So I have a date type thing tomorrow with someone from a dating site...

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Well-known member
Apr 19, 2010
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...and I'm super nervous. I've never done anything like this before. The only other person I met from online was long distance and we had talked for like a year online and through texting before we met so it was much more comfortable when we did meet. I hope I'm not too shy and awkward.
Have fun! She's probably nervous too. In my mind, when I went on online dates, if I had a pleasant conversation, regardless of whether it went anywhere, I saw it as a success. :)


I hope it goes well for you.

Just be yourself and if self doubt creeps in, just remind yourself that she liked you enough to agree to the date.
It's always a little nerve-wracking to go on a date. Try not to think about it. (I know. Easier said than done. But try.)

Once the date starts, I'm sure you will do fine.
Good luck, Edge. Even if things don't work out, you'll have some good experience under your belt for next time.
Aww edge, good luck to you. I hope it all goes well, just stay calm and be yourself - and breathe. Breathing deep really helps one to relax. All the best! Hope you have a great time.
Yup...agree with everyone here. Don't have a lot of expectations - just see where it goes.
Also, as Minty says, even if you don't find any kind of connection, you will have a little experience for the next time.
Well the date was at 2pm for lunch. We ended up back at her place to watch Netflix and I didn't get home until 1am. So needless to say, it went well. I think she's being more casual about it then I would like because she kept referring to it as "hanging out", but I will just go with the flow and see what happens. It's up in the air right now as far as when we will see each other again.
Wow you stayed for quite some time, I'm glad it went well! Take it slow, you don't want to rush into things and regret it later. Hope things will work out eventually.
I'm glad it went well too. I wouldn't put too much emphasis on her calling it 'hanging out' because, in a way, that is what you were doing. It doesn't mean that it won't necessarily progess to something more in future.
Well it certainly was more than hanging out, lol. Not what I'm sure some are thinking when I say that, but close. We made plans to hang out again Sunday after I get off work where me working early the next day won't be an issue this time.
Congrats. It sounded like you both had fun.

I agree with Tiina. I wouldn't read too much into her using more casual phrases to refer to this first date. You two clearly had fun, and there is already a future meeting planned. If I was in your shoes, the words she used to describe it are secondary to how I felt about her and how well we got along.

Good luck.
hey EC...good for you...just take it one day at a time...after all...good things come to those who wait...:)
edgecrusher said:
Well the date was at 2pm for lunch. We ended up back at her place to watch Netflix...

Oh wow, is that what the young people are calling it these days? :D
Glad to hear it went well! :)

I must say it was nice to be able to sit next to someone and have that kind of physical contact. I had been missing that for quite some time now.
Thanks again for all the nice words everyone :)

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