Princess Pink Love
Is this you jumping to conclusions prematurely, did someone play with you or did someone just "ghost" you on a dating site or the like?I wanted it to be sincere, so bad.
Honestly I'd rather have the opposite -
I'd rather have people ignore me, or even tell me I suck,
rather than butter me up, flatter me for months, make me feel like I'm special, and we're really connecting,
just to kick the ladder out from under me when the first pseudo-intellectual tech bro comes along spouting out very basic, half-baked, bathtub-level depth "highdeas".
Anyway. I guess we'll have to wait and see.
Thanks for having my back, in any case.
If it's someone playing with you, I really hope that "wait and see" is not you going to accept them back into your life if they decide you are good enough again. You deserve more than that, Ska.