thats great to hear minky. no wait, maybe not thats not good to hear? your reply was kind of a mixed. its not good to hear that nothing new and exciting is going with you. but it is good that your smiling and seeming to be in good spirits. I hate to direct attention away from you. but did you read the last 2 post before mine? they seem to come out of know where. its like I say hi to you. then some one post... how dare you!!!! you should be a shamed of your self! then some else post. im sorry!!!!!! I never meant to hurt you! oh why!!!!! weird huh? you don't think they could have been talking about me do you? I dont think so. but if some one was defending me and some one else was apologising. it was all for not. I'd like to think I have a sense of humor. as long as you don't flat out call me some thing hurt ful. I can take a joke. like the award for most dramatic male. that didn't bother me. because I know it wasn't said to hurt my feelings. i took it as away from one person to reach out to another by way of humor. which is nice. hey you know whats funny. I told colette that as a reward I would give her a slice of pizza. well I took a nap later after writing that. and in my dream I went to a pizza place and ordered it for her. isnt that funny. any way as I type to you I can only imagine how bored you must be after reading thing I just wrote so I'll let you go for now. bye minkus