid. (No I am not lesbian haha)

Better to lose weight slowly so you don't have a all kinds of saggy skin from it!~ Just make sure the diet isn't too strict that you can't at least have a few things that you like, or that would be miserable D: I'm 'bigger' myself and a life without sweets is not a life I want to live :p

Anyways, if you don't feel that you're losing it fast enough, there are some ways where you can give the illusion that you're smaller through makeup and clothing :eek:.

I saw your picture on some other threads and was going to ask if you wore contacts haha. Also is your hair naturally that color?

Yeah well it's going good so far, but hopefully it keeps up.
and no I don't wear constacts, :) and nahh, I'm naturally a mousey blonde, but I've been dying my hair since I was about 14 haha. :)
my hair has been red since I was about 16, :)
Pheenix said:
beans said:
They sound like they didn't go to school or learned some manners and obviously view women as sexual objects only. But a lot of men do view women like that, just that they behave in a different manner than those guys who commented on you harshly.

A comment such as the one related by the OP isn't necessarily evidence that the man thinks of women as sex objects.

I don't care what you think.
Obviously the boy that was yelling those mean things to you is just some immature punk who want to impress his friends. If he didn't have his group of friends around him, he wouldn't be saying those things to you or the girls in front of you.
I used to get in trouble for letting **** go in one ear and out the other as I child. So I get punished more and more..
so they ream BS down my throat.

Intuitively I knew as a child the aduilts
in life such as teachers. Parents. Preacher..etc..etc..etc where really really sick bustuirds.

Today as an aduilt in recovery. I read tons of recovery literature...its all about
reconditioning myself or getting rid of BS that was ream into me.

I still havnt lost that ability to let **** go in one ear and out the other....

The fucken enlighten version of the so call spiritual guruuu of this is call....
Let go, be transparent, dont let people rent space in your head.....

A minisiter gave me this living tool once.....Be teflon man.

In other word...dont let ******** stick to ya or just let it all roll off of ya.

Or in many self help books...
They would tell you not to worry so much what people say or think about you.
Its one of the conner stone of having good self esteem....

errrr..yeah...thats the same principle as letting **** go in one ear and out the other..
beans said:
Pheenix said:
beans said:
They sound like they didn't go to school or learned some manners and obviously view women as sexual objects only. But a lot of men do view women like that, just that they behave in a different manner than those guys who commented on you harshly.

A comment such as the one related by the OP isn't necessarily evidence that the man thinks of women as sex objects.

I don't care what you think.

I see. Why?
lolagemma said:
I mean it bugs me, a lot.
I always get sly comments or digs on the way I look and half the time, I suffer in silence, but today it got took way too far.

I was walking down the street, with my headphones in, minding my own buisness. There were two girls infront of my which, basically needed to put some clothes on.
Some total disgusting lads shouted something disgusting at these girls, but as a basic reaction, I turned my head, as I didn't hear properly. Now the one who shouted the comment in the first place, looked at me, and shouted "not you fat bitch" and normally I can take it, but it really, really got to me. I just don't understand why people want to point out my flaws so much? I mean fair enough, I might be ugly, I might be disgusting, I might be fat, but is there really any need to shout that out for the world to hear, and to try and hurt me?

I'm just tired of my looks being the only thing people see. :/

Don't worry about it. A lot of times people are insecure about their looks, so they tease or taunt others to make themselves feel better in life. Or they are just mean and they truly are the ones hurting inside.

lolagemma said:
I mean it bugs me, a lot.
I always get sly comments or digs on the way I look and half the time, I suffer in silence, but today it got took way too far.

I was walking down the street, with my headphones in, minding my own buisness. There were two girls infront of my which, basically needed to put some clothes on.
Some total disgusting lads shouted something disgusting at these girls, but as a basic reaction, I turned my head, as I didn't hear properly. Now the one who shouted the comment in the first place, looked at me, and shouted "not you fat bitch" and normally I can take it, but it really, really got to me. I just don't understand why people want to point out my flaws so much? I mean fair enough, I might be ugly, I might be disgusting, I might be fat, but is there really any need to shout that out for the world to hear, and to try and hurt me?

I'm just tired of my looks being the only thing people see. :/

Is that you in the little forum icon thing?

I ask because you really remind me (looks wise) of a girl that liked me ages back. I did nothing because I was shy, but she was very pretty :)

I don't know where you've got the illusion that you don't look good from, but I'm guessing that's been imposed on you from people putting you down. That's what's happened to me anyway.

I got loads of girls telling me I was fat/ugly/whatever years ago because they thought it was hilarious. In actual fact, I'm not bad looking at all, it was just because they were stupid, immature and desperate for attention.

That guy that shouted that sounds like a ******* idiot, the sort who would insult anyone because he's a moron. I wouldn't give it a second thought. You look nice, honestly :)

That is HORRIBLE of them!

What is wrong with our culture where people think that is OK to say??? I say it's much more a comment on our culture, how low we have sunk, how we are so disrespectful these days than on you.

And you know what? You are not ugly. If that is you in the avatar you have a very cute face. If you body is a bit larger, it does not mean you are ugly.

That was totally wrong, totally negative on their part. I am very sorry you had to experience that.
I can only repeat what everyone else has already said, mainly that

1) You are NOT ugly. Based on your avatar picture, I'd say you're gorgeous. I wish I had a face like that. It's upsetting to see how so many people seem to think that "overweight = ugly", because it's really not like that. I know overweight girls who are lovely, and I know slim girls with far less appealing looks. Same goes for men.
2) That guy was an idiot and a loser. His opinion doesn't matter. I know it rarely helps to think that, but it is true, none the less.

Please, don't feel bad about yourself. You're pretty, you're smart, you're young, and you're actually willing to work on your issues, which is more than a lot of people. You have every reason to feel proud and confident. Several pages of forum people can't be wrong. ;)
I think you look absolutely adorable! :D and i cannot believe anybody would shout that to anybody in the street no matter how you think someone looks. I mean if i am going to be honest i often think negative thoughts about peoples appearance i see out but it would never ever occur to me to yell this out or i don't know it just makes me very upset when people think you can just say stuff like this. It's not okay.
Im just going to basically repeat what everyone else has said but with my own person flair!

Yep, basically, that guy is just a ****. Unfortunantly there are people out there that are like that and have no problem with being rude. In most ases they will only say stuff like that when they are in a group of like minded people to look good and normally target those that look like they will not retaliate.

its societies problem, we have created an image of 'beauty' and have learnt to be rude against people that do not fit that image. If that is you in your picture, then you do not fit the so-orange-with-fake-tan-you-look-like-a-tangerine look and you also appear to be wearing clothes, so i guess your not the kind of girl that they go for! However you are pretty and there are people out there that think the same way, but in most cases people only share insults rather than compliments so people really only hear the bad stuff people have to say.

Try not to let it get to you, I know that is a hard thing to do, been there myself! However there is a saying that no matter where you go, there is always somebody checking you out as you are beutiful to them; even those people that are on jeremy kyle! :)
Woah, that guy, what a dolt.

Some people never grow up.

I wish had've been there to see his reaction when I cracked him in the face xD

I've always been put down for my looks and still am.

I hope it get's better for you :)
for som reason it hasn't shown up that I've had new posts on this hah, so I'm not being ignorant, it's just ****** technology. :')

mrsme; thankyou :') I agree completely, I admit I've looked at someone and thought, ohh dear, but I'm not mean about it, and I don't judge people on it, unless it's poor hygiene reasons, like people who don't wash their hair, like seriously people! hah :p

Liley; I'm not particuarly good at taking compliments, and normally argue, but I'll just agree :L thank you hah, :')

Rolo; hah, I love Jeremy Kyle. ;) and yeahh, well once I find one of tese people that's checking me out, i'll inform you, untill then, not true! :p

condemnedsoul666; people are pricks, that dude just clearly needs shooting, I'm feeling alot better about myself recently, don't quite know why, but It's a good thing, so hopefully people will just keep their harsh thoughts in their heads.

Ive seen people blurr out the most hateful **** to complete strangers...
Its just all fun and game to them
and they never give it second thought..
or considerations.

But if the stranger runs with that..becuase theyre tired or just
having a bad can effect them.

WE all heard this time and time
again... Ignore negative, people, places, things and habits.

Yes..I can let **** roll off of me or ket it go in one ear and out the other.
Its a fucken annoyance that I have to do these extra steps becuase the fucken world isnt full of positive loving people.
**** the haters or whatever how you wanna go about it...

Im proactive...I made a recording of myself with Positve messages that gets ream into my mind and gets reinforced
all day long. I run with this....
I have my head phones on and shut out negative people.

Renae called me today...
Well thats becuase we been telling positive things about ourselve. Encouraging and loving one another.
Its all good.
The ******** in this world will always find something to use against a person, if it's not your too fat then it's your to thin ect..
People will always find something about another human being they don't like. And it's not even you who is ugly, it is merely another person's view of you that is. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder - quite an old saying, but people should pay more attention to these old sayings, because there is a reason they have been around for ages. To one person you might be ugly, to another you might be a goddess.
Sure, you may be slightly bigger than other girls, but that does in no way mean that you're ugly, just because of that. People just tend to look at the things that they consider to be wrong with other people, rather than seeing what's beautiful about them.
From the looks on you picture then the word cute pops up in my head.

There are also guys out there who likes girls with a littel extra weight
all my past girlfreimds wasent the skinny type and i always say to em that i like to have a littel extra to love :)

If you walked past me in the park then i would turn my head and look twice ;)

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