Your opinions don't become facts, just because you say so.The facts don't care about your feelings.
That is the point you fail to accept.
Your opinions don't become facts, just because you say so.The facts don't care about your feelings.
Your responses are not above the childish level of "takes one to know one".
You're boring and you lack content.
And as always your claims are based on nothing.
You can't speak of "the truth", "facts" if you are unable to prove them.
In that case they are just your opinion, nothing more, nothing less.
Insisting on posting your opinion as facts, makes you obnoxious, especially if you accompany them with insults.
Which is what any deluded person would say.
Anyone who doesn't accept your crazy ideas (sorry "facts"), must be unable to handle the truth...
Don't worry, you have given neither.
Nothing wrong with my English, maybe start googling a bit.
You're such an idiot.
Anyone who read my posts from the beginning would know better.
But hey, those people are better at their mother tongue (English, for those that are bad at interpreting simple text...).
Sorry to see that you suck at it.
Your opinions don't become facts, just because you say so.
That is the point you fail to accept.
I mean, I can't actually tell any of y'all to stop anymore, but, I suggest you guys stop. Replying to them won't make it any better.
Opinions only become facts if you can back them up.Do you deny that you made a judgement of the initial post based upon how it made you feel, rather than making an effort to refute it with facts of your own?
Which is typical for dumb people, they lack self criticism.I'm completely confident in myself, and stand by my statements.
No, you are a waste of time, and not just for me, but for the whole forum.It's been fun shooting fish in a barrel, but you're a waste of time.
Your generalisations are simply wrong, no wonder you have these social issues.If you can't face the reality of what women are like, I pity you.
You haven't given any evidence, so no, they are just your opinions from a misogynist, nothing more, nothing less.Labeling the facts opinions does not make them opinions. Voluminous objective evididence exists to support my assertions, you're just too insecure to face up to it.
SureLol, I commit typos all of the time, but my spelling is superb, unlike yours.
Which is exactly what someone will say who doesn't have any proof for a ridiculous claim.The assertions are self evident.
You need to read my initial messages, then you will see how incompetent and ignorant you are.Again, you are pathetically desperate to get a woman in your lousy life.
I think this forum will not be able to help you.I state that candy is bad for you, and you throw a tantrum. Good luck with that.
You don't only suck at your analysis of women, you suck at English too.Thats voluminously demonstrated by your incessant whining here.
You 're such a bloody idiot.Have you considered suicide?
Sensible, if you get them, but ultimately does not solve the problem for those who encounter mixed signals or behaviour that could just as easily be friendliness/politeness. If men only ever acted in response to obvious cues the species would have died out by now.I don't look for signs they aren't interested, if there aren't signs that they *are* interested than that is all I need to know they aren't.
It could also be because you have a busy life, plenty of more important things to do, like working all day for a boss and having time lines, or the person is not the centre of your universe. It may also be because they are forever texting you and you are tired of it.I'm not sure if these are necessarily signs of disinterest.
Mainly I'm talking about the first one, taking a long time to text back.
I take a long time to message back, sometimes to people I am interested in getting to know more.
It's because I know I'm unhappy with my life, don't feel like talking to anyone, haven't been interested in anything lately, know I don't have much to say, am stressed out about things, and I worry that I will make a bad impression as boring and lame if I say something, so I say nothing until I feel like I have something to say or am in a better mood.
Granted, this is just me. Still, I'm just saying there could be other reasons.