After (sort of) resolving the long-running situation with that particular lady, I'm now sure she
liked me, so that's cool even if I remain unhugged
I think I've decided to sort of stop actively pursuing a relationship for a while. See if I can last 6 months without spending all day thinking about it. In the mean time, I'm just going to continue smiling at girls I like for those little happiness boosting moments
Of which, actually, I've had a whole lot since my last post. So that's some consolation
I was sat at this table on my own just drinking my coffee yesterday when these two random girls came in. They were both very pretty indeed. Anyway, they came over and one gave me this really awesome smile and even looked like she was going to say something. I was thinking to myself "I'll say hi actually, it can't hurt."
Then her friend said: "Awww, there's no seats around here. C'mon, we'll have to head off." Disappointment!
In the same room later on there was a cute lady on a laptop that was glancing at me all the time, and she looked all embarrassed (and distinctly huggable) when I grinned. So that was cool.
Last week I was in an adjacent science block when I bumped into this tall red-haired lady (another one!) who did the cheeky grin thing when she saw me fiddling with my hair. Then she skipped down some stairs and disappeared. Still, she was probably a
Physicist, so bleurgh
What's weird is that I keep bumping into all these unknown girls that give me a really attention-grabbing sort of signal. Usually it's a big smile for no reason, or staring into my eyes. But if I actually had time to get to know them, I don't think they would do that.
Anyway, as 'Nox pointed out in the other thread, smiles and stuff usually mean nothing. So I won't take it all to heart. At least it feels like I'm not some kind of complete ogre though