First, I think its helpful to recognize one's value in the eyes of God. That's a stronger foundation for personal strength and outgoing confidence than depending on looks, money, or position in life - which isn't secure or everlasting.
Second, I think it's helpful to understand one's purpose in life, which is to know and love God, and learn how to love others. As such, it's an obligation and privilege to interact with people.
Third, I think it's helpful to practice engaging people daily by looking for small opportunities. Saying hello to a stranger on the street or in the grocery store, holding the door open for anyone who's behind you, letting someone in line go ahead of you, offering small change to the paying customer searching for some, or talking to the loner in a group environment that looks bored or uncomfortable will almost always yield a positive response. People notice and usually appreciate small acts of kindness, and performing such acts on a routine basis not only builds character and teaches us how to love, it makes us socially better and attractive.
The more we focus outward on giving and helping others rather than focusing on ourselves, the less social anxiety we'll feel. I think that's a worthwhile goal for everyone.