I've noticed something really quite bizarre (yet oddly satisfying) lately.
Apparently I've turned into a hilarious comedian over the space of a week, at least when I have a female audience. What's triggered it?
Buying new shirts.
With more recent tighter shirts, lots of ladies seem to laugh at stuff I say without any prompting at all! I've always enjoyed making girls laugh joking around with them, but it's sort of...weird now? I guess they like my appearance and so get giggly or whatever.
But I'll say something mildly amusing to a girl that is frankly quite lame compared to my usual standard of humour and I'll get a outburst of laughter that makes me feel like a young Ronnie Corbett.
So I'm not quite used to it, it's sort of like I've slipped into a parallel universe where I'm somewhat attractive :shy:
I'm not sure if I like the effect all in all. It's nice in the obvious way, but I also feel like I want my personality to be interacting with a girl, not a sort of more shallow attraction moulding my chit-chat all the time.
Oddly enough, I had a crush on a girl all through secondary/high school. Literally for years, I thought she was utterly sweet and babelicious!
She seemed to sort of like me, but it was like something about me held her back I guess. I always thought it was my weight.
Well...I bumped into her a few days ago and she saw my "new body". It was sort of like she didn't recognise me at first! But suddenly she was really chatty, smiling and laughing all the time...and genuinely sad to have to go.
I got some odd satisfaction out of that, but also some sadness. It's like I'm happy that clearly she liked how I now look, but I'm also sad that my physical appearance clearly means so much to these girls.
I'm the same person, why do I deserve so much more attention now that I'm more athletic? It sort of illustrates that life's not fair.
Or maybe I've earnt it? I guess I've worked hard to improve my body (I have blisters from pull-ups at the moment!), so perhaps I should just feel positive about it all
EDIT - I do hope I don't sound arrogant or pretentious with this post, it's hard to convey my thoughts with text. Really it's like I feel happy with myself for the first time in my whole life. But I almost can't believe that my life has changed so much too. Seeing the way my day-to-day interactions change so much, just based on what I look like is really eye-opening.
It also makes me think that almost anything is possible, for both me and others