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My life didn't begin until I met Sophia. :p

Hahaha, okay. serious time. Um, nothing terribly exciting to say, but here goes.

born and raised in England. Typical school education. Went to college for a few years where I studied Art and then a little web design. Had a job for about a year, but had to leave after developing allergies to newspaper (which was no good since had to deal with newspapers all the time). Now forever seem to be looking for work.

Volunteered at a couple of charity shops. Currently volunteer at a charity shop and as a video games journalist. It's swell, I get some free games.
Age 0-11: Happy, normal life, had few friends.
Age 11-14: Bored, suicidal, angry, ugly (overweight), Middle School (no social contacts) and overall ****** life.
Age 15 (present): Homeschooled, good weight, good looks (sort of), outgoing, still no friends (yes, I'm working on that).
I was born in Manhattan, New York my parents were married my mother was 20 years old my dad was like 25-28. 8 pounds 9 ounces I believe. When I was two my father died none of this i remember just facts. I spent my time in kindergarten afraid to talk to the other kindergarten students. Though i did form a friendship with one other boy my age there I largely kept to myself not playing with anyone.

First grade a teacher decides that i move in my seat to much and fails me on test after test despite me putting the correct answers. I watch my mother yell at her and I feel a little bit better that I was not the one at fault.

second grade I play alone and talk to no one.

Third grade I move to California spending 6 months in San Francisco I spend most f my time in an apartment alone watching Barnie and being disgusted with myself for watching a Little kid show as well as being bored as all hell. Move from San Francisco to Torrence have one friend it goes decently. Mother meets a very bad boyfriend I do what i can to make him unhappy. I am ignored by my mother while she is in the relationship.

4th grade move to Burbank the boyfriend and I hate each other. I do my best to make him miserable whenever possible. i am made fun of at school regularly the teachers let it happen. My mother yells at the teacher who continues not to intervene. I get to the occasional fight which gives me unwarranted attention then returns to me being bullied.

4th grade My mother and I move in with her BF. We get cats who i love and love me. Bf and I still hate each other it increases. Mother largely losing her sanity while majorily ignoring me due to being in a relationship fights with bf because he is a dumb ****. Made fun of at school largely alone.

4th grade Mother breaks up with BF. Move back to Burbank new school. spend two months in 4th grade with 4th graders speak to no one. Boredom alone.

5th grade make friends with two people by the names of David and Jason. Emotional abuse with my mother begins. Numerous public humilations committed with her yelling at me in front of friends. Everyday my mother yells at me for not being able to finish my homework fast enough as I spend my days from 3 o clock to 8 o clock doing homework.

6th grade my routine of being insulted in the morning for not combing my hair correctly begins. Followed by her taking the comb from my hands and doing it herself. This continues until age 15 so wont be mentioned after this. I am doing badly in school so my mother begins to sit in on my classes to tell me to pay attention in class. I am largely embarassedly daily.

7th grade: While visiting my family in New York for the summer my grandfather comes back to California with us to sleep in my room in my bed. No one told me until the actual flight I never forgive anyone for it. Hating my grandfather I take what pleasure I can in causing him unhappiness in between being bullied at school. Every day for the next two years I am forced to go to bed at 10 o clock waiting to for my grandfather and mother to go to bed at 12 because his snoring wakes me up. So after waiting till 12 I go and sleep on the couch in the living room.
I become an athiest realizing that my mother is to stupid to know of such things.

8th grade I try to use the internet and fail as games bore me on it to quickly. I watch a lot of television in my room alone. Continual bullying. grandfather leaves.

9th grade continued bullying leads me to begin thinking about killing other students. A large amount of hatred causing me to explode with rage and get into fights. I enjoy that I am causing at least physical pain to them.

10th Grade After my mother tells me because I dont know how to comb my hair I will never amount to anything. I finally end her right to ground me, her right over my hair, and her right to control anything I do. I then become to work toward being dominant in our relationship in between bursts of rage where I remember all the things she had done negatively. For the next year I explode every single day with rage whenever she says or does anything in my general direction causing her to fear me.

11th grade The bullying stops, I gain two groups of friends female and male and take turns hanging out with both of them. My mother having enough of my rages beats me with a broom so i call the cops on her. With that act I establish I am in control of our relationship and for a time i am merely dismissive and passive of her. I gain a great history teacher who really sparks my love of education.

12 grade I gain great economics and government teachers, who continue to grow my love of learning. I go to prom have a decent time I am glad I went because I knew i would not idealize it.

18 life. My mother finds another BF I refuse to meet him as I have control of the relationship and want nothing to do with my mothers romantic life. She moves out of the apartment and I live there for a bit but lose the apartment. I move into a new apartment using the money i get from my fathers death i stay there for the next 6 years. Isolating myself from my mother i largely go through solo bouts of rage where i beat up things around my house or break my own property.

19 life. I am told that if I want life to get better I have to work to make it better. I begin to make my life better. Also lose my virginity it was terrible.

I passively do classes slowly getting up credits at college but not being passionate about it.

I spend an entire year alone doing nothing but playing video games and not talking to anyone.
I am intellectually and emotionally drained. I run across TEDTALKs and it reignites my intellectual passion but large chunks of the funny personality I had before are completely gone and I have yet to get them back.

2009-2011 Dont go to college in 2009 or most of 2010 start in 2010 get finicial aid start dramatically improving my life and become happy. Wikileaks breaks giving me passion within my major and indepedent research. I begin getting A's in my classes and have long term and short term goals. Continue to work toward who i want to be while still largely being alone despite trying to over come it.

*waits impatiently for more of Soph's story*

I'm not telling mine. You shall all have to wait for the movie.
I also want to continue by saying that, during public school I was put in a special P.E. class for peopl with disabilities and pregnant teens. We did softcore things (why am I making this sound like porn?), so no one would get hurt. Things which everyone could manage. My favorite activity was the archery unit.

Okay. Well, where did I leave off age wise? I sort of took a tangent there and told you general things about my public school days. I left off at age 6 didn't I.

When I was a bit older, let's say 8, I had another surgery done (It's so hard to remember them all. I once counted and came up to a total of 20) on my one eye because it had begun to wander and I couldn't pull it back into focus. The doctors told my mom that I would lose my eyesight unless I had surgery. So, I had that done. I didn't like that surgery much. I remember waking up in the recovery room and not being able to open my eyes because they burned. So I started crying out of fear, and because of the surgery, the tears weren't clear saline fluid, but rather mixed with a bit of blood.

Then after a few days in the hospital, it was time to adjust the eyesight of the eye that had been operated on. the way it was done, was, the doctor was going to take off a piece of surgical tape he had attached to the side of my head, near where my temple was, and insert some forceps and twist an optical muscle until my vision came into focus. I remember not wanting to do this. I didn't like the thought of him doing that at all, but eventually it was done and...well, the sensation was weird, as he twisted the forcep my vision came into focus, and I told him when to stop to let him know when my vision was clear.

Then it was just fixed at that twisted point. My eyes burned for a couple days afterwards but overall the surgery was a success.

I have 20-25 vision now.

Also at age 8, I got a dog again and this time, the dog didn't die. I named him Winston. He's still around too. A little black miniature poodle. I remember taking him to a training class. He failed, but it was an interesting experience. He's 14 years old now but still loves to cuddle with me when I read in an armchair and lick my cheek.

To be continued.
When i was 9-10 (the nurse that I had loved had definitely moved away by this time), that's when things began to get bad at home. I began asking to see a counselor at school over it. My father became very angry about that, and yelled at me for wanting to see one. I felt afraid a lot at home, it wasn't a very safe environment and I refuse to go into depth with it because it is too painful to write.

That was also the year I learned multiplication and long division, which will always be seared into my memory because I can't count the number of times I practiced and practiced my multiplication tables until I learned them. I even did it over summer break, which I hated.

Long division was a struggle for me, more so than multiplication. I remember having to stay in from recess to learn it.

At that time, (sorry things are trickling back for me as I write) I had a group of friends that moved with me from year to year. About five girls that moved with me from first grade to sixth grade. Two of them were fluent in sign language and the rest were semi-fluent.

I also remember playing out on the playground after it had rained, the blacktop was still wet and there were beams of light filtering out of the sky. This boy came up to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder, I asked him what the beams of light were and he said "that's jesus taking souls up to heaven"

I'll never forget that memory, I doubt he even remembers it. In later years i remember seeing him out on the playground when it was cold outside with just a t-shirt on, and I remember him being placed in a classroom where behaviorally disturbed kids were taught. I never saw him again.

I still remember that memory though.

To be continued.
When I was 11, my parents seperated for good, but not after a long and bitter seperation involving...lots of things which I am leaving out because, again, they are too painful to write down. They got a divorce and visitation began between my mom and dads house. I never wanted to go and see my dad, i disliked it. I distrusted him, and didn't feel safe.

I remember praying a lot as a child to God about my dad, praying that he would "get better", praying that I would be kept safe.

Well, he never got better, but I am safe now. So maybe my prayers were answered in a way.

During this time, my interpreter which I had had through kindergarten left her job as my interpreter at school because she was pregnant with her first child.


I think I want to break with my narrative a little bit to describe some places in my childhood which I visited regularly for vacation.

One was my grandparents house in the mid-west, where they own a confectionary store that has been handed down in the family since my great grandfather came over from greece and went through ellis island. I still go there every year, and help them with the store for a few weeks during their busy season. They're old now, but, they have an unbelievable protestant work-ethic which I could never match even in my wildest dreams.

Another place I visited as a child often was a small farm house in the woods which a company had bought for their employees to use as a hunting ground. It was in the middle of a huge pine forest, and was quite old. I remember going to a place in the woods with some cracked tombstones, and being told that the farm house occupants had died of measles in the past (well maybe not measles, but some disease) It kind of creeped me out as a kid. That, and the way the whole upstairs was fileld with metal bunk-beds. I think there were 21 beds in all there and one phone in the entire house, no internet, and no cable.

I remember trying to stuff up a hole in one of the old floorboards (they had lost any shine years ago and were just....welll, gray, worn out things) with balls of tin foil because I was afraid a rat would crawl through it while I was sleeping.

There was also an attic infested with bat droppings and an old dangerous-looking metal farm equiment part just laying there. I snuck up there once, just to see what was up there.

Then there was the barn, which was also dark, and had chains hanging from hooks in it, and a small spring house with an old tin cup hanging by an old rusty nail inside the door (I snuck in there too).

there was also a little stream that ran across the back yard right outside the back door, which had a walk-way bridge built over it that led to a pond with a little dock and a small row boat.

Interesting place.

I'll save the last place for later.

To Be Continued
The last place I remember visiting frequently was the new jersey shore. My grandmother owned a small house on it, and every summer, my aunt, uncle & his wife, and my dad would take turns having a week long vacation there.

I remember surf fishing, playing in the samd, going mini golfing, walking my dog, my parents fighting, my dad going to drink, collecting sea shells, playing with mole crabs, washing out the sand in my bathing suit in an outside shower (they had a lot of those there), fishing with my grandfather on his boat and catching a ton of croakers and flounder (which we then ate), sand sculpture competitions, fireworks over the beach.

Lots of memories there & that concludes the places I visited as a child.

When I was 11, I began to read a lot because of the disharmony at home. I read a lot of fantasy books. The Redwall series by Brian Jacques was my favorite. I remember reading certain books in that series 5x. I was obsessed with it, and longed to live in that world because it was better than home. I also read His Dark Materials by Phillip Pullman, The Abhorsen Series by Garth Nix, The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis, A Wrinkle In Time series by Madeline L' Engle and the first two Harry Potter books.

Books were my escape. They were how I coped.

When my dad left, I remember packing up all of his books, and trying to give him the box as he was leaving. To me, books were the most important thing to pack, to him, they were the least important. I pretty much, in my own way, helped him pack when he was leaving the family.

My brother was crying and begging him not to leave. I was helping him pack.

When I was 12, I remember climbing trees a lot in my back yard. I was a tom boy. I also fished and ran around looking for cool things in our yard. Sometimes I did find cool things, such as a deer skull, or a fish skeleton. I built a fort under the bowers of some honeysuckle bushes which were hidden by piles of logs and I would hide there when it was time to do homework.

This was also the year when my group of friends was split up. The group of friends which had been with me since 1st grade. I remember the teacher saying "I put in a reccomendation that you be split up." I don't understand still why he did that, what's wrong with having a group of friends that can talk to you? Maybe he wanted me to experience the "real world".

The next year, I was transferred to the middle school, it was 7th grade, and I remember not really having any friends that year. I saw on of my friends sometimes when I went to visit her on purpose in another classroom, but that year, I was pretty much alone.

I do remember a specific teacher though. It was my geology teacher and she took a shine to me. I remember teaching her a sign every day and when she was in a bad mood with the rest of the class, she was always nice to me.

I also remember this year as the year I started writing poetry. Lots and lots of poetry. So much poetry in fact that my mom put in a personal order at a print shop in iowa to put my poetry into a book and then sent me off to a poetry competition convention in d.c. I didn't win, but the experience was one I will never forget. I don't like my poems from that self published anthology anymore but the memory is wonderful.

Summer of this year, I went to disney world. It was here that my feeding tube began to fail in my stomach and I had to have emergency surgery in florida during my vacation to get a new feeding tube because the old one was disintigrating in my stomache. My dad had taken me to Disney, and acted as though my condition was a hindrance to his vacation.

8th grade, the year I turned 14. I had a lot of things happen that year.

this was the year I:

- Stopped talking to my dad.
-Stopped visitation with my dad.
- Had to be psychologically evaluated several times.
- Fell in with a group of kids that were mentally unstable.
-Met my first love.

I will only talk about the last two in depth.

I made friends this year. Three of them. Let's make up names for them. Melissa. Heather, Kirsten.

Melissa was a strange girl. She had long reddish hair that reached to her waist. She had this unique laugh and ate lunch with me sometimes. She smoked pot and I remember her coming to school high one time and putting her arm around me and then falling down laughing and giggling in the middle of the school lobby. She cut herself, and in later years went on several psychiatric meds, attempted suicide etc.

Heather was another strange girl, though, at this time she didn't seem that strange. I think she cut herself as well and was always mooning after one boy or another.

Kirsten was the most balanced of the 3, she had endured rape by a family member at a young age and cut as well, but, her cutting it seemed, was a way to escape the emotional numbing she felt as a consequence of her past, rather than any innate biological mental imbalance. She confided a lot in me that year.

Onto the 2nd thing which happened that year.

I met my first love. Lets call him Mike. He had curly brown hair, and had the exact same disability as I did. We met through a plastic reconstructive surgeon which my mom had taken me to to reconsider another reconstruction attempt for me. I fell in love with him. I remember first visiting him. He gave me a poetry book and a wax corn-shaped candle. I still have the poetry book. I broke the candle.

I remember reading The Diary of a Young Girl, by Anne Frank that year. I empathized a lot with anne frank, and her first love, Peter. To me, Peter = Mike and Anne = Me because we were the same ages. Anne was 14, Peter was 16 (so was Mike).

This was also the first year I remember feeling depressed & alienated from other people. I would walk alone a lot in the woods, listening to other children play on the other side of some pine trees..and I felt so alone. I would go and walk in the woods, down a ravine to a stream. The neighbors had granted me permission to walk on their land, which was a wooded area, so I did. I would sit by the stream and imagine bringing my friends there and having a great time, it never happened of course, but, those were my daydreams. I also built a stick bridge over the stream and climbed into an old rickety tree house which was built for my cousins (my uncle & aunt live close to me) and I would sit there until it became dark outside, then I would go home.

Sorry if that sounds weird. Oh well.

Onto 9th grade. I was 14-15 years old at this time.

This was the year I got on the distinguished honor roll and the regular honor roll the second semester. I worked so hard this year to offset the bad grades I had gotten the previous year.

I was still dating Mike. It was long distance and no one believed that I was able to feel love for a person at that age, so I kept it a secret because my mom didn't want me to date someone that had a disability like I did (because he couldn't support me).

I met this boy, lets call him Brad, that liked me at school. Brad had cerebral Palsy and I remember writing back and forth to him, snail letters. He was obsessed with celine Dion and Barabara Streisand. Every letter he wrote to me, he mentioned them, and he passed me a lot of notes that year. Sweet boy, but I turned him down. He wasn't smart enough for me.

Also this year, Melissa and Heather started to date each other. I found out in physics class when one of my classmates leaned over to me and said "You know Melissa and Heather are dating right?" I looked at him and said "No they arent!" But he kept insisting that they were.

Heh, so, then, When i invited either of them to eat lunch with me at the nurses station, they would be making out while I was trying to eat lunch.

You know what I did? I broke them up, because I felt like Melissa wasn't good for Heather. Melissa was in my music history class, and for weeks, sat behind me and threatened me with angry glares and a note which said she would kill me. My nurse and interpreter tried to block her from intimidating me.

She was an angry, violent, unstable girl, and, well, still is. I do believe she is capable of harming someone greviously, physically as well as emotionally.

During the summer of that year, i volunteered at a camp for kids on ventilators. It was in the same state as I was, and a lot of the kids were quadriplegics in wheelchairs that got around by blow-sticks or buttons which they pressed with their heads. I had never seen so many people in one place that had traches like I did before. It was a nice experience, I helped a young boy that had contracted meningitus when he was young, and had gone deaf and bow-legged because of it. I helped interpret for him because I could hear well enough with my hearing aides.

When I was in 10th grade...

I made the honor roll again. I still was dating Mike I think. This year I was in honors english because the previous year, 9th grade, i had written a 6 page paper on alexander the great, after which, the teacher sat me down and told me that she thought I should be in an honors english class.

During this time I was having extensive work done on my teeth orthodontically (the work actually started when i was 14, but i decided not to put it in since I had written so much already about that year). Most people need braces, i understand this, but, again, because my body is fooked up, my case was "unusual". My upper arch was so small that I had to have numerous expanders put in, and a special orthodontist reccomended by the plastic resonstructive surgeon I had seen in New York.

Every day, my mom would have to add a crank to the expander, and I hated the appointments because it hurt and it hurt because there wasn't a lot of room for the orthodontist to work with. The braces hurt more though, for a year or so I couldn't smile because, smiling put tension on the braces and the braces cut into my cheeks, which hurt. So, it hurt to smile, so, i didn't smile as much.

That summer, i volunteered again at the ventilator camp. Afterwards...well...i kind of went a little crazy that summer.

I thought my house was haunted. Strange things would happen, like my foot going ice-cold while I was talking to Mike online, but the other foot being warm as could be. When I would lay down at night, it felt as though something was bumping into my bed when i was on the verge of sleep. Nudging me awake. I felt cold sometimes when I would stand in a particular place in the house, and it was SUMMER, i should've been sweating. There were also strange thumping noises. Like i would be watching tv, and there would be a thump from the other room, and then again.

I wasn't sleeping very well. I was sleeping with the lights on, because that seemed to make my bed be bumped less and I felt safer that way.

Eventually I learned to ignore it, and it went away.

Also during that summer I went to another camp. This camp was at the college I now attend. It was a forensics science camp and I stayed there for 2 weeks learning about criminal forensics. It was the first time I had been around other people that signed like I did and I felt sad when I left that place because i had felt understood there.

I remember when i was 16, i began to have nurses come over to my house again to help take care of me.

I wanted to go back to the place where everyone signed. I tried to convince my mom to let me go to the boarding school there, which was filled with other kids that signed too. She wouldn't let me though because I couldn't change my trache or g tube.

I had a phobia regarding my trache and g-tube. When i was around 2 years old, I had a bad experience with a trache change. The manufacturer had put the wrong size in the package, one size too big, so the trache had to be shoved in so it would fit. Ever since that incident I've had a phobia about trache changes. Afraid that without it, i would stop breathing and die.

I was afraid to change my feeding tube, because every time in the past (until I got a new feeding tube when i was 13,) they had to pull it out with forceps during a doctor's appointment. It was made of hard, uneasily bent plastic, and it hurt every time it was changed (which was 1x a year).

So two fears which I had to overcome to be able to attend the school I wanted to go to.

I was able to overcome them with the help of a psychologist. First, the feeding tube, then the trache.

I desensitized myself.

11th grade was particularly uneventful. I was in honors english again and an honors history, but my grades were slipping. I stopped caring as much about school.

I began to maladaptively daydream. (go look it up, it's only been recently I've been able to put a name to it).

Kirsten and I had physics class together and she kept telling me how she was cutting, so, eventually I told the school nurse, because I was concerned about my friend. Kirsten was angry at me, very angry, she yelled at me about how she had trusted me and then stopped talking to me. Years later she thanked me for it saying the counseling the school had given her had helped her to stop cutting herself.

My second interpreter left, after we had an argument, which I told my mom about. My mom then called the school and complained, then my interpreter was fired for it. My nurse that I had had since 7th grade became sick, so I had numerous replacement nurses and interpreters. None of who I liked or particularly remember.

That summer I had another surgery, this one was in NYC, to break open my palate. I might've had this earlier, maybe when i was 15 or 14, but i can't exactly place the time-line on this. It probably happened before I had my orthodontic work since my palate had fused together and the surgery was meant to saw it apart so that orthodontic work could be done. Anyways I remember being walked into the surgery room, which was unusual for me because usually they would wheel me in on a hospital bed, with a nice warm blanket laid over me, all toasty warm. But, this time, i walked in, and I saw a bunch of surgical materials laying out, silver, gleaming, forceps, scapels. It creeped me out. Then they had me lie down in a spread-eagle position and strapped down my arms before they put me under.

I remember waking up from that surgery without a trache in. I freaked out (because you know, my phobia?), and then went back to sleep because of the anesthetic, then i woke up and freaked out again (they still hadn't found a replacement trache), then i woke up and they had finally intubated me again.

For a while after that surgery I had a lot of swelling to my face, which took some time to go down.

To Be Continued.

The next year was my senior year of high school. So I moved away from my hometown and went to live at a boarding school for a year where everyone signed. The year was an interesting one.

The first quarter I got on the honor roll, first time since 10th grade.

I made friends with the social outcasts. Most of which ended up graduating with a merit diploma (the best diploma that school had to offer), and being in the national honor society. It was also the group where a lot of the kids got picked on.

I remember one boy who sat with me at lunch (I would go eat lunch really fast and then come upstairs and talk with my friend). I will call him Gary. He was really shy and gentle. One day, he wasn't at the table when i arrived in the morning (I ate in the dorm before everyone else ate breakfast and then left with everyone when the dorm staff closed down the dorms) and I asked where he was, and one of my other lunchmates told me he had left the school in the middle of the night because he had been attacked by one of the other boys with a metal pipe at his dorm.

This horrified me, the boy was so gentle and kind, and had never done anyone any harm. The guy who tried to beat him with the pipe got kicked out of the school.

I got bullied as well, people would come up to me randomly in the hall and tell me I was ugly, throw clay balls at me in class, dump cereal on my head. By the end of the year though, it all died down, when I didn't react to any of it (except to report it) and when a lot of my harassers transferred schools.

At my lunch table sat...Gary, a quiet light-skinned tall black boy who smiled a lot and after school became a monk (I'll refer to him as Tim), a young man from india who I will refer to as Eugene, a boy who had immigrated from Israel who I will call Yarrick, and a muslim girl who I will call Amelia.

Eugene had a crush on me for part of the year and even asked me to prom, no one had ever asked me to a dance before, and I felt upset when he backed out on me for religious reasons. I wanted to experience going to a dance with someone just once. He would always tell me how beautiful I was, in a way that made me laugh. He had a way of doing it with a flourish, and I would blush, and then, smile, but I was dating someone else at the time who I never mentioned to hardly anyone. Eventually Eugene got over his crush.

Yarrick was a strange boy. He never showered, spoke with a lisp, and spit on you sometimes, drug his heels when he walked...etc. He was also a compulsive liar and suffered from depression but I didn't figure that out until later. I dated him for a week, until I dumped him because he said he was embarrassed to be with me.

Also that year...I was in the academic bowl. The academic bowl is a trivia competition league, and I got on the team of 4 people out of 20 that applied. We ultimately reached 3rd in the atlantic league out of 16 teams. Not bad really.

So, then, I was admitted into the National Honor Society. I recieved two scholarships (one of which I lost), an award for reading, and a merit diploma.

Let's not forget Louis.

I met Louis hmm when i was in 11th grade or during the summer when i was 17. I met him online, fell in love with him, dumped Mike to be with him. Then he dumped me a year later because I was too moody. Serves me right for being so emotionally open with people. I learned from this and have never really been emotionally open again.

I was so emotionally sensitive back then. It was torture.

I remember in october, Mike found out I was dating Louis, and became enraged. I had invited him to my boarding school for a movie and he asked me if I was dating anyone else (I had told him I wasn't. a lie.), so I told him the truth.

Mike never forgave me for that.

If any of this sounds complicated to you, reader, it's because it is complicated.

Bones said:
Sophia, I really admire your courage. Thank you for sharing your life experiences.

Thank you Bones, though I don't think I did anything other than lie there and let the doctors do the cutting. Ya' know? :)

I am determined to finish my life story before Hurricane Irene takes out my power.

So, Wow, I am remembering that the summer after my senior year I had another surgery. (see I told you I've had loads...)

This one was to revise my trache site. I was getting numerous infections and developed a fistula, which the doctors thought was possibly making my infections worse. So I had that surgery done, and instead of a vertical scar (which I had from birth because they had trouble finding my trachea) I now have a horizontal scar from the revision. I stayed with my old nurse when i was recovering from the surgery. It was the first time I had seen her since my graduation.

So i spent 3 weeks with her, visiting different land-marks in her area. Sitting on the beach with her, reading war and peace, collecting sea-shells, discovering whirlpools, visiting light houses, touring a mansion, touring a house nathaniel hawthorne had written about, visiting her family, etc.

Then, my first semester at college. I will save that for another time though.

So i decided to go to a big college in a big city. I get there and i have an anxiety attack because I feel as though I don't fit in or belong there at all ( i feel dishuman), my mom has to take me home

During that semester I meet Natalie, and Amy. Natalie I met at a christian youth group, and in one of my classes, amy was a dorm neighbor of mine that lived across the hall from me.

Natalie was a quiet/shy girl, she wore glasses, loved to watch house, was a fan of digimon, drew anime quite well and loved Kurt from the x men comics. In short, she was a geek. We hung out a lot watching the TV series Heroes and she threw me my first suprise party I had ever had in my life, then, in the middle of it, I got kicked out of the dorm because she left me unattended and it was against dorm rules. :p She was a English and Japanese major.

Amy was interesting. A tom boy, independent and hated the girly-girls she was forced to room with. :D Kind of hilarious really when I look back on that. She fenced with the school fencing team, and was a film major. Most of her friends were boys and she made up interesting names for them like, Chief. Her own nick name was Crazy. :)

I joined a sorority that semester. I only got in because I knew sign language. The girls were largely pretty, snobby types. I was close to none of them.

Despite my two friends, i felt very alone because I most of the time just sat in my room at college, without a room mate, alone. I began to think that having sex, getting rid of my virginity would make me feel less isolated and freakish. So i began to talk to shady people online, considering having sex with some stranger.

I didn't go through with it obviously. It felt too...risky. I contemplated it, thought about it, but ultimately decided it was too risky to do.

My grades tanked. I came out of that semester with a 1.17 gpa. This was the first time I contemplated killing myself after that semester. I lost my scholarship, and was told I had to get my gpa back up before i could obtain it again.

I felt humiliated.

If you want more of my life-story you have to PM me and ask me for more. I can't continue to write it in public anymore.

I feel too embarrassed to post mine, but I really enjoy reading everyone else's :)

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