The first time I got arrested...
Lisa invited me to go to an after party at her place after the dance club was closing.
I was too drunk to drive..or walk.lmao
So Lisa went to go get her car out of the parking lots as I waited in front of the night club.
Then Carole stagger out of nowhere. She was really drunk, so I kindda had to hold her up.
Then she started lip locking me...She and I dated before.
I was thinking to myself...not good. I was wating for Lisa.
Then out of nowhere some big pasty white dude cold cocked my ass.
He knocked me on my ass....saying " get your hands off of my GF"
I was like " errr wtf..I was with Carole a couple nights ago at her place...
Shes not your just think she is"
So I got up...ran as hard as I can. (being a lefty) I pretend like I was gonna
swing with my right...
He trierd to blocked my righty

I punched the ******* with my left on his fucken nose. Then swept his feet.
The bigger that are...the harder they fall.
Then I had him in a head lock choking the living **** out of his neck so he couldnt breath.
I repeated punched the living **** out of his face...I should had just kicked the little bitch face in.
Then the next thing I know..Im sitting in the back of a squad car....
Fucken lights everywhere...
Lisa screaming on oneside of the car and Carole on the other side.lmao
Of course they threw that fucken *********** in the back seat with me too...
He was crying like a little bitch...So I started kicking him becuase my feet wernt cuffed.hahahaaaaa
Fucken *******... I was gonna get laid that night.
Since I was asian an all this **** happened in TX and it was my first time
The cops put me in a saperate tank from the rest of the drunks.
I was still sort of pissed.
My friends had to go bail me out ASAP...I had to work the next day.
We were in full inspection....but I didnt get any sleep and was hung over.
So my supervisor hid me from my OC. lmao
I was her responsiblity. And of course...luckie me. She's super duper hot.
I love working for that woman.
She was only 24 @ that time. I barely truned 19. Shes was like a mom to me.lmao
So she gave a little pep talk after work...cuase she's nice.
2 weeks later I had to stand @ full attention in front of Brass.
Cuase its double jeapordy when you get in trouble if your in the service...civilians and military.
I thought they were going to throw me in the briggs.....
And of course we had another military exercise or war games that weekend
The base was on full lock down...
But hell no. Not me. lmao
I was going out with Michelle (exwf)...
I snuck out of my dorm room that night. Applying my military comando stealth experties to evade the
damn search lights and SP. LOL
The things I do for the women or love in my life.
My friends thought I was fucken nutz....
Well...oneday Michelle came into my work and waited for me to get off work.
My friends and co workers fell out of their god damn chair when she hug me and gave me a kiss after work.hahahaaaaa
Michelle also worked at the base at that time.
Guys where talking about her all the time. The beautiful chick that was suppost to be the General's daughter
that you're forbbiden to touch. lmao Michelle asked me out.