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Interesting Soph I would like to

I don't have much of an interesting story to offer everyone. If I went into more depth I think I'd come across as a whiny person.
rivermaze said:
Peter Lorre said:
My life's story isn't very interesting.

C'mon, let us decide

I'll get to it sometime, but for now I'm more interested in hearing other people's stories and getting to know them better :)

It is an interesting story indeed Sophia, it's both sad (especially the part with the Swiss surgeon) and inspiring/joyful. I'd love to hear more.

Aww Sophia, you are a fighter!! A true life fighter! :)

Okay, not many people want to share (I'm guessing they are modest or shy.) So I gonna tell you bit about mine.

I was born near London in UK, when I was born, I had a little hole in my neck. Nobody knew what it was so on my 2nd day on earth, group of doctors came in and start poking me about and taking pictures of me. My mum was so upset and felt like I was part of freak show because of my neck.
Few years went by, mum still concerned about my neck which leaks when I eat, drink or cry, also I wouldn't response to her or able to talk. I had load of tests and my parents split up by then so my mum had to go through this as single mum while my dad, well sleeping around and went to north of UK for a bit.
Then we met ENT doctor who confirmed that I got BOR syndrome (look it up on google). I am deaf and I have kidney problems as well.
Years went by, I went to mainstream school and always lonely. I just sit library and read books or sit outside on my own most of time while other kids play with their friends. I used to come home in tears because I felt nobody wants me. I find it hard to trust people around me because almost every friendship I made always end in tears.
I got to high school, I still get picked on and teased alot. I still come home in tears so I decided to do something about it (which was a massive mistake and out of character of me) I decided to become bit rebel so I would fit in. It didn't work and I got kicked out of school at age of 14 for short while. I was in shock for I became and when I came back, I was laughing stock. Until one day, I went in library, everybody knew who I was but I didn't know any of them. It took a while and I became friendly with them. I guess that how I found my best friend D. He is quiet but we understand each other sense of humour!
Me and D went to 6th form together while rest of gang went to different places and we were last 2 memeber from that gang. We both hated assemblies and form times so we decided to bunked off from assemblies and form times but most of time we, well, I always get caught and get into trouble. Instead of working, we just laughed at everything and everyone!! It was best time of my life as I have a laugh with my friend at schol. I rarely come home in tears which was amazing. Sadly, he have to leave school at half-way though year as he felt it wasn't right for him. I felt lonely again but I have different methods this time - emails!!! It is very handy during free times when I should be working but I was lazy to work!
Half year later, things starting to go wrong and I totally isolated myself from everything. One day in october 2010, I went to school and had a nervous breakdown, I never cried so much at school and I haven't return to school. I became housebound and I hardly seen anyone for months.
My best friend D have been encouraging me and one day, we had an arguement, it something he said which makes me realise that I wasn't helping myself at all. I guess from that point, I took step by step and been in and out of doctors all the time. D is only person from outside of my family who actually wanted to see me and made an effort to see me which kept me going. We went on holiday together to tenerife where I discovered alot of things about me and him. We have more fun in nights than during the day.
I then realised, if I have never met D, I don't ever think I would get this far today.

I felt as I am top of world, I even had my leaking neck removed couple weeks ago and feel bit more open about my condition than I ever was. To be honest, my life has never be normal and I starting to like it rather than hate it. Well that little bit of my life story.
Wow thank you for sharing that sherry. :)

I am hard of hearing, I don't know iif you know that.
The first time I got arrested...
Lisa invited me to go to an after party at her place after the dance club was closing.
I was too drunk to drive..or walk.lmao
So Lisa went to go get her car out of the parking lots as I waited in front of the night club.
Then Carole stagger out of nowhere. She was really drunk, so I kindda had to hold her up.
Then she started lip locking me...She and I dated before.
I was thinking to myself...not good. I was wating for Lisa.

Then out of nowhere some big pasty white dude cold cocked my ass.
He knocked me on my ass....saying " get your hands off of my GF"
I was like " errr wtf..I was with Carole a couple nights ago at her place...
Shes not your just think she is"

So I got up...ran as hard as I can. (being a lefty) I pretend like I was gonna
swing with my right...

He trierd to blocked my righty :p
I punched the ******* with my left on his fucken nose. Then swept his feet.
The bigger that are...the harder they fall.
Then I had him in a head lock choking the living **** out of his neck so he couldnt breath.
I repeated punched the living **** out of his face...I should had just kicked the little bitch face in.

Then the next thing I know..Im sitting in the back of a squad car....
Fucken lights everywhere...
Lisa screaming on oneside of the car and Carole on the other side.lmao

Of course they threw that fucken *********** in the back seat with me too...
He was crying like a little bitch...So I started kicking him becuase my feet wernt cuffed.hahahaaaaa
Fucken *******... I was gonna get laid that night.

Since I was asian an all this **** happened in TX and it was my first time
The cops put me in a saperate tank from the rest of the drunks.
I was still sort of pissed.

My friends had to go bail me out ASAP...I had to work the next day.
We were in full inspection....but I didnt get any sleep and was hung over.
So my supervisor hid me from my OC. lmao
I was her responsiblity. And of course...luckie me. She's super duper hot.
I love working for that woman.
She was only 24 @ that time. I barely truned 19. Shes was like a mom to me.lmao
So she gave a little pep talk after work...cuase she's nice.

2 weeks later I had to stand @ full attention in front of Brass.
Cuase its double jeapordy when you get in trouble if your in the service...civilians and military.
I thought they were going to throw me in the briggs.....

And of course we had another military exercise or war games that weekend
The base was on full lock down...
But hell no. Not me. lmao
I was going out with Michelle (exwf)...
I snuck out of my dorm room that night. Applying my military comando stealth experties to evade the
damn search lights and SP. LOL
The things I do for the women or love in my life.
My friends thought I was fucken nutz....

Well...oneday Michelle came into my work and waited for me to get off work.
My friends and co workers fell out of their god damn chair when she hug me and gave me a kiss after work.hahahaaaaa
Michelle also worked at the base at that time.
Guys where talking about her all the time. The beautiful chick that was suppost to be the General's daughter
that you're forbbiden to touch. lmao Michelle asked me out.
Okay, continuing. :p

When I was 5 I had another major reconstructive surgery to reconstruct part of my face that never developed in my mothers womb. My parents flew with me out to dallas, tx to see a doctor there and I ended up having a reconstructive surgery with that doctor. I was so excited about the surgery because I thought I was finally going to look normal, and, be able to talk like other people did. To do the surgery, they took two of my ribs and shaped it into a form for a graft. After the surgery I was put through a regimine of physical therapy which involved exercising th graft and stretching the skin under the graft because there wasn't enough skin for the graft to fit under. I hated the skin stretching. It hurt.

A while after the surgery though, the graft failed and withered away due to a lack of blood supply and the graft broke. The break stayed through two efforts to fix it. The plate and screw attempt and the surgical twine attempt. The graft couldn't fix itself because it wasn't getting a blood supply. So the graft partially reabsorbed into my body and the rest melded itself into part of my skull and got a small blood supply through that route.

It doesn't look right, it failed, and I am not in a hurry to try it because medicine needs to advance more to give me more benefits to trying it again.

To be continued.
my life story:











When I was 6, I got my first dog. For years I had begged my parents for a dog and had carried around a dog breed book with me wherever I went. Finally mu parents caved and got me a cockerpoo, which died of parvo a few days later. I named him Theodore and when we got him I remember him being listless, which is not normal puppy behavior. He had to be put down a few days later and the breeder who sold us the dog was shut down by the authorities because apparently she sold puppies without their shots.

My father was and still is, an avid hunter, and when I was 6 years old, he fell out of his tree stand in the woods across the lake. Somehow he was able to drag himself out of the woods, with a broken back, and canoed over to our house, using an oar for a crutch to walk across the lawn to reach a phone inside.

He was in a back brace for a long while and had he broken the next vertebre up, he would've been a parapalegic.

Also during this time, I had another major surgery. This one was on my back. I had an abnormality with my shoulder where I couldn't put it down, so it looked like I always had my shoulder raised. Something was wrong with the muscles in my back and the doctor I went to about it said it was the worst case he had ever seen. So I had the operation and I oo was in a back brace. I remember laying in bed for over a month after the surgeon had gone and re-arranged my back muscles, and having to wear an arm cast.

I remember having to do stretchs for my arm that was in a cast, they hurt, so one of my nurses made up a game where we would race puppets up a wall so it would be more like play-therapy rather than painful drudgery.

The surgery was a success though. I have a long scar down my spine from it starting from the base of my neck and I can't raise the arm that was operated on as high as my other unaffected arm, but the range of motion is good overall.

To be contnued
This one band camp...

Just kidding.

When I was in public school, I was assigned a nurse, an interpreter and a hearing iterant. The nurse and interpreter would go with my from classroom to classroom, whereas I would meet with the hearing itinerant once a week.

The interpreter would vocalize my signing, I communicated in sign language and the nurse helped me with my medical needs that stemmed from my disability. I had both an interpreter every day of school, in all of my classes, and at lunch until I was 17 years old.

I also ate by myself in the nurses office every day at the public school so I never ate in the lunchroom.

Every day my mom drove me to school, I never took the bus.

I also wore an FM system to help me hear what the teacher was saying because I am hard of hearing .

Every week I would meet with my hearing itinerant and she would teach me about my legal rights as a disabled person, or teach me sign language.

I also had a few sign language interpreters come to my house to give me personal sign language lessons.

To be continued.
I got bit by a dog that had ribbies when I was 6...that's when all the fun begun :p
Then I got bit by a bitch when I was 19. Oops....I mean my exwf. Thats when all the insanities started
You've done a lot of things wth your life rivermaize. I mostly write about things that have happened to me, rather than accomplishments.

I admire you.

Aw you erased it. :(
Renae called today. She said she loves me...

Kiimie called the other night. She talked alot. Shes starting to open up more to me. I love my daughter very much.

I didnt want Kimmie to know I was going out with Jennifer. Never the less,
I told her the truth. Kimmie was more
understanding than I thought....
I need to be there for Kimmie not the other way around.

Even so the truth of the matter is I love Renae every much.

I wish so much for the 3 of us to heal from everything that went wrong. Kimmie needs and loves her mother very much .
Kimmie and I thinks and feels the same
in so many ways...
Its a little bit complicated..
Im trying to keep simple as best as I can.
I love Renae and our duaghter Kimmie every much.

I went to the beach and body surf again today. Trying live in the moment and enjoy my life as best I can.
Im meeting more people as I go..but for the most part Im not jumping right out there as I did.

I know what I want. Whatever purpose or challenges I have to face.
Ok, I'll jump in here but I think Sophia's story is way more interesting. Still waiting for the next installment... :)

My parents met at the University of Wisconsin during the turbulent 60s, got married and I was born in Madison. My dad finished his doctorate in English and we moved to New York State. My parents had me and then my four brothers within a 7 year span. That's a lot of diapers to change and probably explains some of my mom's loopiness. But anyway...

I grew up in a town like Mayberry or the town on Leave it to Beaver. A very quiet, small, rural area and everyone knows everyone else. And lots of snow in the winters. I went to Catholic school grades K through 12 and I'm sure that explains a lot of my loopiness lol
Decided in college to spend a semester abroad so went to Polytechnic of West London. Met a man there who told me at first he was French. He spoke it fluently. We eloped after only 6 weeks and then found out that he's Algerian. No big whup, though. Well the lie was a big deal but not him being from Algiers.
We were married for 11 years. He joined me in the states where I finished my bachelors then master's degrees in New York. He had a friend in Sacramento so we moved out here, then separated and divorced. I haven't seen him in about 8 years.
Then I met baby daddy, we planned to have a child and did. We split up when she was 6 months old and I've been a happily single parent ever since. Baby daddy is a whole other thread.
Now I'm raising my child, working full time at an insurance company and learning the violin and that's about it. :)

Lol sofia, you are one of the most sane people on this forum. You aren't loopy. :D[/align]

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