well... today was a bad. but I'm sure a few of you can relate to that. from the second I woke up, I felt like going back to bed. to avoid having to be around myself. eventually I dragged my ass out of bed. but only to be stuck in a daze for a bout 2 hours just staring at the wall. I couldn't bring myself to do a thing. so after a while I thought of going out for a walk. thinking the exercise would do me some good. but i just felt so weak. mentally and physically. I couldn't bring myself to get up and go. so then I just decided to watch some tv. but I couldn't concentrate or pay attention to what was going on. I just didn't care. finally I decided to put on my headset and listen to some music and just sit back and stare at the ceiling. so I did that for a few hours. then I forced my self to clean up the house. I wasn't even hungry today. which is rare for me. but I'm hoping tomorrow will be better. if not, then oh well. finally the day has come to an end. my body is tired. but my brain is awake. and all I can think of is how much I hate everybody
~ Trent
~ Trent