Okay here goes, haha
1. Pink Floyd Fan: I've been listening to them since I was 9 years old. My father put them on for me in the basement and had a black light on and I layed down on the couch and sang along with the lyrics. I messed up on some lyrics and I laughed but I kept trying to get it right. Eventually my mother wrote down all the lyrics so I could sing along to the songs.

I remember her saying to me, "Your so expressive, never change that about yourself." Awhile ago I saw a video tape of me of me in the basement and telling my parents to put on more music. I pouted until they put on music. Next they put on The Doors and I said in the video, "OoOo Who's this?!" As we watched the video with my parents in the room, I covered my whole face with a blanket, I look like such a dork.
2. Never told anyone on this Forum but to be honest I'm bisexual. Yes I am. However I know I'll be judged by this but I never dated two people at the same time, I feel really weird doing that. I known I've been bisexual since I was a little girl. I had a crush on my best friend. Many people keep telling me to just be straight but I can't help that I find woman attractive. I dated more men however cause any girl I find never ends up liking me back sadly. *shrugs*
3. Got started playing the guitar: My older brother always played when I was younger. I told him once I wanted to play but he got angry at me for wanting to play. I guess he thought I was trying to copy him but music is my life and it moves me. I seriously couldn't live without music.
4. Love cinematography: One day I hope to become a cinematographer or an actress. Everyone keeps telling me that it's a hard dream to follow but I love film. I'll show you an example of a video that I love.
5. Have a excellent memory: I remember things when I was nine years old. People can mention cough syrup to me and I immediately have that taste in my mouth. Yuck!! My memory and taste of remembering food is insane. It seriously scares me sometimes. Sometimes I hear having an excellent memory is a curse and a good thing to have at the same time: I agree.
Hammock: Look at this amazing Cinematography!! <3