awwww... come on. so I deserve whooping. but you would hook up with jesus? by the way I don't think he would approve of you beating my ass? if a sick person asked jesus for help becuz he was blind. I doubt jesus told him, boy!!!! you trying to play with my emotions. I should whoop your butt. besides I personally know jesus. and I can tell you what he would say about all that. to quote J-dizzle. "does not even a pathetic lonely man deserve some bump and grind?" by the way... that yeah baby line. I got that from jesus. he says it all the time. just like week we was chillin me and the J man. and his cousin john (the hot honey baptizer) called. and invited us to a bangin party at the red sea. the red sea is this club down town. any way, john was like... you in bro? jesus was like, Yeah baby! but if the son of god is your type of man how am I going to compare with that? jesus gets all the girls!